Saturday, August 25, 2012

Today's News

WWE 13:

THQ have revealed the game modes on the next game...

* Rise of DX
* Austin 3:16
* The Brothers of Destruction
* The Great One
* Mankind
* Wrestlemania XV

The storylines will have players go through 65 matches that are based on the storylines of that era, but allows for changes based on how players proceed within the game.

Vince McMahon:

In an interview to celebrate his 67th birthday yesterday Vince McMahon has declared he has no intention of ever retiring, saying he will ''Die in the chair'' and that for him...

“This is not a job, I love what I do.”

He said the only way he would move on was if he went senile.

Eric Bischoff messaged congratulations...

''Happy Birthday to Vince McMahon. An amazing man with years ahead of him''.

Angelina Love:

Says she would love to go to WWE...

“Yeah absolutely, I would love to. I think that would be awesome. It would be really, really fun. I really haven’t worked with many of the girls there, so it would be all new possibilities, and that’s fun.”

Claire Lynch:

Immediately quit TNA after her identity leaked online, she became the victim of in her words...

“Some of the most classless garbage you’d expect to see, just low rent message board loser stuff.”

She didn't want future employers to see the abuse her characterisation received.

Owen Hart:

Natalya has stated her uncle Owen would become a Hall Of Famer...

“Yes, one day.”

Martha probably won't agree. She says she doesn't want Owen linked with WWE, and that he was planning on retiring shortly after the stunt that killed him, because he wanted to be a dad.

Saturday Morning Slam:

The new WWE kids show aimed at young boys (12 and under) Started today, no word on viewing figures yet.

Triple H:

Will open Raw next week and will discuss his future plans.

The Miz:

Has taken part in a UK game show, supermarket sweep today, he then met up with The Rock and Maria Menounos at a party, for the cast and crew of The Rock's latest movie Fast 6.

Buff Bagwell:

Will return to the ring this weekend, teaming with Matt Hardy vs Scott Steiner and Gunner for Mid Atlantic.

Mikey Whipwreck to WWE:

The ex ECW star has been filming at WWE HQ today.

Rey Mysterio:

Will be out of action for a few weeks, he has been diagnosed with a severe concussion.


Has shot a new porno, She Hulk, an incredible hulk parody which apparently will see her painted green.

New WWE gimmick:

John Cena has gotten WWE star Derrick Bateman a new character ''The USA Guy''. He will be introduced through a series of vignettes, here is the first which will be aired in the next couple of weeks (Video)...

Hulk Hogan:

Says he is planning on shaving his trademark blonde hair off, and going bald.

Curt Hawkins:

Has promoted indy group Pro Wrestling Guerillia on his Twitter.

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