Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today's News

AJ vs Vickie Guerrero:

Vickie continually attacks AJ on Twitter, this is leading to a rivalry possibly leading to a match for control of Raw.

Randy Orton:

Has been pulled from live events and a tour of Canada, this is probably to give him time off for his movie.


Is apparently back with WWE, a fan said he refereed a pre show match at Raw last night.

Kidd & Gabriel:

Are to call their tag team International Airstrike.

Bray Wyatt:

The former Husky Harris, says he will be back ''Very Soon''.

Damien Sandow:

Triple H has taken a personal interest in Damien Sandow, and is said to consider him his pet project, expect a big push.

Writer dig at Stephanie:

Ex-WWE creative writer Seth Mates replied to a fan who asked about a Steph McMahon DVD, with...

“Does twitter have a “report buffoons” button?”

Smackdown SPOILERS!!!:

* Sheamus promo interrupted by Damien Sandow.

* Booker T makes Sheamus vs Sandow.

* Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes.

* Kaitlyn vs Natalya. (Eve Torres came out for commentary).

* Sheamus vs Damien Sandow.

* Darren Young and Titus O’Neil vs Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel.

* Alberto Del Rio vs Kane

* Kane apologized for attacking Josh Mathews at SummerSlam, then attacked him again.

* Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler (main event).

Terry Crews to WWE:

I don't know who he is, but he is teasing a WWE career, asking his fans if he should go and beat the snot of WWE's talent...

''I’m talking to the WWE about doing somethings. I love the energy and excitement and the live component. It’s theater on a grand scale!''.

Floyd Mayweather:

The boxer who wrestled at Mania 24, says he will be back at 29. This probably means Hall Of Fame.


WWE star Cameron was arrested for DUI in the early hours of the morning. She tried to hide who she was, she told the police she worked as a Sales Associate for Wells Fargo, and she refused to take a roadside breath test.

WWE stars reunite:

Jonathan Coachman and Todd Grisham were paired together on ESPN Sports Centre last night, their employers were impressed and intend to keep them together.

Scorpio Sky:

After appearing on WWE as Harold, TNA have withdrawn their contract offer.

WWE have also confirmed they will continue to air the anger management vignettes, including one featuring a Lance Storm trainee Nick Madrid.

Hall Of Fame inductee:

Talk backstage at the SmackDown tapings last night, is that the CM Punk vs King Jerry Lawler feud is a pre-curser to Andy Kaufman being announced for the Hall Of Fame, Lawler has pushed for a long time to get his friend in, he may finally get his wish.


WWE were to have a dig at UFC on Raw, saying they never cancel PPV's, but changed their minds.


WWE are afraid to ''Pull the trigger'' on the Ryback push, because they are worried they may mess it up.

Creative leak:

Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker at WrestleMania 29 has been nixed, instead Triple H vs Lesnar II will headline the show. This means Brock vs Taker will be at Survivor Series, and could also mean The Undertaker wasn't joking when he said he would not be at WrestleMania next year.

No word on whether this will be Triple H's retirement match, but they shot the Raw speech, because they did not get footage they needed for the rematch at SummerSlam, namely ''Thank you Hunter'' chants, and crying fans. So it looks like it may be IMO.

CM Punk:

Could be in real trouble backstage, he bladed on Raw, which is strictly prohibited by WWE, he tried twice to cut himself, before succeeding, he then handed the blade to Charles Robinson.

Hulk Hogan:

Has opened his beach shop in Florida.

Baby Dead Man:

The Undertaker and Michelle McCool are now parents, Lilian Garcia has just sent a tweet congratulating them on their ''Bundle of joy''.

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