Thursday, August 16, 2012

Today's News


Has confirmed his interest in the SmackDown commentators job, but says WWE have not yet offered it to him.

Kevin Nash:

Has referred to his interview on Benoit and Guerrero, as as ''Double work''

“(People getting mad) at something I said ten years ago, yeah okay. It’s great that it’s still relevant ten years later. I guess I’m not allowed to have an opinion”

And despite being critical of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan in the same interview, says he wants Punk to be the new leader of NWO.

He also, most interestingly for me, revealed that he and Scott Hall were trying to get the door open when DX invaded WCW, they wanted to let them in, and when they were refused, both men almost walked out of the TV taping to join them in the car park, adding ...

''That would have been the curtain call (On their WCW career)''

WWE / Scooby Doo:

WWE are to partner with Scooby Doo for a new movie...

Like they are stealing my gimmick man!!!...

“When Shaggy and Scooby win tickets to WrestleMania, the entire gang travels in the Mystery Machine to WWE City to attend the epic event. However, when a mysterious ghostly bear appears and threatens to ruin the show, Scooby, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne and Fred work with WWE Superstars to solve the case.”

The WWE roster will provide voice overs.

Linda McMahon:

Has spent $66M on her attempts to win a political seat, she is still getting heat from her rivals for her WWE links. The Democratic Party said...

“Linda McMahon is a greedy CEO who made millions marketing sex and violence to little kids, all at the expense of the health and safety of her own employees,” said Executive Director Guy Cecil. “Everything about McMahon’s record, principles and agenda prove that she is wrong for Connecticut. There isn’t enough money in the world to convince Connecticut voters otherwise.”

Donald Trump congratulated her on her win yesterday.

Another WWE release?:

The current FCW diva's champion may have been released, Caylee (Sister of Alicia Fox) has not been added to the new look NXT roster page, this is usually a sign of a release, awaiting conformation.

Rob Van Dam:

Has recalled asking WWE for a chance to return, but was knocked back by John Laurinaitis, this was before he chose to go TNA. He says now he is with TNA, he can't ever see himself going back.

''I actually contacted WWE when it looked like things might work out with TNA’s contract. I emailed Johnny (Laurinaitis) and I actually said are you sure there isn’t a part-time schedule there. I even had some ideas where they would come out financially ahead of me, paying me a limited amount of dates but it never, the conversation never got as far as me explaining what my idea was. I did explain it to Dixie (Carter), the same scenario. Johnny has responded with they’d love to have me there, please reconsider and do full-time because they need me there the whole time. I was not even thinking about doing that. Even now, I can’t imagine going back to that crazy ass schedule that I worked with them. I’m grateful that I had that time with them. Right now, at this stage in my career, it’s even less appealing than it was prior to coming to TNA.''

Big Show:

Has joined forces with traffic cops and done a public service film, aimed at Drunk drivers (Video)...

Personal Note:

Take it easy driving, the life you save might be mine (James Dean FTW).


Alberto Del Rio's younger Brother Guillermo has signed for WWE, he will be sent to NXT, and will be known as Memo Montenegro.

US - Japan switcheroo:

Former WWE star DH Smith, and Former TNA star Alex Shelley are to go on tour with NJPW, whilst current NJPW star Prince Devitt has talked of his ambition to go the other way, hoping to join WWE.


Word coming from within TNA is that Al Snow has been given a lot of backstage responsibilities, recently.

Eric Young and ODB have set a new record as Knockout Tag Champions - 168 days.

Brooke Hogan, is getting a lot of heat from the roster who feel she is not over with the fans, is a poor talker, and has not brought the reality TV fans over to Impact, which was the reason given for her being brought in.

Kenny King, has signed, but Scorpio Sky is denying joining them, they will be paid per appearance, not a weekly contract.

Jeff Hardy:

Jeff's current TNA deal expires in February of 2013, and interestingly Indy promotions have been advised that they can book Matt and Jeff together from that date, maybe he is planning on leaving???.

WWE star re-packaged:

Triple H has announced Michael McGillicutty (Joe Hennig), will be given a character change soon, and he and Drew McIntyre will then lead the company, when Hunter takes control, further down the road.

He also intends to focus more on tag team wrestling and plans to axe the women's division, according to those close to him, he has never been a fan of ladies in the ring.

Dean Ambrose:

William Regal has teased that the developmental star is finally ready to get the step up, when asked who he was, he replied...

“You’ll know soon enough. A new villain will come to town.”

Japan tour:

Yoshi Tatsu refused to give interviews during the Japan tour, fearing for his job after what happened to AW, a fan movement has started in the country aiming to get NJPW to buy him out of his WWE deal, and bring him home.

WWE were criticised for advertising matches that did not happen (Rey vs D-Bry as an example), that is really not liked by the Japanese audience.

WWE were talking to Japanese promotions during the tour, about a link up (Like TNA with AAA) where WWE will send their talent over to give some star power to the Japanese shows, and WWE would have first option on upcoming talent, from The Japanese groups.


Is extremely popular in the locker room after standing up to management, and getting the mid carders more money. (They didn't support him at the time).


WWE have had another dig at their former star, saying she was lazy and they couldn't see her getting back into shape.


Sin Cara vs Cody Rhodes is to be added as a last minute match, (If time allows).

Talent meeting:

More from the pre Raw talent meeting, they were warned that anything that shouldn't be read or heard by children should not be said, and that any further mistakes would not be tolerated, (Unless you are Cena, Orton, HBK, HHH...)

Hall Of Fame 2013:

A list has appeared online which apparently is the confirmed names (So far) for induction next year.

* Bruno Sammartino (Publicly refused)
* Mick Foley
* Kevin (Diesel) Nash
* Bob Backlund
* Fabulous Freebird's
* Sable
* DX or Hart Foundation (Faction)
* The Ultimate Warrior
* The Brooklyn Brawler

Barrack Obama:

The US President referenced WWE during a recent interview, but used the company's old name WWF, it was thought to be a deliberate dig, because Vince is financially supporting his rival Mitt Romney.

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