Friday, August 31, 2012

Today's News

George The Animal Steele:

Says he owes his life to WWE, is bored of the Dragon vs Savage WrestleMania match, and recalled a story of his time being responsible for drug testing talent...

''Well I asked Andre The Giant to pee into a cup and he said no. So I looked at him and thought, he’s probably not on growth hormones: he’s already too dang big!''.

Shelton Benjamin vs The Barbarian:

Shelton Benjamin is furious with former WWE star The Barbarian after a tour of Nigeria, he says he was not paid, and was almost killed in a bomb blast...

“If any wrestler is asked by UPW/ Barbarian of Powers of Pain 2 got 2 Nigeria, get 100% of your $$ Upfront. stiffed me & the entire Crew last yr. or if U know a wrestler planning to tour with UPW/Barbarian “P.O.P” please inform them of my warning. I respect all talent that came before me and appreciate what they do but when a so called legend stiff his talent, some of which are not as fortunate as me to have made quite bit of $$ that person and his spouse Can go to Hell. Yes I’m referring only to The Barbarian. NOT WARLORD.

Myself @valvenisent @jefflewis and a few other guys basically could have been killed when the bomb went of in Abuja the day before that bomb went off we were yards away from the embassy, and this MO’Fo turns around and stiffs talent. F*CK YOU BARBARIAN!!!

To my fans please excuse my language but I held this in a long time hoping that Barbarian would reconcile the situation but like a true liar and Thief he nor anyone else answers calls or returns and if by accident they do pick up they hang up immediately. Thank God I have and still make a good living but I feel sorry for those guys who really depended on their pay-offs.”

Jeff Hardy:

Has expressed his concern over the future of Tag Team wrestling...

“I wish I knew, I do miss that as well. Coming from our history with the Dudley Boyz, Edge & Christian, that was a time when tag team wrestling went crazy, so cool, and even there was one point in TNA when Beer Money were having this feud with [ Motor City Machine Guns]. Oh it was amazing. I don’t know I can’t answer that but I definitely think something is missing there with the tag teams. It could be better. We just gotta figure it out.''

He also says he is changing his ring style because he is older, and has a daughter to worry about now.

David Otunga:

Has joined his future wife Jennifer Hudson as guests on the Oprah Winfrey show.

TNA World Title:

The TNA World Title and a replica were stolen on August 18 at a TNA House show, Police have now arrested two men and retrieved the titles said to be worth $6,000 and $400 respectively.

Bubba Ray Dudley:

Will face Rob Van Dam in his last TNA TV match next week before ending his 7 years with the company on the following Sunday's PPV.

TNA are being a bit slimy over this, an official told The Wrestling Observer that Bubba was considering staying after D'Von announced he had quit, saying they were always a pair, but D'Von had broken the bond by going without Bubba, this led to Bubba going onto Twitter to confirm he was leaving too.

Punk gets Political:

The WWE champ had a dig at Mitt Romney on his Twitter...

“I’m stoked to be in Sydney and nowhere near the RNC to hear how they intended to limit the rights of women and destroy the education system.”

Rosa Mendes:

Has returned to active duty for WWE on the Australian tour. She had been off TV since her arrest after allegedly being assaulted by her partner Jackson Andrews.

John Laurinaitis:

Is also back from his injury, he attacked Cena as the Australian show was reaching it's end.

Rowdy Roddy Piper:

Has withdrawn from the Caribbean legends of wrestling tour.


Has heaped praise on Eddie and Vickie Guerrero's Daughter Shaul, saying she can't wait to face her.

CM Punk:

WWE have said they believe he cut his head on the cage, and that no fines were issued to him or the Ref Charles Robinson.

Word in the back however says he had talked about bleeding in the main event, to bring a ''Harder edge'' to the end of the show, and bring back a more Hardcore feeling to Raw.


It appears Cameron, who is in Australia on the tour, may be on her way out. WWE insiders say they would have fined Cameron for her DUI, but the fact she tried to bribe the cops and hid the fact she worked for WWE may cost her her job, no official word from WWE as of yet.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Today's News


Tried to bribe the cops with $10,000 out of fear she would lose her job with WWE. A WWE rep said...

“Ariane did not alert us to this matter, we are investigating and will take appropriate action.”

