Friday, August 10, 2012

Today's News

WrestleMania 28 Pay:

The numbers have now been confirmed, mid card talent were paid between $500 - $2000 dollars.

Talent are angry about how low this sum is, but also that WWE told talent to bring their families to the show, to give it a family feel, but talent were made to pay all of the expenses, they incurred from their own pockets, and the cheques they have just received don't even cover their expenditure from the weekend.

SummerSlam SPOILER!!!:

A 3 way dance for the Tag Titles is to be added to the card (Or pre show) on next weeks TV...

Kofi Kingston & R-Truth (C) vs Prime Time Playa's vs Primo & Epico

Damien Sandow vs Brodus Clay has also been confirmed.

They will be a huge angle on this weeks Raw, that will be a ''Difference maker'' in the build up to SummerSlam.


Has now launched her new career, a jewelry business.


Will host King Of The Trio's soon, featuring the teams of...

WWF (80's)... The Warlord, The Barbarian, Haku

WWF (90's)... 1-2-3 Kid, Tatanka, Aldo Montoya

ECW... Tommy Dreamer, 2 Cold Scorpio, Jerry Lynn


Jim Ross says he reunited with Sting on a plane to Florida, (JR for NXT, Sting for TNA) last night.

He then says he met Jeff Hardy in the airport, and said he seems very happy.


The former WWE developmental star has returned to his home land of Japan.

Johnny Gargano:

Has put pen to paper on a new contract with DGUSA, but the Indy league say if WWE, or TNA came calling and he wanted to go in the future, they would allow him to leave.

Brodus Clay:

Funkasaurus may be about to be killed off, Brodus starred in a WWE horror movie last summer, and it is due to be released, so WWE are planning on giving him a character change to match the role he plays in the movie.


After quitting WWE earlier this year, Maxine now says she has retired from wrestling.

WWE criticised:

MOM a women's group have attacked WWE, and Linda McMahon's political ambitions, WWE defended themselves...

“All WWE broadcast programming is TV-PG, rated not by us, but by the standards and practices departments of our TV network distributors, while the majority of today’s prime time programming is rated TV-14. Five million women watch WWE’s weekly TV programming, representing nearly 40 percent of our TV audience. Women would not be watching if they found our programming objectionable.”

Linda has also revealed the McMahon's tax returns, they earned $24.1M and paid $3.6M in Federal and $1.72M in State taxes.

Possible WWE / UFC collaboration:

Diego Sanchez wants to work with his friend WWE star Daniel Bryan...

“My team has reached out to them and we’ll see what happens. We both are the ‘Yes’ men and if we could help each other that’s what it’s about. It’s about that positivity and motivating yourself to do things you could never do when unmotivated.”

Wade Barrett:

Will have vignettes aired promoting his return and will continue to do so until after SummerSlam, when he returns he will get a run with a singles title.

WWE say he has been ready to return for a while, and they almost brought him back for, and to win Money In The Bank, and then go into SummerSlam to challenge for the gold, but decided to give him more of a story line build, hence the delay. He is currently in Japan working with the SmackDown brand.

Charlie Sheen:

Has apparently had a falling out with WWE, and is telling his people he does not intend to appear at SummerSlam after all, there is said to be more to this, I will keep you up to date.

Shawn Michaels / Brock Lesnar:

Brock was to attack Shawn, to build up the Brock vs HHH story, on this weeks Raw, to get major heel heat for Brock by beating up the home town hero, but WWE wanted to celebrate Shawn that night, and didn't want him beat up before the party, so the angle was pulled.

It may be just delayed though, Brock says he will see HBK before SummerSlam, but Shawn isn't booked for next weeks Raw, so maybe not.

Shawn was asked on Twitter what he would do if Brock wanted to fight him, he replied...

“What I tell everybody, No thanks, I’m retired.”

Randy Orton:

Has confirmed he will not be working SummerSlam, he was asked on Twitter why he wasn't on any of the promotional posters in the town of the show, Orton responded...

“Because unfortunately I’m not working”

CM Punk:

Has criticised UFC star Jon Bones Jones and Nike for an endorsement deal despite the star having a drink drive incident in May...

“Let’s reward more drunk drivers with endorsement deals! #responsibility”

This has gotten loads of media attention, including one Douche from ESPN, who attacked the entire sport of wrestling, including Owen Hart, as part of 10 - 15 diatribe in response to Punk's comment.

Colin Cowherd (Apt name Cowherd = Coward) said wrestlers are 'roided freaks who are always getting busted for DUI or drugs, and have no to right to comment on moral issues, because of how many stars have died, then referenced Owen's death saying...

