Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Today's News


WWE may be about to kill the FCW brand, they have re-branded the developmental company's website with NXT logo's, no mention of FCW remains, bar the site address.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Alberto Del Rio wants Booker T to reinstate his title shot

* Chris Jericho enters and says he wants the shot

* Booker T makes ADR vs Jericho the main event

* Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara vs Cody Rhodes & The Miz

* Tyler Reks & Curt Hawkins (With new look) vs 2 

* Eve vs Kaitlyn (To become Booker's Asst.)

* Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan

* Antonio Cesaro vs Zack Ryder

* Dolph Ziggler attacks Y2J

* Sheamus makes the save

* Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio is back on for SummerSlam

Linda McMahon:

Is one step closer to achieving her political ambitions, she has won her primary vs Chris Shays and will now face Christopher Murphy for the seat. She needs to turn over an 8 point deficit.

Kurt Angle vs CM Punk:

Kurt Angle apologised for his comments yesterday...

“I apologize to TNA and WWE fans for my comment,” Angle wrote. “I don’t expect Punk to apologize to TNA, but I’m sorry. Respect 4 The Biz.”

But he continued to attack CM Punk personally...

“I didn’t apologize to Punk. Only the WWE (and) TNA fans. Punk disrespected TNA. He Has a lot to learn about fame and responsibility.”

And he called him out again...

''Put It to Rest. Angle vs Punk will Happen. Tna or Wwe. I Hope Tna. We’ll See. U tough Punk?''

Angle also stated that TNA was not an “Indy company” because he made more money than Punk, who has remained silent.

Saturday Morning Slam:

Kofi Kingston vs Heath Slater, was taped last night. It will be the first ever match on the new children's WWE show.

Yoshi Tatsu:

Has denied been hurt in China.

Raw Social Media:

After some reality star last week, it seems WWE are to continue bringing celebs in to Tweet about Raw, this week will be Kardashian, (I don't know what that is, a band maybe).

Ric Flair:

The double Hall Of Famer appeared for the first time at a wrestling show since leaving TNA, at the Battle Of The Juggalo's show. It didn't go well, he was bottled, and refused to go back in front on the crowd for the rest of the night.


WWE may have been bluffing when they said JBL was the first name removed from the potential SmackDown commentators job, he is in talks to return to WWE in some capacity.

Chael Sonnen:

The UFC star has killed speculation he will join WWE at the end of his UFC career...

“I only watch WWE if Stone Cold Steve Austin is on or if CM Punk is wrestling. Other than that, I have no interest.”

Chris Jericho:

Has been asked how he feels about his Dolph Ziggler rivalry been fans last memory of him in the ring, he said he was happy to work with anyone, but is really excited to pass the torch to one of the stars of the future, adding...

''I’m in the best shape of my life. I feel great. I’m enjoying this run, and if I didn’t have a tour and a record coming out, I would stay. It’s not like I can’t wait to leave – in fact, it’s the complete opposite. I’m a little sad to leave, in one way, but super-excited by the reason why I’m leaving''.

Vince kills legends:

Vince McMahon was so angry about Rowdy Roddy Piper's performance on Raw that he has killed the plans to have legends on call to appear weekly for nostalgia value. He screamed at Michael Cole to say, that the segment was...

“Starting to stink”

Shawn Michaels:

Has tweeted that he is out of SummerSlam, due to his injury. Which probably means he will be there and will interfere to help Triple H get the win.

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