Booker T:

Says he doesn't want to go into the Hall Of Fame until he is 60, and that he wants Stevie Ray to induct him.

Kurt Angle:

Has just finished a movie, he says it was ''Amazeballs''.

He really said that!!!...

King Mo:

Says he will debut in TNA in October.

D'Von Dudley:

Has quit TNA effective immediately, Bubba tweeted he will fulfil his PPV match and would follow suit.

D'Von thanked TNA and it's fans on Twitter, and asserted he has no plans to retire.

CM Punk:

Has denied blading on Raw, but then he said he paid Charles Robinson's fine.

Stone Cold Steve Austin:

Has recalled how at SummerSlam, Cameron approached him and told him, that she was the first star cut from Tough Enough, but is the one and only star from the show that is still employed by WWE. (For now).

Randy Orton:

Will be off the road until November 1st.

John Laurinaitis:

Is injured, that is why he hasn't yet made his on screen return.

Ric Flair:

Can join WWE from September 10, the plan is to put him with Dolph Ziggler.

Butch Reed:

Was jailed for amounting a number of DWI offences.

Legends on tour:

King Jerry Lawler has joined the cast of a legends tour of the Caribbean which begins in early September.

TNA tease:

* Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle in a Bound For Glory Series Match

* Rob Van Dam vs. James Storm in a Bound For Glory Series Match

* Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles in a Bound For Glory Series Match

* An update on Austin Aries following the Aces & 8s attack

* Will Kris Lewie earn a spot on the TNA roster in Gutcheck?

* Madison Rayne will have a surprise

Shaggy and AJ:

Apparently AJ and my cartoon alter ego Shaggy Rogers get it on, in the WWE Scooby Doo Movie.

Drew McIntyre:

Has predicted the death of wrestling. He says the current generation needs to step up and save the future, because with Shawn, Bret and Austin gone, and Taker and HHH on their way any time, the industry is facing a real test in the coming years.

Husky Harris:

Will return next month, and will be bringing in ''His family'', he will lead a group of wrestlers, kind of like a cult leader.

Lacey Von Erich:

Has tweeted she is on labour:

Pat Patterson:

Raw on September 10 will be Pat Patterson Appreciation night.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today's News

AJ vs Vickie Guerrero:

Vickie continually attacks AJ on Twitter, this is leading to a rivalry possibly leading to a match for control of Raw.

Randy Orton:

Has been pulled from live events and a tour of Canada, this is probably to give him time off for his movie.


Is apparently back with WWE, a fan said he refereed a pre show match at Raw last night.

Kidd & Gabriel:

Are to call their tag team International Airstrike.

Bray Wyatt:

The former Husky Harris, says he will be back ''Very Soon''.

Damien Sandow:

Triple H has taken a personal interest in Damien Sandow, and is said to consider him his pet project, expect a big push.

Writer dig at Stephanie:

Ex-WWE creative writer Seth Mates replied to a fan who asked about a Steph McMahon DVD, with...

“Does twitter have a “report buffoons” button?”

Smackdown SPOILERS!!!:

* Sheamus promo interrupted by Damien Sandow.

* Booker T makes Sheamus vs Sandow.

* Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes.

* Kaitlyn vs Natalya. (Eve Torres came out for commentary).

* Sheamus vs Damien Sandow.

* Darren Young and Titus O’Neil vs Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel.

* Alberto Del Rio vs Kane

* Kane apologized for attacking Josh Mathews at SummerSlam, then attacked him again.

* Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler (main event).

Terry Crews to WWE:

I don't know who he is, but he is teasing a WWE career, asking his fans if he should go and beat the snot of WWE's talent...

''I’m talking to the WWE about doing somethings. I love the energy and excitement and the live component. It’s theater on a grand scale!''.

Floyd Mayweather:

The boxer who wrestled at Mania 24, says he will be back at 29. This probably means Hall Of Fame.


WWE star Cameron was arrested for DUI in the early hours of the morning. She tried to hide who she was, she told the police she worked as a Sales Associate for Wells Fargo, and she refused to take a roadside breath test.

WWE stars reunite:

Jonathan Coachman and Todd Grisham were paired together on ESPN Sports Centre last night, their employers were impressed and intend to keep them together.

Scorpio Sky:

After appearing on WWE as Harold, TNA have withdrawn their contract offer.

