Thursday, January 16, 2014

Today's News

Ultimate Warrior:

The Ultimate Warrior has been tweeting about his Hall Of Fame induction, and it sounds like it is going to be a happening...

"Statement? Sure. First one to try to limit WWEHOF speech to 140 anything - characters/words/pages//minutes/hours - gets clothesline."

"Predictions, speculation, guesses...even after 18 years one UW power has not diminished at all...His power to fascinate imaginations.WWEHOF"

"First time in my WWE career everyone is in total, absolute agreement: 'You don't want to miss the UltimateWarrior WWEHOF speech.' I agree"

The deal was signed a week before Christmas, and Hulk Hogan is currently favourite to induct him.

AJ Lee comments on milestone:

AJ Lee has reacted to becoming the longest reigning Diva's Champion...

"It's official. Longest reigning Diva's champ. 213 and counting. Time to party. And by party, I mean eat ice cream in bed with only half the shame I would normally have."


Kaitlyn's decision to quit was somewhat of a snap one it seems, only a couple of people were aware she was about to leave before she did, usually talents give weeks or months of notice before doing so, to be written out properly.

The Miz:

The Miz joined the commentary team for this weeks SmackDown, WWE may be making the move permanent, depending on the reaction he gets after the show airs.

TNA releases:

Mike Knox and Garrett Bischoff are expected to soon join Jay Bradley and Wes Brisco out the door, as TNA restructure their roster.

Ryback bottles out:

Ryback backed out of an arm wrestling contest with Titus O'Neill recently, the pair arranged to have the contest, and the loser would make a financial donation to a charity of the winner's choice. No word on why O'Neill challenged Reeves, but the Ryback would not accept.

Not shy, Ryback has tweeted about this...

"Internet thank you. For the record Daniel Bryan created arm wrestling contest not a challenge from Titus. Internet quit botching your news!"

Daniel Bryan is one of few friends Ryback has in WWE, so if this, as reported in the Wrestling Observer, was meant as a dig at D-Bry, it is a strange one, but this is Ryback...

WWE may be using Ryback's recent Twitter rant as a story angle, they had him do laps around the ring during Main Event this week, and the announce team compared his actions to his recent Twitter tirade.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan's heel turn and time with the Wyatt's was supposed to a long term angle, but WWE have decided he is too over to be heel and slammed the brakes on to bring the story to a close and re-turn him.

No word yet on his injury status.

Chris Jericho:

WWE continue to deny Jericho will return in March, but WWE insiders are suggesting he may be around in some capacity for WrestleMania season, which starts around the time he is rumoured to be coming back.


WWE are set to end talks for a WrestleMania return for Goldberg, the two sides are still a long way apart on agreeing a financial package, and the deal for him to come back to face Ryback is said to be ''Close to dead''.


Batista agreed to return to WWE last September, and signed his two year contract in October.


As noted yesterday, Evan Bourne may be making his WWE return in the Royal Rumble match. He has been ready to go for some time, but WWE creative had not come up with a story for him, bringing him back at the Rumble means they wouldn't need to have an angle prepared. They may be doing the same with Christian.


WWE NXT Diva's Champion Paige is to return to work on Monday. The Wrestling Observer (Meltzer) say she wasn't injured, but had to deal with a personal issue away from the WWE. WWE say she was hurt, but did not specify what the issue was.

Rehab for WCW man:

Bobby Eaton is going to enter WWE rehab as soon as he is healthy enough to do so.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

WWE say Jake The Snake's Raw appearance was a one night deal. They are possibly playing down his status to make it a surprise when he does come back, either in the Royal Rumble, or as expected, enters this years Hall Of Fame class.

He has also shared what made Dean Ambrose laugh during the segment, his Snake defecated on his chest as Jake put it on him and CM Punk told him what had happened, Ambrose couldn't control the laughter, and it showed on camera.

Sting to WWE:

WWE are reportedly talking to Sting. His TNA deal expires this month, and he has not agreed to another as yet.

NXT promotions:

4 stars are expected to make it to the main WWE roster in 2014, Emma has already started her stories, and Paige, Alexander Rusev and his manager Lana will soon follow.


NXT star Charlotte underwent surgery recently, no word on what the injury was, or how long she will be away.


Prime Time Playaz will host a show on the network, and WWE are also going to take their monthly Where are they now? feature from their website and turn it into a show. They will visit a former star and share their career highlights during their WWE run, and show what they have done since leaving the promotion / wrestling business.

Royal Rumble:

Oh You Didn't Know!!!, the Outlaws are going to be back on PPV... 

The planned Tag Title shot did not happen at this weeks SmackDown taping, that is because WWE plan to have the title match at the Royal Rumble. It would be the first time they had teamed on a big WWE PPV event since the 2000 Rumble, where they retained the Tag belts vs the APA, and would be Billy's first PPV match for WWE since 2004's Rumble. Also, possible SPOILER!!! They may win. The team are booked on WWE events for more than a month, so they will be sticking around for a while yet.

The Rhodes Brothers would be their opposition, and will also be in the Rumble match.

TNA release defends Dixie:

Jay Bradley says Dixie Carter does not get enough credit, despite being fired earlier this week by Mrs Carter...

"Unfortunately, I think she has become the Internet Wrestling Communities scapegoat for anything that goes wrong. How that happened, I really don't know. As far as the internet wrestling fans that are diehard in general, they are some of the most passionate people out there next to like fantasy football guys and NASCAR fans. The unfortunate thing is you do something positive, they'll give you an inch of praise. You do something slightly negative they don't like, their going to give you a mile of hate. Sometimes I don't want to say less is more, but they always can't sit back and enjoy a lot of times, they are hypercritical about things. I do think she (Carter) gets a bad rap."

Speaking of Dixe, she chaired a talent meeting earlier with the TNA locker room, and is now meeting some of the new faces she has signed to debut at tonight's show (SPOILER...!!!... Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards).

Top 10:

Crowd Chants...

From .Com

10. Fandangoing
8. "YOU SUCK!"
7. U-S-A!!!
6. "E-C-DUB!"
3. "WHAT?!?!"
2. "YES! YES! YES!"
1. "WOOOOO!!!!!"

Brock Lesnar to UFC:

UFC boss Dana White says Brock Lesnar ''Regrets'' stopping cage fighting, and may be back.

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