“A wrestler died in the ring and they just rolled him out and kept going.”

He then mocked Punk for having Tat's.

Personal Note...

CM Punk made a valid point, asking why someone who had been involved in a drink drive incident should be used as a role model by a huge company, if this guy disagreed, that is fair enough, but to attack the entire sport, and most offensively to drag a guy who has been dead for 13 years into his attack on one individual, is flat out wrong.

Plus CM Punk is the one wrestler held up as the poster boy for not using drugs, so to accuse him of being 'roided is ridiculous...

He says Punk has no right to talk because of others who do the same sport being caught DUI, or for drugs... Punk hasn't... Why shouldn't he be allowed to express a personal opinion, based on his personal beliefs, because of how other people who happen to do the same job as him live their lives.

It is like saying because one American Football Coach is a kiddie - fiddler than they all must be, or one celebrity dodged his taxes, so they should all be investigated, which is clearly not true. People are people and they make mistakes, when you are in the public eye, you are more likely to get called on it, just because someone doesn't share your opinion, doesn't make them wrong, and doesn't give this ''Journalist'' the right to use a dead man's name the way he has. Benoit I could understand for obvious reasons, but Owen's death was an accident, let him RIP...

And leave tattoo's alone...

I have tat's, I like tat's, Don't diss tat's... 

The Rock:

A tweet made by The Rock at the time of the death of Osama Bin Laden has been featured in a TV Drama, The Newsroom.

The Miz:

Has been pulled from a movie starring Will Ferrell, he does still appear in the background of one shot.

Office Job:

Perkins Miller is the new EVP of digital media for WWE.

Justin Credible:

Is very excited that he has been offered a job by his former employers WWE, he says he will be working for the new network, when it finally launches.

New show:

More on the new WWE Saturday morning show, WWE were approached by CW, saying although they claim to be a PG show, they don't do enough for the 22% of their audience made up of young boys. They proposed the show, and it will debut in two weeks.


CM Punk will be at NXT in 2 weeks

Kevin Nash:

Has done another interview.


* Defence of the Chris Benoit / Eddie Guerrero interview...
* Shawn Michaels
* His criticism of CM Punk
* Chris Jericho
* Triple H
* John Cena
* WWE vs MMA
* Why he didn't face CM Punk...


Will face Rashid Evans on October 6 in Providence, Rhode Island for his MMA debut.


The TV show Stars Earn Stripes will begin next week, Eve is a contestant.

AJ Interview:

She says she is a huge video game fan, and that she proudly has the trophy she won from the WrestleMania 28 video games tournament in her office, she also talked about always making herself on the previous 12 instalments of the game, and dreamed about one day being about being a WWE star, and that making her debut as a character this year, would be great because she wouldn't have to spend the time creating her avatar every year, but said you probably won't see much of her, because she will be home playing the game.

She also talked about getting over with the fans, saying she feels it is because she is so ordinary, like the girl next door, and people can relate to her.

On being compared to Miss Elizabeth...

“I think I have a long way to go. She is out of my league, but I appreciate the comparison. I think it’s the innocence people see in the two of us, and having something that’s more of an understatement. A woman who appears to be more of a gentle creature on TV. It’s amazing to me to be compared at all to her, or anyone in the past. I hope I can be someone people look at in the future and compare other people to me. It’s a big deal, and I appreciate it.”


Is sending his Knox Pro students to the post SummerSlam WWE tryouts

Dawn Marie:

Has continued to defend her charity, she says she reneged on a promise to help Marty Jannetty to get the surgery he desperately needs, to help Kamala, only for him to return the money she sent because he didn't receive it fast enough.

''I’m saddened that after 17 years of my career, this is what my legacy will be. I didn’t do anything wrong but try to help someone.''

She has been getting a lot of heat from stars on Twitter over Jerry Lynn. Jerry has defended her...

“Since a lot of the talk regarding Wrestler’s Rescue has centered around what was done to help me when I injured my back, I felt it necessary to speak out.''

''Did Wrestler’s Rescue raise any money for me directly? No. However, Dawn Marie put me in touch with Karl Lauer of the Cauliflower Alley Club, which did help me financially on several occasions during the period I was hurt and needed help.''

''I am deeply thankful to Dawn for making that connection for me and obviously, to the CAC as well as everyone else who supported me in any way during that time period. Thank you.”

She says that she does not take a cheque from Wrestlers Rescue, and because of a limit on her PayPal account cannot send more than $500 at a time.

She ended with...

''A few rotten apples may spoil the bunch but the tree still stands strong. I will continue to do this. If we were a scam, would Vince McMahon put his name behind us? There are too many people that need our help for us to quit now.''

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