WWE have also confirmed they will continue to air the anger management vignettes, including one featuring a Lance Storm trainee Nick Madrid.

Hall Of Fame inductee:

Talk backstage at the SmackDown tapings last night, is that the CM Punk vs King Jerry Lawler feud is a pre-curser to Andy Kaufman being announced for the Hall Of Fame, Lawler has pushed for a long time to get his friend in, he may finally get his wish.


WWE were to have a dig at UFC on Raw, saying they never cancel PPV's, but changed their minds.


WWE are afraid to ''Pull the trigger'' on the Ryback push, because they are worried they may mess it up.

Creative leak:

Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker at WrestleMania 29 has been nixed, instead Triple H vs Lesnar II will headline the show. This means Brock vs Taker will be at Survivor Series, and could also mean The Undertaker wasn't joking when he said he would not be at WrestleMania next year.

No word on whether this will be Triple H's retirement match, but they shot the Raw speech, because they did not get footage they needed for the rematch at SummerSlam, namely ''Thank you Hunter'' chants, and crying fans. So it looks like it may be IMO.

CM Punk:

Could be in real trouble backstage, he bladed on Raw, which is strictly prohibited by WWE, he tried twice to cut himself, before succeeding, he then handed the blade to Charles Robinson.

Hulk Hogan:

Has opened his beach shop in Florida.

Baby Dead Man:

The Undertaker and Michelle McCool are now parents, Lilian Garcia has just sent a tweet congratulating them on their ''Bundle of joy''.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Today's News

Diamond Dallas Page:

Says he is open to a ring return with WWE, if the story line was right.

WWE 13:

THQ have announced 2 new features for the next game, Create-A-Stage and the inferno match.

Josh Matthews:

Is tweeting in character about WWE being an unsafe place to work, this is following his assault at the hands of Kane at SummerSlam.

Chris Jericho:

Say he only returned to WWE because he was in between albums, and as soon as he started writing again he wanted to get back to his band Fozzy. He said he signed a 6 month deal, which extended to 9 because of the album release date being delayed.

Ric Flair:

Is angling for a role in The Hangover 3.

Chris Benoit / WWF:

SilverVision have released the first DVD since the WWF embargo ended, interestingly the Attitude era DVD also features Chris Benoit, in matches vs Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Promo's and in the bonus features. He is also featured on a new Chris Jericho DVD set.


The anger management guy on Raw was Scorpio Sky, the wrestler who refused to sign a TNA deal to go to the WWE tryout's only to no show. WWE are said to have filmed many skits during the tryouts, featuring stars that were aiming for jobs, no word if any more will air, but they do have a lot of footage if they choose to continue with it.

Mr Belding:

Will host a Saved by the Bell wrestling event next month.

Dudley Boys:

Have still not re-signed with TNA, it seems the two sides are playing chicken, waiting to see who blinks first.

WWE Encyclopedia:

The WWE book has been delayed from September until November 19

Michael Cole:

Made a huge botch on Raw, in the main event, CM Punk used the Rock Bottom, to further the story between the two, Cole did not mention it as he was supposed to, leading to major backstage heat. (Sack him P-P-P Please).

Triple H:

The reason for the promo last night was WWE did not feel the fans took his retirement seriously at SummerSlam. He also has told officials he will not Wrestle again until Mania 29, no word on what that means in his feud with Brock, (Either he will go against Brock at Mania, or the feud is over).

Mick Foley:

Was teasing Triple H on Twitter whilst raw was on yesterday, leading to fans asking why he and Hunter don't get on, he said it was Triple H that brought him back to WWE and...

“Bottom line: I’m happy. I’m part of the company I love, and I get to try things on my own. Thank you, Triple H, for bringing me back to WWE.”

Dave Meltzer, recalled Triple H saying to him once (Anonymously)...

“Foley is an out-of-shape nobody. No one cares about him at all. Funaki puts more asses in the seats than Foley does. He should pay us for coming on our shows.”

He says Triple H resents the opinion that it was the matches between the two in 2000 that made Hunter a star.

Ken Shamrock:

Is facing a lawsuit after the brawl in which he floored a woman he thought was a man. Melinda Garcia says she was in a confrontation with another woman when Shamrock screamed at her to stop, when she didn't respond he (she alleges) punched her in the face, causing her Mother to rush over to the scene and it was her he decked with a submission move.

