Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Today's News

Sting to WWE:

Rob Feinstein has announced that Sting signed his WWE deal in the past 24 hours. That is at this time unconfirmed officially by Sting, or the promotion.

However details of the talks, which PWI confirm have been ongoing for some time have emerged. Firstly the deal MUST be done within the next two weeks, probably meaning they want to use him for the Network Raw launch party, or WrestleMania.

Also being discussed...

* His creative do's and don'ts...

* The schedule he is prepared to work (Number of dates)...

* Returning to TNA for one more year, before coming to WWE in 2015.

* An appearance at WrestleMania 30.

* Being an ambassador for WCW, in representing the promotion and the Network.

Also the match vs The Undertaker likely will not happen at WrestleMania 30, even if/when this is confirmed, Brock is almost certainly Taker's opponent, despite the Dead man's reservations. However the match may happen at Mania 31, followed by a Hall Of Fame induction, probably in 2016.

It is said that Sting realizes that if he is ever going to have a run with WWE, now has got to be the time, and is eager to get the deal done.

Feinstein says Sting will likely debut the night after WrestleMania on Raw, and will work a set number of dates, including one ''Major'' match at WrestleMania 31.


Hall Of Famer Edge's TV show ''Haven'' has been renewed for a fifth series.


Cody Rhodes has bursitis on his Elbow, following a chair attack by Brock Lesnar on Raw.

Foley makes good on promise:

Mick Foley has made good on his promise to smash his TV if Daniel Bryan did not win the Royal Rumble match, although he used a baseball bat instead of a brick, because the brick just ''Bounced off''...

He also reiterated that his rant against WWE was meant, and not an angle.

Hall Of Famer to be re-investigated:

The death, 30 years ago, of the mistress of Superfly Jimmy Snuka is to be re-investigated by the grand jury, after a request by the late ladies Sister. This may cause some worries for Vince McMahon, who, it is alleged, handed police a briefcase at an interview on the matter at the time, and Snuka was no longer interviewed about the incident, the case was dropped soon after.

Her sister said of the news...

"I'm kind of in, like, total shock. This is something that should have happened 30-some-odd years ago. But at least it's happening now."

Here is a video of Snuka discussing the incident, whilst promoting his book last year...

Sin Cara:

The Original Sin Cara says WWE have stopped returning his phone calls, and he has no idea about his contractual status.

Elimination Chamber:

WWE considered having Batista and Alberto Del Rio join the Elimination Chamber match briefly, possibly with Batista cashing in his Royal Rumble title shot early. This may have been a response to the Rumble fan reaction. They will not be in the Chamber, the final two spots were confirmed at last nights SmackDown taping.

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family was confirmed by Triple H at SmackDown.

NXT star debuts:

Lana, valet of Alexander Rusev made her main roster debut, in the corner of her man as he wrestled Tyson Kidd at last night's Main Event taping.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Elimination Chamber qualifier, Antonio Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler.

* Fandango vs Xavier Woods.

* Prime Time Playaz vs RybAxel.

* Elimination Chamber qualifier, Christian vs Jack Swagger.

* Damien Sandow vs Kofi Kingston.

* Cody Rhodes vs Road Dogg Jesse James.

* Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio & Sheamus vs The Shield.


Lesnar fined:

WWE say Brock Lesnar was fined $10,000 for assaulting referee Mike Chioda at the Royal Rumble.

Kurt Angle interview:

On TNA's recent losses...

''It's tough, even Hulk Hogan was a tough loss to accept. Sting has been the cornerstone of the company, Jarrett founded the company and I think he might be the best heel in the business, and AJ is just the best athlete I've ever been in the ring with.''

He went on to urge younger stars, such as Bobby Roode, Austin Aries and James Storm to step up to fill the gap.

On Vince McMahon and Dixie Carter...

''You can't compare Vince to anybody, if it wasn't for Vince McMahon I wouldn't be here talking to you. He knows how to make money and make stars, I wouldn't be working for Dixie Carter right now if it wasn't for Vince McMahon doing what he did for me. Dixie is a woman and she has that caring aspect about her, sometimes she lets personal [issues] get involved with business because she can't help it. She cares about the wrestlers and their wellbeing and their welfare. Other than that I think Dixie has done a great job, we are talking about a woman that has been involved in the entertainment business but not the wrestling business.

CM Punk quits WWE:

CM Punk has walked out of WWE. He told Vince McMahon that he was ''Going home'' just hours before Raw went on air on Monday, and that is, at least in part, a reason for the last minute re-writes. He was set to face Antonio Cesaro in a one on one Elimination Chamber qualifying match, and was set to lose, with interference by Kane, costing him the spot, leading to a match between the two at the PPV next month. That likely will not now happen, he has been removed from all WWE advertised events, including WrestleMania 30. His planned match vs Triple H will instead see Daniel Bryan face the cerebral assassin.

WWE had reportedly resigned themselves to losing Punk in July, when his contract was due to end, but had plans for big matches for him going into 2014, including Triple H at Mania, and Batista at SummerSlam, which actually would have taken place after his deal had ended.

Backstage reports of his reasoning for making the move now, are said to be, Batista winning the Rumble and going on to Mania, despite clearly not being in shape to do so. Being told that he would not main event WrestleMania this year, (This is his main goal left in wrestling), and being rejected in his request to induct Ultimate Warrior into the Hall Of Fame, he is also said to be burnt out and unhappy with the company's planned direction. Colleagues say he has saved his money, and doesn't need it any more, even the prospect of a big Mania pay day couldn't keep him from throwing his hand in.

Others less complimentary about Punk say he has been in a ''P*ssy'' mood for a while, and that knowing the only goal he has left is unlikely to happen (Main eventing Mania), due to being out of his control, has eaten away at him.

His only comment since was on Twitter...

"Thanks for all the support. Keep being you guys, it's pretty cool."

Friends of the star say he will be retired, Gabe Sapolsky says there is more chance of Triple H turning up for an indy show than Punk, and that once his WWE career is over, so is his wrestling career.

The WWE have unfollowed him on Twitter, and TMZ report he has no plans to come back.

There has been few comments from the roster, bar a cheeky tweet by the oft outspoken JTG, who blamed Lita being a witch for the issues with Punk and Matt Hardy, men she has dated in the past.

And this from John Cena...

"Interesting time 4 @WWEUniverse on both sides of curtain. Strap in, hold on, 1 helluva ride is coming! wrestlemania30"


WWE have applied for a TradeMark for the name ''SmackDown'', as they prepare to take the show live.

They have posted an advert for an international writer to join their creative department.

They have rescheduled a trip to Saudi Arabia. The trip will now be in April.

Prince Devitt:

WWE are growing tired of waiting for indy star Prince Devitt, an insider says he needs to make up his mind ''Soon'' in the offer of a WWE developmental contract.

Colt Cabana:

WWE are expected to use Colt Cabana as a host on their Network.

WWE Alum arrested:

Matt Hardy and his Wife Reby Sky were arrested after a domestic disturbance between the two on New Years day. Graphic mugshots for the pair have been released by TMZ, and are posted here.

Jeff Jarrett announcement delayed:

Jeff Jarrett has decided to wait until after WrestleMania season to launch his new promotion.

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