Friday, August 17, 2012

Today's News

Paul Heyman:

Has refused to confirm or deny internet rumours on his, Brock Lesnar's, or CM Punk's future's, adding he is going to enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts.

Claire Lynch:

TNA have revealed how they found the actress who is playing the pregnant lover of AJ Styles. She was working at Universal Studios (The site of the Impact tapings) playing Olive Oyl, TNA gave her the job because, her living in Orlando means they would save on airfare.

Eric Bischoff:

Has congratulated Linda McMahon on her political win...

“Congratulations to Linda McMahon on her nomination. Smart, strong, experienced. Ct. voters are fortunate to have a legitimate leader.”

He also said they will be a ''Big moment'' episode of TNA soon.

WWE release:

DT Porter is the 4th star to be released by WWE this week, the 3rd from developmental.

He is said to be suffering an emotional breakdown, seemingly confirming the post he made on Facebook last summer, was his cry for help, he claimed he had been hacked at the time. The post read...

“Guys, I don’t know how much longer I can handle this. Every day is a constant struggle to keep my sanity. I love wrestling and it’s all I ever wanted to do. Already going crazy since I’ve been for like ten months now, but it gets worse. Every day a trainer goes out of his way to rib or disrespect me in front of the boys because I’ve been out so long. I can’t clear myself. I wanna wrestle more than anything, but I don’t even know who I am anymore. It’s so fucking hard. I just feel it just building inside of me and I don’t know how much longer I can contain it. I have daydreams of just fucking everyone up on some real shit. I’m not a kid. I’m a fucking man. But what do you do when the people in charge of helping you get to the main roster are the ones making your life the hardest. I’ve been drinking almost every day. It’s to the point to where I keep Vodka and Gin in my trunk. Help me!”


Has compared WWE now, from when he was previously employed there...

“I don’t know if they’re tougher, because when I was years ago, there were a lot of men on the roster. When I came back, there were a lot of young faces, a lot of kids. The talent that walks in the locker room is amazing now, but in terms of toughness…well, this is a tough business. The current roster is a bunch of tough guys, and I give them a lot of credit. It’s a man’s game. I hit people hard and they hit me back harder. Let’s just say I’ve had a couple of fights.”

CM Punk:

Has spoken about Abraham Washington getting fired...

''I don't like seeing anybody getting fired, but rape jokes aren’t funny and I understand why WWE let him go''.

He also says he knows he is past the mid-point of his career, and is now focused on helping to make others achieve the step up, (Citing AJ) and that the future of the business is healthy when he leaves, adding he likes how Chris Jericho has done things in the past few years, coming and going, hinting he would like that kind of deal in the future, keeping his wrestling career alive, but not needing to work the hectic schedule he does at the minute.


The former WWE star has made her TNA debut, refereeing a women's title match. Miss Tessmacher re-captured the title just days after losing it to Madison Rayne.

After introducing her, Brooke Hogan turned and fell flat on her A-Doub... Fail!!!.

NXT Star:

WWE developmental and former TNA star Xavier Woods, has been juggling his wrestling career with working on a PHD, he is close to completing his studies.

Actor at NXT:

Kris Kristofferson was in attendance at NXT last night watching his son Jody in action.

Indy wrestler snubs TNA:

Scorpio Sky who has agreed to join TNA, is delaying signing his contract because he is going to attend the post SummerSlam training camp, and try outs held by WWE.

Matt Hardy:

Regrets the end of his WWE career, he was asked on Twitter why he left, to which he said...

“I was physically beat up, rundown, stressed & burnout-would do it different now”

WWE / Scooby - Doo:

Questions have been asked on the exclusion of current WWE champions CM Punk and Sheamus from the list of stars to appear in the Scooby Doo movie they are making. The movie will be released in 2014, and speculation is they do not like to include talent on external projects that will be released later then the expiration date of the current contracts.

WWE Fail:

Our regular feature continues...

The new look website for WWE's developmental territory, had a wrestling ring background, fair enough you might think, unfortunately the graphic department used a TNA ring, you could clearly read the word Impact on the turnbuckles... Fail!!!

WWE / WWF settlement:

Conformation of the terms of the financial settlement between WWE and the World Wildlife fund has finally emerged. WWE can use the old logos's on history packages, say WWF when referencing stars from the past, or introducing nostalgia VT's, but cannot use the initials in a current sense.

For example if a legend came out, they could not introduce him as the former WWF Champion, but could say here is a video package of (Insert name) winning the WWF title.

NXT star injured:

Corey Graves, needed staples in his forehead after an accident at the NXT show last night.

Shawn Michaels:

WWE are denying it, but people close to Shawn are speculating he is considering an offer to come out of retirement for one more match, probably against Brock Lesnar.

SummerSlam SPOILERS!!!:

WWE are still undecided on how to handle the WWE title stories, Punk was set to win, then drop the title to John Cena at Night Of Champions (In his home town), with Cena going on to face The Rock at Royal Rumble and The Rock winning, then defending vs CM Punk at WrestleMania 29. But some within WWE feel The Rock vs John Cena II will be more financially successful. If they go down that road Cena will win at SummerSlam drop the title back to Punk at NOC, then The Rock will beat Punk at the Rumble for the title and will defend vs Cena at the big show next year.

If Brock Lesnar vs Triple H is not the last match at SummerSlam, expect a Lesnar win, WWE feel they owe him one after he went down to Cena earlier this year, but HHH would not want to get back into the ring for a main event loss, so if he was booked to lose the match it would be buried in the mid card somewhere.

Abraham Washington:

After the talent meeting and AW's Tweets against WWE, the roster are said to be sympathetic to his firing, but are no longer willing to ''Go to bat for him''.

WCW star runs for office:

Steve Mongo McMichael is to run for the mayorship of Romeoville, Illinois in the 2013 election.

Hulk Hogan:

Will return to TNA next week, and will team with Sting to face Aces and Eights.


Current WWE Diva's Champion Layla says she almost didn't return...

“After I went through surgery, with the rehab and all that stuff, I actually didn’t think I was going to come back. I was really scared because it wasn’t working. I did six months of rehab, and I didn’t tell people this, but I had to have another surgery. So I ended up having two surgeries, [one major reconstructive surgery] and one to scope the knee out in [September]. I just made up my mind then that I was going to get back in that ring and face my fears to prove that I can do it.”

She also said the the WWE Women's division is strong, and entertaining.

The Miz:

Says his movie The Marine 3 will be released around WrestleMania time next year.

Gold Medalist at SummerSlam:

Ryan Lochte who won gold in the swimming pool at the recent London Olympics was a guest at the SummerSlam kick off party last night.

Kurt Angle:

Has again kept the door open for a WWE return down the road...

''I don’t plan on it but I never say no. I am treated well. I have more freedom to do other things too, so it’s a win-win for me and for Impact Wrestling".

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