Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Today's News

Rosa Mendes:

More on the arrest of WWE star Rosa Mendes has emerged, she was found crying in a rest room, begging for help and worried for her life.

Police arrested her for being drunk in a public place. When she got to the Police station she reported that she had been assaulted by her former WWE star (Jackson Andrews) boyfriend before leaving home for the airport, she says he is a ''Habitual woman beater''.

Police took as many as 30 photo's of her body, which was said to badly bruised and scratched.

WWE sent a representative to the Police station to support her and say they will help her however they can.


Has been accepted onto the Tony Savant acting school.

Velvet Sky:

Dixie Carter has called Velvet personally to ask her to attend talks in the hopes of getting her to re-sign for TNA. Dixie is said to be upset with her leaving, because of the time they have spent making her a personality for the company, no word as yet of Velvet Sky's response.

Dudley Boys:

The will-they-won't-they re-sign with TNA is back, they are into the last 3 weeks of their deals now, and despite accepting contract talks, they (Mainly Bubba) are angry with the constant last minute changes, TNA are making, to the contracts they offered.


WWE have dotted the I's and crossed the T's on conformation that Charlie Sheen will not wrestle at this years SummerSlam, Daniel Bryan will face Kane instead.

Shawn Michaels will be corner man for Triple H in his match vs Brock Lesnar.


Has gone on Twitter rant, angry over his treatment by WWE...

“The camels back just BROKE ! I had enought of this.''

“As a pro athlete,Im tired of me and my lockerroom brothers being taken advantage of . Fans have no idea what we go through.#itsanillusion

“Yea I said it.

“Nobody wants to speak up, everybodys afraid of losing their job or getting taken off TV.”

His former Tag partner Shad Gaspard tweeted in support...

“Bravery is being the only one who knows you’re afraid, but still fighting for whats right. I Stand With @Jtg1284 . How about You? RT if U do”

Word from the back says that other superstars were keeping their distance from him at Raw last night, After the show however WWE officials were said to have approached him to ask if he was OK, and to discuss the problems, no word on disciplinary actions from WWE.

WWE squash rumour:

A rumour was coming out of the pre show rehearsals of Raw, that Brock Lesnar was involved in a physical confrontation with Ryback, WWE have said no such situation occurred.

Shawn Michaels:

After Raw went off the air Shawn Michaels came to the ring with Triple H and CM Punk, Punk talked of HBK inspiring him. 

Next Vince McMahon entered the Arena, and told Shawn he felt like a Father to him and they embraced, which led to the entire locker room spilling out of the back, followed by The Undertaker.

Taker called Shawn a great worker and friend. The party was spoilt by Johnny Ace who came out, but took a superkick for his interruption.

HBK, HHH and Taker stayed in the ring to acknowledge the crowd and pose for photo's as the locker room went to the back.


The shortlist of replacements for Booker T's old commentary duties is...

* Jim Ross
* William Regal
* Matt Striker

The Miz:

Has coined a term for his online haters... The Miztakes.

House Of Hardcore:

Tommy Dreamer has confirmed the list of stars that will be on the roster for his new promotion to begin on October 6.

* Big Daddy V
* Winter 
* The Sandman
* Luke Gallows
* Chris Masters
* Rhino
* Sami Callihan
* Daivari
* Jazz
* Hale Collins
* Rick Steiner
* Scott Steiner
* The Young Bucks
* Eddie Kingston
* Carlito
* Paul London
* Brian Kendrick

Not all positive news however, WWE have not allowed him to advertise Edge's appearance, instead Edge will appear under his own name Adam Copeland.

Brock Lesnar:

WWE are working on a deal that could see Brock Lesnar remain a WWE star post WrestleMania 29, Paul Heyman may also continue a relationship with WWE, but there is a real world personal animosity between he and Stephanie McMahon, so his future is up in the air.

WrestleMania 28:

This weekend saw WWE talent get their Mania 28 pay day, and many of the mid card talent were said to be angry about the amount they received, this could by the reason for the JTG outburst, but is not confirmed.

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