Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today's News


The unauthorised documentary on the lives of the stars of the now defunct promotion, following them since the end of their ECW careers is set to be released this December.

WWE on Brock Lesnar:

Triple H says Brock came to them to ask for a job after he left WWE, but didn't want the travel regime, so they came up with the contract he currently has. He also talked of the animosity between the two sides from Brock breaking his no compete clause when he left WWE in 2004...

“There had been some animosity a little bit in some ways between Brock and the WWE at various points. Some of that was real, some of that was media.”

Rey Mysterio talked about the lack of animosity from the locker room...

“When something happens and when it’s unexpected, it shocks the world and it shocks the backstage locker room. Overall, you tend to forget about things and move on with your life. I don’t think anybody has anything to say about Brock. He did what he had to do and accomplished what few will ever do.”

WWE criticised:

Irv Muchnick, who wrote the book Chris and Nancy (based on the Benoit tragedy) has hit out at local Politician in California who tweeted her support of the WWE's Be-A-Star event pre SummerSlam, he said WWE are...

''The biggest bully on the block''

He then wrote an E-Mail listing examples of the WWE's hypocrisy including Vince McMahon's JR impression.

Stone Cold Steve Austin:

Has shot down rumours of a ring return, it was reported yesterday he had told high level WWE officials that he planned on working towards a Mania 30 main event match, he and his friend JR have been in deny, deny, deny mode via Twitter ever since.

Shaq vs Brock:

Shaquille O'Neill has light heartedly challenged Brock Lesnar to a match, via his Tout.

PWI 500:

CM Punk is the number 1 wrestler on the annual list. #BestInTheWorld.

Diva denies release:

Skyler Moon's profile has been taken down from the NXT site, prompting speculation she has been dropped by WWE, she says her profile is under construction.

Armando Alejandro Estrada vs Fred Durst:

The former WWE manager has attacked Fred Durst for his middle finger salute to the camera at SummerSlam...

“It’s 2012. Giving the camera a middle finger is not cool or cutting-edge. It’s trashy and says you don’t belong on camera! #jagoff.”

Beth Phoenix:

Was pulled from Raw this week, and has been from next weeks show and an upcoming WWE Australia tour. she says she and her family are grieving the loss of a loved one.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Teddy Long sits in for Josh Matthews on comms.
  • Randy Orton asks for a title shot.
  • Alberto Del Rio says he should have a rematch.
  • Booker makes Randy vs ADR for No.1 contendership to the World title.
  • Ryback vs Jinder Mahal.
  • Layla vs Alicia Fox (Kaitlyn on Comms).
  • Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero argue backstage.
  • Sheamus dares Dolph to cash in his briefcase.
  • Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler.
  • Santino talks about losing his US title.
  • ADR yells at Ricardo Rodriguez.
  • Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs Primo & Epico.
  • Backstage brawl involving tag teams.
  • Wade Barrett promo.
  • Main event followed by a huge brawl.

The Bella's:

Have landed a movie role, the movie is called Confessions Of A Womanizer.

Want to be a WWE star?:

WWE have launched a new website for budding future stars.

Charlie Sheen:

Pulled out of SummerSlam due to a family birthday.

Tag Title change pulled:

The tag titles were to change hands at SummerSlam but WWE changed the end on the night, possibly as punishment for AW.

Released diva:

Christina Crawford (Caylee) was released because she was constantly complaining she was hurt and had a poor work ethic.


Will return to the TV show Haven, reprising his role from past episodes.

Hall Of Fame:

A new name has been added to the list of Hall Of Fame inductees for 2013, JBL.

Also an insider has teased an announcement of an induction will be at the Royal Rumble, the home town of the star they will announce, only...

The Ultimate Warrior!!!

The Pope:

D'Angelo Dinero has officially been pulled from Bound For Glory, Sting is considering taking over his remaining matches.

Kurt Angle:

Has become Father to a new baby girl. He has also opened a health food cafe.

Mark Henry:

Has teased a story line run with Triple H when he returns to WWE.

Tyler Reks:

I have just been on WWE.Com and noticed that Tyler Reks has been moved onto the Alumni page, his Twitter name has also been changed to his real name. He then posted this letter to his fans...

''I just want to say thank you to WWE, Inc. for allowing me to be part of an incredible entertainment experience. On Monday, I asked for my release and the company was gracious enough to grant my request. 

I realized recently that being a Superstar means sacrificing certain things, including time with my family. As a new father, my heart broke every time I had to leave to go on the road. I didn't ever want to miss another moment with my daughter, so I made the decision to be a full time dad and hang up my boots. 

I will miss everyone in the locker room tremendously as they have all become a second family to me. I want to thank my coaches and teachers that really helped me along the way: Fit Finlay, Arn Anderson, Edge, Christian, Kane, Jericho, Dr. Tom, Norman Smiley, and Billy Kidman.

I also want to thank my boys. You know who you are. Especially though, a huge thank you to Hawkins. You were like a brother to me the last year and I'll miss you and will always love you bro. I wish you the best and thanks for understanding that I had to go be a dad. When she's older, and able to realize what happened, I know Mia will thank you as well.

Thanks to all the dedicated fans of #ReksAndHawkins and to The #RekkingCrew. I would never have survived without you.''

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