Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Today's News


TNA's Mexican star has accepted a two month offer to tour Japan, independent of the company, another lady that is having to work the Indy's because of their lack of use by TNA. She like Rosita and Mickie James have not been used since April.

Luke Gallows:

TNA may have dropped Luke Gallows from the Aces and Eights group, he has been pulled from promotional adverts for an upcoming event called BaseBrawl.

Shawn Michaels:

Has been offered an executive position with WWE, but says that...

''For now, I’ve declined.”

Kevin Nash:

Has attacked Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero in a recent interview, saying the two holding the top WWE titles post WrestleMania 20 killed wrestling...

“When Benoit and Guerrero hugged, that was the end of the business”.

“Has business been the same since that WrestleMania? (20). ''

''Has it come close to the Austin era?''

''Has it come close to the nWo or the Hogan era?''

''You put two f***ing guys that were great workers that were the same height as the f***ing referees, and I’m sorry, man. Are you going to watch a porno movie with a guy with a three-inch dick? Even if you’re not gay, you will not watch a porno movie with a guy with a three-inch dick. That’s not the standard in porno films. So you (Shouldn't) put a 5-foot-7 guy as your world champion.”

He went on to criticise CM Punk and Daniel Bryan for the same reason...

“They are not bigger than life, I bet they could both walk through airports and not be noticed unless they have a gimmick shirt on and the belt.”

He also talked about how the Kliq, gave wrestlers financial stability, takes credit for the Attitude Era, and the popularity of Stone Cold Steve Austin, ending with attacking Tom Cruise's Make Up Artist on set of the movie Rock Of Ages.

Full Article.

Chris Jericho:

Has responded to Kevin Nash's interview...

“Funny how @realkevinnash says wrestling “died” when Benoit and Guerrero were champs-Yet the worst year for WWE biz was 95 when he was on top.”

Kevin Nash, responded...

“Once again the puppet master pulls the marks strings .Knew Jericho was a closet mark.First one eliminated on a bulls–t sing show…REALLY!!”

(Referencing Dancing With The Stars)

Chris Jericho...

“Hope @realkevinnash doesn’t tear his quad tweeting! #typicalbigman #nwothirdwheel.”

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Wade Barrett returned to the ring in the pre show match, beating Zack Ryder. (He is still heel).

* GM Booker T gets a big home town pop from the crowd

* He makes Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Title, the main event.

* Sin Cara vs Cody Rhodes opens the show.

* Christian vs Antonio Cesaro

* Randy Orton vs Jack Swagger

* Jinder Mahal vs 2 Local Wrestlers, broken up by Ryback

(WWE are really high on Jinder, they plan on pushing him as a killer heel in the future).

* Highlight Reel with Vickie Guerrero

* Booker T makes Eve vs Kaitlyn to get the job as his assistant for next weeks SD

* Number 1 contenders match for the Tag Team title, Prime Time Playa's vs Primo and Epico

* Wade Barrett Promo airs

* Rey Mysterio vs The Miz (Non Title)

* Daniel Bryan comes out to challenge AJ

* The police come to the ring to arrest Sheamus, but ADR tries to stop them, the Police ignore ADR and grab Sheamus, ADR takes advantage and laces in an arm lock, Sheamus is helped to the back as the show ends.

Maria Kanellis vs Kelly Kelly:

On Afterbuzz, the post Raw TV show host (WWE Alumnus, Maria Kanellis), Maria attacked Kelly Kelly. Firstly breaking backstage etiquette by revealing that she almost left for good.

That comment got her co-hosts interested, they asked her if she and KK had heat, she responded by talking about photo's that appeared on the internet of KK cheating with ''Someone else's, someone else''.

The show's producer (off air) gestured for her to move on, and she snapped that she didn't want to, and went on with her dig...

You can see the comments for yourself (Video)...

Kelly Kelly responded on Twitter...

“I will never mention your name, you will never be relevant. If I have something to say about you, I will say it to you ? #thebiggerperson.”

Maria hit back...

“Relevant enough to call me. #IMALADY.”

And then...

“@Afterbuzztv is a show about a show. Every show discusses the show, news and gossip. If you don’t like you’re dirty laundry aired maybe you should be more careful about what shows up on the Internet.”

The pictures she is referring to may be from 2009, when 2 photo's of her and fellow WWE star Chris Jericho kissing turned up online.

New Signing:

The French Stallion Tom LaRuffa, a Lance Storm trainee has been signed to a WWE developmental contract.


WWE have settled legal proceedings with the World Wildlife Fund and are now allowed to use their old logo's again. WWE have still not commented on whether or not they will revert to their old name.

Rosa Mendes:

More twists in the Rosa story, her Boyfriend Jackson Andrews, has been engaged to another woman for 4 1/2 years, and she had no idea of his relationship with Rosa. He regularly flew the other woman (named Amber) to the home he shared with Rosa in Las Vegas while she was on the road.

Amber has now called off the engagement, because he is refusing to speak with her, but did say to the website TMZ, that he was never violent with her, and that he had never even raised his voice.

WWE tour:

WWE will head to Japan today for their tour.

David Otunga:

Has now wrapped filming on his movie The Hive, and will be back on TV soon.

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