Sunday, August 12, 2012

Today's News

WWE Hall Of Fame:

WWE have confirmed The 2013 Hall Of Fame Ceremony will be held at Madison Square Garden, and Fan Axxess will be at the Izod Centre, next door to the venue of WrestleMania 29, The Metlife Stadium.


CM Punk vs Big Show will open up Raw tomorrow.


The World Title match has been pulled from the show by Booker T, to punish Alberto Del Rio for attacking Sheamus on SmackDown, Sheamus will instead face Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Kane, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan or Sin Cara (according to WWE.Com). All options have problems, Orton is banned from appearing as punishment for his drugs fail, Kane, Daniel Bryan, and Dolph Ziggler are already booked, Rey is set to face The Miz for the IC title, and Sin Cara is said to be on his way out, so this is probably kayfabe, and ADR will get the match in the end.

Live match:

Fans in attendance for a recent Raw house show, report that Dolph Ziggler and Sin Cara botched the finish of their match, Dolph stayed in the ring arguing with the referee for several minutes after the match ended, but fans say Dolph was at fault, and it was one of the worst performances they have ever seen him put in.

CM Punk had the night off, he was at a Mighty Mighty Bosstones concert.


Former WWE star and current TNA employee, Victoria, (Now known as Tara), is furious with her former employers. WWE allegedly demanded that Wizard World Comic Con refuse entry to TNA talent, or they would not let WWE stars attend the popular fan fest...

“I was supposed to be there on Saturday and the only way WWE would show up is if Impact Wrestling was not going to show up. So I got the last minute phone call and I got nixed”.

The interviewer, said '“Wait a second. Are you telling me that the WWE says that Impact Wrestling is not competition, but yet they are banning them from Wizard World?”, to which she responded...

“Actions speak louder than words.”

Abraham Washington:

WWE may be regretting firing AW already, there has been a really negative response from the locker room, worse than any release in a long while, and an insider told Dave Meltzer...

“The more he says, the better his chances of being brought back in a while, Vince has no respect for people he bullies and don’t fight back''.

The real reason for his firing has also emerged, it seems he was not fired for the Raw comment, but because he sent a tweet of support to Linda McMahon following the joke. WWE were worried that the media would pick up on the tweet and use his controversial comment against Linda, who is on the campaign trail for a political career.

He went on to point out more of WWE's hypocrisy, such as Tensai making stereotypical remarks about Japanese people last week on Tout, John Cena cracking homophobic insults on WWE programming, Randy Orton suggesting during a radio interview that Kelly Kelly had sexual relations with upwards of ten WWE Superstars, and Cena and Jerry “The King” Lawler hurling weight-related barbs toward Vickie Guerrero.

He also posted 2 pictures, one of himself and Mike Tyson, another of himself and Vince McMahon.

He also posted a link to this video...

WWE release:

AW was not the only star let go yesterday, FCW talent Sofia Cortez was also released. This came as a shock even to WWE insiders, as her coaches at FCW say she is ''Impressive'' in the ring, ''Solid'' on the mic, and ''A real star of the future''.

Racist incident:

A racist incident at a wrestling show in June has been picked up by a local news station in Texas.

A wrestling promoter in Denton, North Carolina, reportedly caved to threats by the Ku Klux Klan and banned black wrestlers and fans from attending a June 23rd show. The promoter was spooked by a text message, which read: “Do not bring no blacks into Denton. You have been warned. The White Knights.”

The promoter (Who refused to give his name) said he contacted the Police, but was told...

'‘You’d better pay attention. Those boys mean business’'.

Local law enforcement disputed this, they say they were not informed of the incident, and had never heard of the group who made the threat, adding they would have been happy to have sent an officer to the show.

Assault at wrestling show:

Following a bout Kevin Steen the current ROH Champion, jumped into the crowd and ''Potatoed'' two fans, one was knocked to the ground, another who was punched flush in the face, began to cry, no response from ROH or the wrestler as to why, he did what he did.

A wrestling journalist who was at the event said Steen had words with one fan as he left the ring, and they started to push and shove, whilst that was going on the second fan spat at him, and he lost it.

Legend dies:

Jim Ross announced via Twitter, that Red Bastien has died aged 81.

I will add him to R.I.P Dead Wrestlers later today.

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