Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today's News

CM Punk:

More on CM Punk's apparent resignation from WWE has emerged.

PWI report the reasons for Punk leaving are, Burnout, a bad run of nagging injuries, and a disagreement with the office over his Mania feud vs Triple H. The office saw this is a big push for him, Punk disagreed, which bruised Hunter's ego, and caused some tensions. Triple H has stepped aside and is allowing Vince McMahon to deal with the situation.

The stories about the script re-writes being caused by Punk's exit have been dismissed, he did not tell Vince he was leaving until 7.30, the script rewrites started at 6.00.

The Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston match was elongated to fill time set aside for Punk.

Sheamus will fulfill Punk's dates on SmackDown and live shows.

WWE creative had known he was likely to leave in 2014, for several weeks, but it is not known if they had prepared an exit story for him.

ESPN report a ''Heated'' backstage argument involving Punk at Raw. He had been concussion tested following a knock at the Rumble, he passed the tests, but WWE wanted him to sell the injury, he was not happy about lying to fans and fiercely fought against it. This may have been the trigger for him to decide he had had enough, although as Punk has not yet commented, we can't know for sure.

Personally, I would say not, this seemed to be on his mind at a fan convention he attended over the Royal Rumble weekend, where he made a series of comments, which in hindsight would point to this coming...

* He said he was worn out, and ready to do nothing but stay on his couch and do nothing.

* He said he was sick of travelling.

* He revealed he has had a long term illness, that no amount of doctor's visits could find a diagnosis to. Plus having to start eating meat again, to help with the problem that lasted for 3 months at the end of 2013.

* He criticised Batista for coming back and taking the chance other stars deserve.

* He also criticised the creative department, calling them out of touch.

* He said he did not want to see Sting come in, saying he was past it, and would take away chances for younger stars.

* He declared an interest in going to UFC, when he is healthy enough to do it properly.

* And that he has plenty of money, and didn't need a weekly pay cheque any more.

Others have commented on the news...

TNA star Bully Ray has challenged the former World Champion to switch to TNA, to get in the ring with him, saying the promotions fans would love it.

And Ryback has tweeted that he plans on harvesting Punk's move set...

"I call dibs on GTS, Pepsi Plunge and running knee in corner. I am sure Sheamus will take the rest."

Kevin Nash...

"Punks beat up and burned out,works his ass off.Phil is a very smart guy he may just need to decompress."

Mick Foley...

"I know that CMPunk has been frustrated for quite some time. To his great credit, he never let that prevent him from giving less than 100%"

Dolph Ziggler tweeted that he has no intention of following Punk's lead, and will not be quitting, at least for another year.

Bellator MMA have already declared an interest in signing him.

Elimination Chamber:

Potential SPOILERS!!!!

Triple H offered Brock Lesnar a chance at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, but he turned down an Elimination Chamber qualifier match on Raw. There is some talk he may turn up at the PPV and take a spot earned by someone else, by attacking the star backstage, that star would likely by Christian. If Lesnar does not appear at the EC, we won't see him until the WrestleMania 30 stories start, his next planned match is at Mania, in New Orleans. WWE may still go with the angle of Christian being beaten up and taken out, with someone else taking the spot, but they have not yet decided who would take his place.


Tyson Kidd vs Spirit Squad:

Tyson Kidd took a shot at the former WWE group on Twitter...

"Such a great run the first time I think it's ok not to revisit it. Only 1 of them hasn't gone off the deep end"

The end is Probably referring to Dolph Ziggler, I don't know what his issues are with the other members.


TNA will premiere Impact on Challenge TV, direct from Glasgow tonight. This will be the first time the UK fans get the show before the fans in the USA. They have been going hard promoting the event, with an ad fronted by TNA Champ Magnus airing for most of this week on British TV. The show was taped earlier this afternoon, so will not air live.

WWE target Prince Devitt was backstage at last night's Dublin show.

Kurt Angle was injured (Leg) at the Dublin show, and was limping badly as he left the arena. Angle was beat up even before the show, and is in need of knee surgery. This could take a large chunk of his remaining 8 months with TNA away from him, depending on the severity of the damage.

Matt Hardy:

TMZ report the fight between Matt Hardy and his Wife Reby Sky started because she asked if he had been drinking or using other substances. They say they have no plans to split.

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan will be the guest host of WrestleMania 30, similar to the role The Rock had at Mania 27.

Extreme Rules:

WWE have changed the venue for this years Extreme Rules, and moved it to Daniel Bryan's home town of Seattle. This could mean he has a big role planned for the show. The event is on May 4.


Daily Sports in Japan have reported that WWE have offered Kenta a WWE deal. This is not confirmed, and is likely premature. He is at the PC this week having a try out, and may be used at tonight's NXT taping's.

Ric Flair signs for WWE?:

Ric Flair may have signed a WWE deal, he told an indy promoter that he was in talks for an appearance with, that he could not confirm the gig, until he got WWE office approval.


WWE sent a memo to their merchandise department last week to start working on Sting related product's such as T-Shirt's. The name they were told to use was ''A Man Called Sting''.

The contract is not yet signed, but is all but done, according to insiders.

Total Diva's:

E! have released an ad for Series 2 of the WWE ''Reality'' show...

WWE are not expected to release JoJo, but she may be dropped from the series to make way for new addition Summer Rae.


WWE have signed a 5 year deal at a major fee increase, with BSkyB. The major change will see all 12 WWE PPV's air on their Box Office pay to view channel, they had in the past held some events on their direct TV channels, with the big events, such as Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series aired on the Box Office channel. To re-coop their outlay on this deal, Sky have decided they must charge for all PPV shows going forward.

Gail Kim video interview:


* A WWE return...

* Kharma's debut...

* Not being pretty enough for WWE...

* The Battle Royal and quitting WWE...

* Retirement...

And more...

Savage to Hall Of Fame?:

A possible clue to an induction for the Macho Man has been announced today. The second statue in the WWE / Todd McFarlane partnership will be of him, and will be released in April.

Based on his attire from his WWF Title defense at WrestleMania 5, it will look something like this (Photo).

Darren Young:

Darren Young has been nominated for an award by GLAAD for coming out on the Ellen show.

Prince Devitt:

Prince Devitt will make up his mind on joining WWE in the next two weeks. Despite attending a TNA show last night, he will not be joining them, he is very unlikely to give up his lucrative contract with NJPW for a TNA deal.

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