Shamrock stated he was trying to help when he was back jumped, and says it was the lady filing the suit that jumped him from behind.

Police have CCTV of the incident, but it has not yet been released.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Today's News


Has been interviewed on why why he doesn't stay with major promotions, he said he left WWE because his contract was coming up and he didn't want to sign a 3 year deal, because he felt underused. He said he left TNA because Vince Russo's creative ideas's were dated.

He ended by saying he would go back but would not risk his indy career by being used as a jobber.

Raw teaser:

* Triple H will set the record straight regarding his future

* Who will Dolph Ziggler challenge next as he prepares to cash in?

* Daniel Bryan will begin anger management classes, as ordered by AJ Lee

* Eve Torres has an ulterior motive with Kaitlyn and Layla, what is it?

* Will CM Punk accept John Cena’s offer for Night of Champions, will he ask anyone else to show respect?


Says her new finish is called the Bombshell.

The Miz:

Was due to be off TV for a few weeks, on a promotional tour, but WWE have called him back, with zero notice, he is on an epic tour to get to Raw tonight, London to Chicago, then he must drive to Milwaukee.

HHH vs Brock:

The SummerSlam rematch may be brought forward to Hell In A Cell in October.

WWE vs Kid:

This PG s**t is going to far, a WWE official made a child remove his shirt at the last Saturday Morning Slam taping, because his shirt was offensive. It said ''Shut up and ride''. His parents were furious and embarrassed, but had to make him change or they say, they would have been removed.

Personal Note...

WWE said they wanted to show crowd footage of kids, and said they couldn't show him wearing the shirt he had on. Well, don't show him then!!!.

Ted DiBiase:

I have said it before, I will say it again, Ted DiBiase must have been some kind of monster in a past life... He was finally due to return to TV's this week, after a lengthy lay off with multiple injuries, but he contracted Pneumonia.

Tommy Dreamer:

Is filming with WWE today.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Today's News

Wade Barrett:

Is to go back to his bare knuckle fighting past, when he returns to TV.

TNA signing:

TNA have signed Eric The Midget, to join their PPV presenting team.

The Natural Butch Reed:

Has been jailed for breaching his probation conditions.

Naomi dances in:

One of Brodus Clay's dancers stepped in to replace Kaitlyn for a match vs Natalya Neidhart this weekend, the match was called one of the best diva's matches of the year. Kaitlyn missed the show due to travel issues.

The Rock:

Has revealed he was injured during the WrestleMania main event vs John Cena, he says he tore a hamstring, and was in intense pain for the rest of the match.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Today's News

WWE 13:

THQ have revealed the game modes on the next game...

* Rise of DX
* Austin 3:16
* The Brothers of Destruction
* The Great One
* Mankind
* Wrestlemania XV

The storylines will have players go through 65 matches that are based on the storylines of that era, but allows for changes based on how players proceed within the game.

Vince McMahon:

In an interview to celebrate his 67th birthday yesterday Vince McMahon has declared he has no intention of ever retiring, saying he will ''Die in the chair'' and that for him...

“This is not a job, I love what I do.”

He said the only way he would move on was if he went senile.

Eric Bischoff messaged congratulations...

''Happy Birthday to Vince McMahon. An amazing man with years ahead of him''.

Angelina Love:

Says she would love to go to WWE...

“Yeah absolutely, I would love to. I think that would be awesome. It would be really, really fun. I really haven’t worked with many of the girls there, so it would be all new possibilities, and that’s fun.”

Claire Lynch:

Immediately quit TNA after her identity leaked online, she became the victim of in her words...

“Some of the most classless garbage you’d expect to see, just low rent message board loser stuff.”

She didn't want future employers to see the abuse her characterisation received.

Owen Hart:

Natalya has stated her uncle Owen would become a Hall Of Famer...

“Yes, one day.”

Martha probably won't agree. She says she doesn't want Owen linked with WWE, and that he was planning on retiring shortly after the stunt that killed him, because he wanted to be a dad.

Saturday Morning Slam:

The new WWE kids show aimed at young boys (12 and under) Started today, no word on viewing figures yet.

Triple H:

Will open Raw next week and will discuss his future plans.

The Miz:

Has taken part in a UK game show, supermarket sweep today, he then met up with The Rock and Maria Menounos at a party, for the cast and crew of The Rock's latest movie Fast 6.

