Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Today's News

Page News:

I am going to start to archive old stories in photo albums, more for my benefit than anything, (I like to remind myself of the original story, before I post the follow up, and it is a nightmare scrolling the page, trying to find the story I need).

WrestleMania 29:

The travel packages have gone on sale today.

Mick Foley:

Has postponed a major back surgery, to attend a comedy gig in Edinburgh, Scotland. He will instead go under the knife early next month.

CM Punk to retire?:

CM Punk says he will be 34 soon, and he feels that is too old to be a top level competitor, he does not intend to go into his 40s like The Undertaker or Triple H, and says he won't give an exact date, because the answer would depress everyone.

He also teased that the new WWE Title could debut at SummerSlam this weekend.

He also had a dig at a young fan on Twitter, who said he shouldn't have turned heel...

“You shouldn’t use words you do not understand.”

Kevin Nash:

Chavo Guerrero Snr. and Tracey Smothers, have both threatened to shoot fight Big Sexy for the hurt his recent interview has caused the families of Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit.


Tenille Taylor is competing as Emma.


New matches confirmed...

* The Miz vs Rey Mysterio (IC)
* Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs Prime Time Playa's (Tag)
* Santino Marella vs Antonio Cesaro (Pre Show)

Kurt Angle:

Has called out CM Punk, saying he took offence to his views on TNA...

“Punk wants to Say Tna Is An Indy League? I Was On top in Wwe when You Were trying to Get a Job Anywhere. It Was My Choice to go to Tna, If I ever See You Punk, Hide Bitch!”

Personal Note...

If you can see him, he ain't hiding, Kurt... 

House Of Hardcore:

Mikey Whipwreck and Maryse have joined the cast of Tommy Dreamer's new promotion.

Chris Jericho:

Says he has achieved one of his dreams, to appear in Piper's Pit. He did so on Raw last night.


Has been given a new theme.

Mark Henry:

Says he is getting ready for SummerSlam. Maybe he is ready to return.


Friday will see WWE play a game, with a chance to win tickets to SummerSlam and 2 tickets to Fan Axxess. They will post clues to a place on their Social Media, and the first to solve the clues and arrive at the destination will be met by a WWE employee with the tickets, 2nd and 3rd to get there will get the Axxess tickets.

Charlie Sheen:

May have a part to play at SummerSlam, based on the references to his show on Raw last night.

Abraham Washington:

Blue Meanie says he thinks AW was fired because SummerSlam is in the same arena as Kobe Bryant plays basketball, AW confirmed it was the tweet of support he sent Linda.

Prime Time Playa's:

Vince was said to be anti managers at the Raw script meeting on Friday, but may have changed his mind already, and Prime Time Playa's now are expected to get a new manager.

Talent meeting:

Before Raw yesterday there was a talent meeting, where WWE claimed a clerical error was the reason for the low payments to mid carders, and a new payment would be issued. They also advised talent to be more careful and to use common sense on Social Media, following AW's firing.

Shawn Michaels:

May be out of SummerSlam, he has a (Kayfabe) broken arm after the attack by Brock Lesnar on Raw.

Original WWWF title found:

The belt that saw Nature Boy Buddy Rogers crowned the first ever WW(W)F/E champion has been found in the attic of wrestling legend Johnny Barend. He died in September, and his wife has been sorting through his personal belongings, she found an object wrapped in a towel, and there it was. (Pic on wall).

New signing:

TNA have signed Scorpio Sky, he will wrestle as Mason Andrews.

Sofia Cortez:

Has responded to WWE's reasons for her firing...

“So for the record: #No I DONT have an attitude or ego problem. #No Im NOT going to go on a rant & bad mouth @WWE . But #Yes I got screwed…Regardless though.. I am still endlessly grateful for all opportunities trusted upon me by @WWE during my time there. #CaseClosed”

Bubba Ray Dudley:

Has injured his elbow, at the PPV last night, he will be benched for 2-3 weeks, (The remainder of his contract).

Miss Tessmacher:

Has to take prescription medication 4 times a day, for an unreleased illness.

Claire Lynch:

The actress who has been playing Claire, on TNA wrestling has had her real identity leaked online, she is Julia Reilly from Orlando. She has tried to hide her identity, closing her YouTube, and personal website, but videos of her in TV ad's, cooking shows, and presenting on a shopping channel, got out before she had chance to shut them.

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