Sunday, January 12, 2014

Today's News

Cody Rhodes talks Goldust:

"Nothing was supposed to lead this way. It's just one of those things that caught fire. The thing you need to know about Dustin is that before his return, he had a behind-the-scene success. He's a healthier person now. As Goldust, he has the best matches of his life. It's like a Benjamin Button kind of story. It's a real trip. We both have a different style, but I really love it. It's a very positive thing. I never thought it would happen. He started his career when I was a kid. We are closer together now and try to make it up for the lost time. It's an opportunity for us. We actually don't talk that much of the ring when we are not in the ring."

Jesse Sorenson:

Highspots have followed the progress of Jesse Sorenson since his accident last year and are now releasing a video interview, here is an excerpt of the documentary / interview, followed by some highlights...

Highlights include revealing some untruths and broken promises by Dixie Carter...

* Dixe Carter promised his distraught Mother that she would not have to worry about any bills, that turned out not to be the case.

* Dixie promised him a job with TNA, for as long as she owned the company, again that did not happen.

* Dixie told his Mother that Jesse was her son too, including one time, when his Mother was talking to a Doctor, she said of Jesse ''My son'' and Dixie corrected her, saying, ''You mean our son''.

* Jesse revealed that he was in too much pain to walk, even after he recovered feeling and movement in his limbs, until a visit from Kurt Angle, who gave him ''The Mother of all motivational speeches''. He managed to walk from his room down the hall to the bathroom later the same day.

* Admits being criticized for getting back into wrestling, but that it makes him happy.

* He said his Mother's insurance policy, which he was covered by only covered him for the first $10,000 of his medical bills.

* He confirmed that, he and his Family and Friends paid for his treatment, not TNA or Dixie Carter.

* Revealed messages from friends in WWE, who told him they did not even see a medical bill when they got hurt, and were stunned by his experience with TNA.

* He announced that his Mother had to file for bankruptcy because she could not continue to pay for his medical bills.

* He said TNA gave him a well paid office job to make up for not giving him the money towards his Hospital treatment.

* Jesse said the job did not earn him as much as TNA made out.

* Revealed that after he was released as a cost cutting measure, TNA were surprised by the negative reaction they got.

* He also revealed that when he gave an interview asking about his release, and said "Ask Dixie", Dixie Carter called him to work on a joint statement, where they could say he asked for the release to pursue other ventures. He refused, and his Mother fumed at Dixie for having the audacity to ask.

You got me fired:

Chris Jericho and Bret Hart both revealed they may be the reason a fellow WWE star was fired from the promotion, in conversation on Jericho's podcast.

Bret remembered Boris Zhukov talking to him about being left off a booking list, and Hart urged him to talk to Vince McMahon. He did, and came back moments later in tears, telling Bret that Vince said he was not on the list because Vince forget to tell him he fired him the previous week.

Chris Jericho recalled a similar situation leading to the release of Snitsky. Snitsky had told Y2J how frustrated he was, and Jericho told him to tell Vince some of his ideas. He did, and was released three days later.


Batista will be returning to WWE full time, he is advertised for every Raw and PPV (Bar 1 in late March), as well as some live shows right through until the post Mania Raw.


Ryback has been having one of his Twitter rants, including making some of his followers think he had been fired by WWE, after tweeting that he was released, it turned out he had been stopped by Police for using his phone whilst driving...

"Forearm gave The Showoff a concussion. Excessive hand grip use n rock hard muscle is reported 2 have been the cause n has been disciplined"

"Not only have you the internet community praised me for my power and strength, but you have taken notice of my technical abilities."

"You chant past World Champions names at me as I am a Champion of Champions in all your hearts so thank you. 2014 is our year."

"Did you know 1 in 3 online internet wrestling reporters go on to work for acclaimed establishments like Wall Street and Money Magazine."

"Internet BREAKING NEWS alert the dirt sheets ASAP Ryback was born a human and has a real name of Ryan Reeves! It is even on his twitter. WOW"

"Ryback Fact: The Big Guy is a believer in Tweet n Delete. Nobody has ever deleted more tweets than the Human Wrecking Ball!"

"Rumors circulating Ryback is being discussed to be the new Terminator in 2015. His ring entrance will soon include electricity and nudity."

"Stay tuned NEW Ryback The Big Guy t shirt coming soon! Ryback Rules shirt sold 750 thousand shirts in 2013. Thank you for making me rich."

"I once botched my finish on live tv against Tensai. Not one to make excuses but was deathly sick had not eaten all day and he sandbagged me"

"Thank you all for the support. I am a man of positivity. Thank God the officer released me with no ticket. He mistook my gps for a phone"

"Breaking news Tensai did not sandbag me. I lied. I was released though."

"Was just released. Thank you."

Jim Ross to return to WWE:

JR has announced he will return to WWE HQ to film interviews for a new Paul Heyman DVD, it will be his first direct involvement in a WWE project since he left / was fired last year.

He has also started work for Fox Sports as a columnist.

Title unification:

The Intercontinental and United States Championships are set to be unified at the Elimination Chamber PPV next month, Big E. Langston and Dean Ambrose will compete in a match leading to the retirement of one of the Titles (Probably US).

Jake The Snake:

WWE continue to profile Jake The Snake, He has an interview on WWE.Com, and is also featured on this weeks 30 Second Fury...

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