Monday, August 20, 2012

Today's News


The 25th anniversary of ''The Hottest Event Of The Summer'' happened last night, quick results...

* Antonio Cesaro bt Santino Marella to become the new US Champ.

* Chris Jericho bt Dolph Ziggler.

* Daniel Bryan bt Kane.

* The Miz bt Rey Mysterio to retain his IC title.

* Sheamus bt Alberto Del Rio to reatain the World title (Lame end).

* R-Truth and Kofi bt Prime Time Playa's to retain the Tag titles.

* CM Punk bt John Cena and Big Show to retain the WWE title.

* Brock Lesnar bt Triple H via submission.

Other notes...

Hall Of Famer's Mike Tyson and Stone Cold Stone Austin were backstage.

A fan was kicked out of SummerSlam Fan Axxess's Be-A-Star event for having a picture of Vince mocking JR, the photo was destroyed and he was made to leave.

Lita and Diamond Dallas Page were in the crowd, as was former WCW champion David Arquette and WrestleMania competitor Maria Menounos.

Singer Fred Durst was ejected from the building after flipping the camera off when they were going around showing off the celebs in attendance. Kevin Dunn ''Blew a gasket''.

Chris Masters was backstage talking to management and visiting friends. He must be getting sick of waiting for TNA to make up their minds if they want him or not, because he was said to be angling for a job, however he posted a stupid picture of himself with a gun to his head (On wall), WWE management are furious that he did it whilst saying he was at the show, leaving WWE open to criticism. He can forget ever going back there IMO.

Stephanie McMahon:

Is increasing her workload and responsibilities with WWE, in charge of digital media. She has also dropped Levesque from her name, referencing herself solely under her maiden name again.


Kane will be punished for attacking Josh Matthews at SummerSlam.

Shawn Michaels will be live via satellite.

WWE teaser...

* Will Triple H be in any condition to face Lesnar?

* What will CM Punk have to say to John Cena?

* Alberto Del Rio is looking to make a statement after the SummerSlam controversy

* How will Dolph Ziggler react to his SummerSlam loss to Chris Jericho?

* What’s next for Daniel Bryan and what does AJ Lee have in store for Kane after he put his hands on Josh Mathews?

Charlie Sheen:

Was not backstage at SummerSlam or in the crowd, WWE have confirmed they are talking with him about an angle at WrestleMania however. Facepalm.

Evan Bourne:

Has hit an unwanted landmark...

“Today marks 5 months since I wrecked my foot. It’s a long road to recovery but worth it. I can’t wait to get back in the squared circle!”

Strikeforce star gives props to Hall Of Famer:

“Rowdy” Ronda Rousey has thanked Rowdy Roddy Piper for giving her his blessing to share the ''Rowdy'' monicker, she says he was her favourite wrestler and she vowed she would never change her name as tribute to him.


Has joined Twitter.

WWE Network:

The reason WWE have settled their dispute with the World Wildlife fund is they did not want the workload and man hours it would take to blur hundreds and thousands of hours of past footage before they could air it on their channel (If it ever starts).

Chris Jericho:

Almost missed his last match, he had a gig in Little Rock Arkansas with his band Fozzy, following the show his flight to LA for SummerSlam was cancelled, he ended up driving to Memphis, Tennessee from Little Rock and then catching a flight to Los Angeles just in time for SummerSlam..

Alberto Del Rio:

Has made a formal complaint about his SummerSlam loss and Referee Mike Chioda. Booker T will deal with the fallout on SmackDown this week.

Chavo dig at Iron Sheik:

Chavo Guerrero has commented on Iron Sheik being critical of Jinder Mahal using the camel clutch as a finisher.

“Yes, theres only 1 @the_ironsheik & few apply the camel clutch as well as he did but theres only 1 person who invented it. Gory Guerrero!!”

Randy Orton:

WWE were thinking about putting Randy into the World title match last night, but decided against it because the World tiltle match was not a main part of the show (???) and he will be gone again in a month to make a movie, so it would be pointless giving him main event momentum at the minute.

Vince McMahon:

Has said he favours The Rock vs John Cena II at WrestleMania 29, and if the boss wants it...

Ashley Flair:

Is currently working as a ring announcer in WWE developmental.

Triple H vs Brock Lesnar:

If you thought Triple H had retired last night, you may be wrong... Creative are toying with the idea of a rematch at the Survivor Series, Team HHH vs Team Lesnar, which may also see Shawn break his retirement.

Brock is not expected to wrestle again until November's show, but will open Raw tonight.

Brooke Hogan:

Will wrestle vs Madison Rayne at Bound For Glory (She can't even deliver a promo without falling on her A-Doub).

Kurt Angle:

Has praised Vince McMahon, criticised WWE for a lack of leadership, says TNA star Magnus is the future of wrestling and talked about the Benoit tragedy...

“…It was such a tragedy that I was more confused to what happened and tried to figure out how a tragedy like that could happen especially since Chris was such a nice and caring guy.”

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