Friday, August 31, 2012

Today's News

George The Animal Steele:

Says he owes his life to WWE, is bored of the Dragon vs Savage WrestleMania match, and recalled a story of his time being responsible for drug testing talent...

''Well I asked Andre The Giant to pee into a cup and he said no. So I looked at him and thought, he’s probably not on growth hormones: he’s already too dang big!''.

Shelton Benjamin vs The Barbarian:

Shelton Benjamin is furious with former WWE star The Barbarian after a tour of Nigeria, he says he was not paid, and was almost killed in a bomb blast...

“If any wrestler is asked by UPW/ Barbarian of Powers of Pain 2 got 2 Nigeria, get 100% of your $$ Upfront. stiffed me & the entire Crew last yr. or if U know a wrestler planning to tour with UPW/Barbarian “P.O.P” please inform them of my warning. I respect all talent that came before me and appreciate what they do but when a so called legend stiff his talent, some of which are not as fortunate as me to have made quite bit of $$ that person and his spouse Can go to Hell. Yes I’m referring only to The Barbarian. NOT WARLORD.

Myself @valvenisent @jefflewis and a few other guys basically could have been killed when the bomb went of in Abuja the day before that bomb went off we were yards away from the embassy, and this MO’Fo turns around and stiffs talent. F*CK YOU BARBARIAN!!!

To my fans please excuse my language but I held this in a long time hoping that Barbarian would reconcile the situation but like a true liar and Thief he nor anyone else answers calls or returns and if by accident they do pick up they hang up immediately. Thank God I have and still make a good living but I feel sorry for those guys who really depended on their pay-offs.”

Jeff Hardy:

Has expressed his concern over the future of Tag Team wrestling...

“I wish I knew, I do miss that as well. Coming from our history with the Dudley Boyz, Edge & Christian, that was a time when tag team wrestling went crazy, so cool, and even there was one point in TNA when Beer Money were having this feud with [ Motor City Machine Guns]. Oh it was amazing. I don’t know I can’t answer that but I definitely think something is missing there with the tag teams. It could be better. We just gotta figure it out.''

He also says he is changing his ring style because he is older, and has a daughter to worry about now.

David Otunga:

Has joined his future wife Jennifer Hudson as guests on the Oprah Winfrey show.

TNA World Title:

The TNA World Title and a replica were stolen on August 18 at a TNA House show, Police have now arrested two men and retrieved the titles said to be worth $6,000 and $400 respectively.

Bubba Ray Dudley:

Will face Rob Van Dam in his last TNA TV match next week before ending his 7 years with the company on the following Sunday's PPV.

TNA are being a bit slimy over this, an official told The Wrestling Observer that Bubba was considering staying after D'Von announced he had quit, saying they were always a pair, but D'Von had broken the bond by going without Bubba, this led to Bubba going onto Twitter to confirm he was leaving too.

Punk gets Political:

The WWE champ had a dig at Mitt Romney on his Twitter...

“I’m stoked to be in Sydney and nowhere near the RNC to hear how they intended to limit the rights of women and destroy the education system.”

Rosa Mendes:

Has returned to active duty for WWE on the Australian tour. She had been off TV since her arrest after allegedly being assaulted by her partner Jackson Andrews.

John Laurinaitis:

Is also back from his injury, he attacked Cena as the Australian show was reaching it's end.

Rowdy Roddy Piper:

Has withdrawn from the Caribbean legends of wrestling tour.


Has heaped praise on Eddie and Vickie Guerrero's Daughter Shaul, saying she can't wait to face her.

CM Punk:

WWE have said they believe he cut his head on the cage, and that no fines were issued to him or the Ref Charles Robinson.

Word in the back however says he had talked about bleeding in the main event, to bring a ''Harder edge'' to the end of the show, and bring back a more Hardcore feeling to Raw.


It appears Cameron, who is in Australia on the tour, may be on her way out. WWE insiders say they would have fined Cameron for her DUI, but the fact she tried to bribe the cops and hid the fact she worked for WWE may cost her her job, no official word from WWE as of yet.

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