Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today's News


Has revealed how he liked to ''Mess'' with CM Punk on the Indy scene, by handing him pills and spiking his soft drinks with alcohol.

David Otunga:

Has been criticised as a poor worker and dangerous in the ring, by former WWE stars Chris Masters, who said...

“He’s got two left feet. C’mon, just watch him walk around the ring for five minutes.”

And by developmental talent Marcus Owens, who added...

“I swear David Otunga is the most unsafe guy, I’ve ever seen on TV,” he wrote on Facebook. “I’d rather work Sid Vicious back when he was with the IV Horseman…LOL.”


Will check out of her WWE rehab today.

Rey Mysterio:

Will be put of action for a couple of weeks, he suffered a concussion at SummerSlam when The Miz dropped him with a sit down powerbomb. He appeared groggy at Raw and the WWE doctors checked him over and have decided he needed to be pulled from the active list.

Sexy Dolph:

Prince Harry is not the only one being exposed (See what I did there ;) on the internet. Dolph Ziggler's former Girlfriend has revealed she ended their relationship because their sex was “Too athletic” and that he was tossing her around like they were wrestling.

Linda McMahon:

Has scored a goal vs her political rivals, WWE have mocked her opponent for advertising his campaign during this weeks Raw, saying how can he be critical of the product, yet use it to get his message to people who watch the product he declares himself to be offended by.

The Miz:

Is coming to the UK for a week, and then moving on to other countries on a multi week promotional tour, and he wants to meet people to show him around, he says he will record his trip around the world on his tout.


4 new stars have started with WWE this week...

Danny Burch, a British wrestler who has had to wait over a year to start due to a knee injury.

Memo Montenegro, Alberto Del Rio's younger Brother.

Oliver Grey, a British former tree Surgeon, who will portray a lumberjack character.

Chase Donovan, a former body builder.

Antonio Cesaro:

Who says kayfabe is dead, Cesaro's US title win made mainstream news in his native Switzerland.

Charlie Sheen:

Said to friends WWE would have to pay a whole lot of money to get him to do anything in the ring.

The Natural Butch Reed:

Is in jail in Missouri for a probation violation.

WWE try outs:

Scorpio Sky and Shaun Ricker who are interesting TNA did not take their spots at the post SummerSlam training camp.


This makes me mad, WWE cut 2 matches, and 7 minutes was taken off the WWE title match so they could have that awful musical interlude during the show, they also had ''Fans'' planted in the crowd dancing.

Ric Flair snubs Great Muta:

Muta wanted to work with Flair for AJPW, but they could only offer $15,000 and that wasn't enough.

Night Of Champions:

Matches have leaked online for the next WWE event...

WWE Title...
CM Punk vs. John Cena

World Title...
Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio (Randy Orton Guest Ref)

US Title...
Antonio Cesaro vs Santino Marella

Diva's Title...
Layla vs Kaitlyn

Tag Team Title...
Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. The Usos vs. Primo & Epico vs. Titus O’Neil & Darren Young.

No IC Title match is yet booked it seems, Probably would have been a Miz vs Rey rematch, but as I said above, Rey is hurt.

Alberto Del Rio:

Has flip turned, he has said in interviews in Mexico he wants to retire in 3- 5 years, he has told a US magazine he wants to stay with WWE for 10 -15 more years, if they will have him.

Olympic star to WWE:

Diana Lopez a Tae Kwon Do Bronze Medalist from Sugarland, Texas is working on a deal to join WWE, she has decided to quit her sport after failing to medal at this years games.

Christian to TNA:

Christian will be at the next TNA PPV and will induct Sting into the TNA Hall Of Fame according to insiders. They also revealed Ric Flair who was to induct Sting, has been under a 120 day no compete clause, which does not end until September 6.

Tyler Reks:

WWE confirmed on Twitter that he had left, (Not important enough to mention on their site!!!), and some of Reks former colleagues have tweeted him, wishing him well...

Curt Hawkins...

“Lucky for all of you I’m not a Dad (yet), I’m just a determined kid who loves the wrestling business. I’m here to stay. See you at the show.

William Regal...

“I was told that Tyler Reks has finished with WWE.Talented lad who was a gentleman.I admire his unselfish gesture for his family.Good man.”


“The locker room will miss you bro.”

Mark Henry:

Has given his strongest hint yet, that he will return to WWE, as his shoulder is healing well. He should be back late in the Fall.

Alex Shelley:

Despite denying it, Alex Shelley has been in talks with WWE, he has not signed yet because he wants to fulfil his Japanese tour next month, but will sign when he returns.

Creative plans for Cody Rhodes:

Ric Flair's daughter is to be Cody Rhodes Manager when she has done her basic training. This will lead to a tension between them and their famous Father's who have had a legendary rivalry. Also a huge hint that WWE do intend to bring Ric back.

Miss USA:

Rima Fakih says WWE do not want her.


Was given a crash course in refereeing by Earl Hebner just hours before she went onto TV, speaking of which TNA were said to be shocked at the lack of a response to her debut, by fans in attendance.

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