Thursday, August 2, 2012

Today's News

Shane McMahon:

Has landed a major deal for his YOU on demand video company in China, they have sealed a deal to air Paramount movies.


Has talked about drugs in wrestling on a podcast, he recalled his first night with WWE where after the show he says he saw Shawn Michaels and Mr Perfect smoking a joint in the showers. He says that would never be allowed now.

Chris Jericho:

Has announced he will leave WWE on August 14. This is before SummerSlam, so he may miss his final big pay day as a wrestler.


The promoter that Kamala criticised in his YouTube interview yesterday, has fiercely hit back, saying they donated $425 to The Cauliflower Alley Club for him on Friday and is demanding an apology from the former WWE star...

“SHAME ON YOU JAMES HARRIS. . . shame on you for not opening your eyes to see that you had people that cared enough to help you when almost NONE of your peers cared enough to hit a re-Tweet button. . . shame on you for trying to run my name and the MWF’s through the mud because you didn’t get your precious check as fast as you wanted to, waking people up at 6AM whining not even 48 hours after the event was over. Shame on you for hiding like a coward after the money was sent to you and trying to prevent people from seeing the truth. I don’t care if you were a WWE Superstar or a homeless person, you should be ashamed of yourself as a man. When I wake up and look in the mirror, I know the face looking back at me is one that cared and is one that did everything he could to help someone that needed it. The face staring back at me has character and integrity. HOW DARE YOU INSULT AND ATTACK ME AFTER ALL I DID FOR YOU, YOU GUTLESS PUSSY!! Grow a spine and be a man. Be grateful someone wanted and tried to help you, not piss on their efforts. What runs through James Harris’ mind would be a psychiatrist’s dream come true. Then again, I’m the guy that’s been working on this column for four hours.”

WWE Legends:

WWE were said to very impressed with Billy Gunn's attitude and behaviour at Raw 1000, he was very amiable and relaxed even though he has threatened to Shoot Fight both Shawn Michaels and Triple H in recent years, he was interacting with everyone fine, WWE are to bring him back for a match in a future episode of Raw.

X-Pac won't be getting a TV match however, he is not in good condition, and WWE were criticised for not inviting Chyna due to her current career, but allowing Sean to be on Raw 1000 despite his famous sex tape (With Chyna).

WWE withdrew the invitations for some of their past stars at the last minute, MVP has announced he was to appear but it was called off, Tatanka, Viscera and Steve Blackman were also nixed.

The Rock Fail:

The Rock jumped the gun on the announcement of his title match at the Royal Rumble, WWE were planning on making the announcement AJ's first task as Raw GM, either during Raw 1000 or the following week.

Daniel Bryan vs Charlie Sheen:

I am thrilled to announce that WWE have seen sense and have pulled this match from SummerSlam, Charlie will still have a part to play, either by interfering or being in the crowd and having a confrontation with D-Bry, but he will NOT wrestle. 

Kelly Kelly:

Will make her WWE return next week, she has been booked to appear on SmackDown's Japanese tour, and will return to TV upon her return to the US.


Is to make an announcement for TNA's UK fans tonight.

Baby Dead Man:

Skinner Has confirmed that Michelle McCool is pregnant with The Undertaker's child. He did so in front of a live crowd at FCW last night, where Taker was making an appearance.

John Laurinaitis:

Says he resigned as WWE's Senior VP of talent relations because he is exhausted, he will be a producer from now on, helping talent with matches, before he returns as an on screen character post SummerSlam.

Chavo Guerrero:

Will make his in ring debut tonight for TNA.

The Great Khali:

Has been featured in a CBS news report about his life saving brain surgery. His wife and Doctor were interviewed but Khali refused to appear on camera, because he is all bandaged up, he has now been released from Hospital and is recovering in his home in Texas.

TNA Fail:

They have been building up a rivalry between Joey Ryan and Tazz for weeks, but now the story line is coming to a conclusion, Tazz has refused to wrestle, because he has been out of the ring for so long, and he still suffers from the neck issues that caused him to retire.

Al Snow is expected to take over the match vs Joey Ryan.

Bubba Ray Dudley:

Is close to signing a new deal with TNA after they offered him an improved contract.

Dakota Darsow:

Eric Bischoff is working with Demolition Smash's son to help him get a TNA deal.

Marty Jannetty:

The reason for his Chikara no show is that his ankles are so bad that his feet turn out sideways and the inside of his ankles almost touch the ground when he walks. He is in desperate need of surgery, and is said to be in a really tough way.

Michael Cole:

Vince is finally realising what the rest of us have known for ever, Michael Cole Sucks..., he refused to allow Cole to humiliate Jim Ross on Raw 1000 because he wanted the show to be positive and a celebration, but feels no one will believe Cole as a face commentator full time after all his heel story lines in the past couple of years, he doesn't know what to do about this problem.


Has started to work with FCW to train developmental talent, one of which is his son Jesse, who plays Jake Carter.


The reason NXT is not currently aired in the US is WWE have not decided if they want to sell the show to other distributors or keep it for their own TV Network.

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