Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Today's News

Charlie Sheen vs Daniel Bryan:

A creative leak from within WWE suggests Sheen will have Kane as his corner man for his SummerSlam match vs Daniel Bryan.


Vince and Linda McMahon have lost $500,000,000 due to the stock price of WWE falling... Ouch...!!!.

They blame their movie wing, WWE Studios.

Randy Orton:

WWE.Com have posted an interview with Randy Orton to explain where he has been, he said he was on ''Vacation''.

More WWE talent issues:

Tensai has posted a racist comment on Tout, he said it was...

“Very, very dangerous” to drive with a Japanese person. He then slaps Sakamoto as he’s driving and orders him to ''Open his eyes.”

The post has since been removed, and WWE have said...

“While in character, Lord Tensai (Matt Bloom) clearly took his storyline too far and he will be reprimanded for his inappropriate comments.”

Also English trainee MVK has been arrested in the UK after a bar fight.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Booker T will be announced as the new General Manager

* Booker makes his first main event Alberto Del Rio vs Randy Orton

* He also announces the opening match Sheamus vs Tensai

* Booker chooses his assistant between Eve and Teddy Long

* Santino vs Antonio Cesaro

* Bryan / Ziggler / Miz vs Kane / Christian / Chris Jericho

* Ryback vs Jinder Mahal

* Darren Young vs R-Truth

* Booker makes Cody vs Sin Cara for next week.

John Laurinaitis:

John Cena helped Johnny Ace celebrate his birthday after the SmackDown tapings last night. Johnny who was due to team with Big Show against Cena, but was replaced by Cody Rhodes, came to the ring with a chair to attack Cena, but Cena picked him up for the AA. He did not deliver the move, putting him down and led the crowd in a singing of Happy Birthday, while referee Charles Robinson went below the ring to get a cake, which Cena went on to push into his face.


Has done his first interview since losing his legs to diabetes, he criticised Dawn Marie Bytch who he says is not helping him the way she claims to be, and talks about Vince McMahon and WWE (Video)...

Mr. SummerSlam:

Edge won a poll on WWE.Com to be named as the greatest competitor in SummerSlam history, he debuted at the event in 1998, in MSG teaming with Sable vs Marvelous Marc Mero and Jacqueline.


Is still on the road with WWE, and was still allowed to have an open mike at the SmackDown tapings last night, he may survive his faux pas on Raw last night after all.

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