Monday, August 13, 2012

Today's News


WWE are still working on the network, approaching stars from the past to host shows.

The Miz:

Has had his cameo put back into the Will Ferrell movie, former WWE star Tiffany also has a revealing part.


May want the SmackDown commentary job after all, he is asking his followers on Twitter to take ''We want JBL'' signs to WWE events.

He also defended Alberto Del Rio, his fans are angry that he stole the JBL character, he says every one steals from every one else, recalling that he stole the fall away slam from Razor Ramon, and Road Dogg stole the pumphandle slam from him.

Abraham Washington:

Has refused to attack his fellow WWE workers, he says it is the management that his gripes are with, and that the Locker Room was great.

WWE has had Twitter suspend his official WWE account, so he has set up a new one under his own name.

He was asked if he owned the rights to the old Twitter account...

“Not really sure. Although when it comes to the #WWE they own everything like Satan, including your soul,lol!”

He then continued to attack, WWE, and Linda, took a shot at Jeff Hardy and then said the Diva's do whatever it takes to stay in management's good books, hinting at bad behaviour from Triple H...

“Politics is a must. Everyone plays the GAME!! Some (Divas) more than others….#WinkWink #HHH.”

Shane ''The Hurricane'' Helms:

Shane Helms had to miss the Juggalo show this weekend due to flight problems.

Vickie Guerrero vs Kevin Nash:

The wife of the late Eddie Guerrero has responded to Diesel's interview form last week...

“Comments from @realkevinnash, “inlaws”, or anyone else about Eddie, me, or my girls, just shows how insecure & unhappy they live”

Chris Jericho:

Says The Miz is the future of the business.

He also says he would like to wrestle some TNA stars, naming Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and Kurt Angle.

He ended with a comment on AW...

“It’s a drag. But it’s not the attitude era anymore”

Yoshi Tatsu:

Was injured at the show in China, after his match he had in ring treatment from trainers on his arm.

Wade Barrett:

Is using two different finishers on the Asia tour.

WWE 13:

This weekend saw motion capture for the upcoming game take place, notably Kurt Angle's move set was not on the list recorded, he had hinted he was to be in the game.


Two former NFL players have started their WWE careers, Dean Muhtadi is a former Green Bay Packer and Arizona Cardinal and Brandon Carter who is a former New Orleans Saint.

Heath Slater vs Legends:

Heath Slater is continuing to wrestle legends, at a house show on Saturday night, he challenged Paul Bearer, but Paul instead offered to manage a superstar of his choice, he chose Ryback.

Evan Bourne:

Was asked when he is coming back, he replied...

“A while”.

Sofia Cortez:

More has emerged on the release of Sofia Cortez, she had been asking for a chance to tour with the main roster, so was reported to have a bad attitude, and WWE decided that was enough of a reason to cut her loose.

Her mentor on Tough Enough Stone Cold Steve Austin said of her release...

“I was very surprised to hear that.”

JBL vs Evander Holyfield:

JBL has recalled the night he almost got into a shoot fight with the iconic boxer...

“One of best stories ever from commentary was at Madison Square Garden with Evander Holyfield.

I had met Evander before and he was a total jerk, complete jerk to both me and Ron.

He used the religious image while he was an absolute reprehensible creature. He’s had a ton of kids by a ton of women and professes to be a model Christian. I don’t mind people being what they are, but I abhor fakes. I can’t stand Evander Holyfield.

Soooooo……. On to MSG.

Evander is to box Matt Hardy in a ‘boxing match’ as MVP’s replacement in a Madison Square Garden event.

I am doing commentary and the whole show I am putting over Evander as this great guy, blah blah blah.

By the end of the show I am sick of myself. So during commercial I tell Michael Cole a true story of Evander and my wife at Fox News.

My wife had called me and told me she was in the ‘Green Room’ with a famous boxer but not being a sports fan she didn’t know who he was., she told me it was Evander Holyfield.

I explained to her he was one of greatest boxers of all time and told her the whole story of his career which I knew by heart as a huge boxing fan. She told me that he was ‘very nice’. I said “of course, he has had 9 kids by 9 women of course he is nice, leave now!” and of course I was joking, but half serious.

During the break I tell Michael this story, but of course I go further-I totally tear down Evander as a hypocrite and piece of garbage that I think he is. I have no idea this is being broadcast into his dressing room, I still had my headphones and mic on. Every word I say Evander hears.

