Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Today's News

Diamond Dallas Page:

Says he is open to a ring return with WWE, if the story line was right.

WWE 13:

THQ have announced 2 new features for the next game, Create-A-Stage and the inferno match.

Josh Matthews:

Is tweeting in character about WWE being an unsafe place to work, this is following his assault at the hands of Kane at SummerSlam.

Chris Jericho:

Say he only returned to WWE because he was in between albums, and as soon as he started writing again he wanted to get back to his band Fozzy. He said he signed a 6 month deal, which extended to 9 because of the album release date being delayed.

Ric Flair:

Is angling for a role in The Hangover 3.

Chris Benoit / WWF:

SilverVision have released the first DVD since the WWF embargo ended, interestingly the Attitude era DVD also features Chris Benoit, in matches vs Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Promo's and in the bonus features. He is also featured on a new Chris Jericho DVD set.


The anger management guy on Raw was Scorpio Sky, the wrestler who refused to sign a TNA deal to go to the WWE tryout's only to no show. WWE are said to have filmed many skits during the tryouts, featuring stars that were aiming for jobs, no word if any more will air, but they do have a lot of footage if they choose to continue with it.

Mr Belding:

Will host a Saved by the Bell wrestling event next month.

Dudley Boys:

Have still not re-signed with TNA, it seems the two sides are playing chicken, waiting to see who blinks first.

WWE Encyclopedia:

The WWE book has been delayed from September until November 19

Michael Cole:

Made a huge botch on Raw, in the main event, CM Punk used the Rock Bottom, to further the story between the two, Cole did not mention it as he was supposed to, leading to major backstage heat. (Sack him P-P-P Please).

Triple H:

The reason for the promo last night was WWE did not feel the fans took his retirement seriously at SummerSlam. He also has told officials he will not Wrestle again until Mania 29, no word on what that means in his feud with Brock, (Either he will go against Brock at Mania, or the feud is over).

Mick Foley:

Was teasing Triple H on Twitter whilst raw was on yesterday, leading to fans asking why he and Hunter don't get on, he said it was Triple H that brought him back to WWE and...

“Bottom line: I’m happy. I’m part of the company I love, and I get to try things on my own. Thank you, Triple H, for bringing me back to WWE.”

Dave Meltzer, recalled Triple H saying to him once (Anonymously)...

“Foley is an out-of-shape nobody. No one cares about him at all. Funaki puts more asses in the seats than Foley does. He should pay us for coming on our shows.”

He says Triple H resents the opinion that it was the matches between the two in 2000 that made Hunter a star.

Ken Shamrock:

Is facing a lawsuit after the brawl in which he floored a woman he thought was a man. Melinda Garcia says she was in a confrontation with another woman when Shamrock screamed at her to stop, when she didn't respond he (she alleges) punched her in the face, causing her Mother to rush over to the scene and it was her he decked with a submission move.

Shamrock stated he was trying to help when he was back jumped, and says it was the lady filing the suit that jumped him from behind.

Police have CCTV of the incident, but it has not yet been released.

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