Matt Hardy and MVP were in the room, ask them how tense it got. A spokesperson for Evander went to Vince and threatened to have him leave the show.

More importantly, how would you like to be Matt Hardy? He is facing the former heavyweight champion in what he hopes is a work and he now knows this guy is furious. While I was saying this Evander had one of his kids on his lap listening, and from Matt’s story he just got very quite.

Evander ended up doing business which I am sure Matt was thankful.

My headset was ringing to tell me to shut up.

After the show I went to Evander’s dressing room, not to apologize for what I said-I meant it and still do, but it was totally inappropriate for me to treat a guest of our show like that, I shouldn’t have let my personal feelings potentially screw up a show.
At his dressing room I encountered a security guard. I was expecting anything from a fight to him excepting my apology-I had no idea, but I had made my bed and I would lie in it.

I never apologized for what I said but for the venue I said it in as he was our guest. I meant what I said, but shouldn’t have said it to a guest of the WWE. The security guard looked at Evander who was less than five feet away and Evander shook his head, so I never spoke to him direct though that was my intention and he heard every word I said. And, I never apologized for calling him what I did, I apologized for doing it on a WWE show.

As I walked by the boys to Evander’s dressing room, no one knew what would happen. Ron Simmons told me, “leg dive him!’ which was my plan, it was a tense moment.

I have seen him since, I have no respect for him, but I do hate he is getting ‘punch drunk’ as no one deserves that. He is a great boxer but a rotten human being.

The next day I apologized to Vince, I was wrong to attack a guest like that. Vince said, “we almost lost him” and I responded, “we almost lost Matt” and we both laughed.

The day I almost got into a shoot fight with the former world heavyweight champ.”

WWE want Chinese talent:

“We’d love to have a Chinese star and we’re certainly open to working with Chinese talent. John Cena, one of our top superstars, may be more popular than the local talent anywhere he goes.”

TNA Wedding:

Former TNA stars Johnny Devine and Danyah Rivietz married this weekend... Congratulations.

Ashley Flair:

Is to be known as Ms. Charlotte in FCW.


Has a new Women's Champion, Madison Rayne beat Brooke Tessmacher last night.

They have posted a teaser for the next Impact...

* New Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne will appear

* An update on Aces & 8s

* The fallout from Hardcore Justice

* The final week of Bound For Glory Series matches with Samoa Joe vs. Magnus, AJ Styles vs. Daniels and Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy


Stars Earn Stripes featuring WWE star Eve Torres, starts tonight @8 on NBC


WWE have updated the list of upcoming DVD's, now including their scheduled release date...

* Money in the Bank 2012 – August 14th
* 50 Greatest Finishing Moves – August 21st
* Superstar Collection: Randy Orton – September 4th
* Superstar Collection: Kofi Kingston – September 4th
* Once In A Lifetime: Rock vs. Cena – September 11th
* SummerSlam 2012 – September 18th
* CM Punk: Best in the World – October 9th
* Superstar Collection: Shawn Michaels – October 16th
* Superstar Collection: Rey Mysterio – October 16th
* Night of Champions 2012 – October 16th
* Brock Lesnar: Here Comes The Pain Collector’s Edition – October 30th
* New World Order – November 6th
* The Attitude Era – November 20th
* Hell in a Cell 2012 – November 27th

Raw teaser:

* Will Alberto Del Rio sneak his way back into the #1 contender’s spot?

* How will Daniel Bryan battle back against Kane?

* Will Social Media Ambassador DJ Pauly D fist pump with Zack Ryder?

* Brock Lesnar’s final opportunity to “see” Shawn Michaels before the Triple H match at SummerSlam

* How will CM Punk react to Big Show’s recent actions?

Antonio Cesaro:

WWE are said to be on the fence on whether the character is working, they say he needs a breakout moment soon, or they may cut their losses.

ROH assault:

The company say the incident at the weekend was a work, to garner heat for the newly turned heel Champion Kevin Steen.

Indy group signs TV deal:

IZW say they have signed a ''Landmark TV deal'' to air their product on Go Fight Live.

Dolph Ziggler:

Says he is flattered to be compared to the late, great, Mr. Perfect, but says he is too good to want to be the next version of a past star, he wants to be the first Dolph Ziggler.

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