Buff Bagwell:

Will return to the ring this weekend, teaming with Matt Hardy vs Scott Steiner and Gunner for Mid Atlantic.

Mikey Whipwreck to WWE:

The ex ECW star has been filming at WWE HQ today.

Rey Mysterio:

Will be out of action for a few weeks, he has been diagnosed with a severe concussion.


Has shot a new porno, She Hulk, an incredible hulk parody which apparently will see her painted green.

New WWE gimmick:

John Cena has gotten WWE star Derrick Bateman a new character ''The USA Guy''. He will be introduced through a series of vignettes, here is the first which will be aired in the next couple of weeks (Video)...

Hulk Hogan:

Says he is planning on shaving his trademark blonde hair off, and going bald.

Curt Hawkins:

Has promoted indy group Pro Wrestling Guerillia on his Twitter.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Today's News

WWE edits:

WWE have cut 2 mentions of Chris Benoit from a video airing on Classics On Demand. The mentions from Taz are amongst a profanity laced verbal assault on the Wolverine.

TNA star lands TV role:

Magnus will present the UK's strongest man show, Dixie Carter has announced.

New Von Erich:

Former WWE and TNA star Lacey Von Erich says the birth of a baby son is imminent, Good Luck.

Jim Ross swipe at developmental talent:

The Hall Of Famer who commentates main events on NXT wrote before this weeks shows...

“I have plenty of time 4 any NXT talent who wants to be great. To be physical & smart. To work diligently to improve. To the others, nothing.”

Ken Shamrock:

The WWE alumnus involved himself in a brawl between two women, in a California Mall, whilst trying to break up the fight, someone back jumped him, so he dumped them to the ground and locked in a submission hold, he was then told he had knocked out a woman. Shamrock says he thought it was a man, but when he realized he let go. Police have filed a battery report against him, but say charges are unlikely.


In a dark match post NXT last night CM Punk teamed with Seth Rollins to take on Kassius Ohno and Antonio Cesaro, in what was described as an indy dream match. Punk and Rollins scored the win and all 4 men celebrated in the ring, before John Cena entered the arena to announce he will be a guest at the next tapings.

TNA kill story:

It was rumoured over the weekend that TNA had decided to end the Claire Lynch story because her true identity had leaked online, and that Claire had been released, last night's Impact confirmed the story is over. The actress did not appear, but a statement was read on her behalf, ending the angle.

FCW Women's title dropped:

WWE have decided not to crown a new developmental Women's champ after the last champ Caylee was recently fired. Jim Ross says a NXT Womens belt is a possibility but that it is TBD.

Honky Tonk Man:

Has shot a straight to DVD movie, it will be out later in the Fall.

WWE pay for fans time:

WWE were giving half price tickets to any fans that agreed to stay behind after NXT to shoot some promo's, they were asked about Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, AJ and other subjects and their reactions were recorded for some future project.

Zack Ryder:

Has had a dig at his own YouTube show...

“Just finished Episode 81 of Z! TLIS…ugh…I still make these things……”

WWE creative leak:

Apparently the Triple H vs Brock Lesnar story was done solely to build into an eventual feud vs The Undertaker, which will culminate at WrestleMania 29.


Has been involved in a serious car wreck, her car aquaplaned, flipped and she landed upside down in 3 feet of water, she says her seat belt likely saved her life.

Rey Mysterio:

Says he only has one goal left to achieve in wrestling, to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame. When asked if that meant he was considering retirement, he said no, but did say the wear and tear on his body is limiting his ring style and would not won't to carry on, if his performances could not reach a decent standard, out of respect for his fans and peers.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today's News


Has revealed how he liked to ''Mess'' with CM Punk on the Indy scene, by handing him pills and spiking his soft drinks with alcohol.

David Otunga:

Has been criticised as a poor worker and dangerous in the ring, by former WWE stars Chris Masters, who said...

“He’s got two left feet. C’mon, just watch him walk around the ring for five minutes.”

And by developmental talent Marcus Owens, who added...

“I swear David Otunga is the most unsafe guy, I’ve ever seen on TV,” he wrote on Facebook. “I’d rather work Sid Vicious back when he was with the IV Horseman…LOL.”


Will check out of her WWE rehab today.

Rey Mysterio:

Will be put of action for a couple of weeks, he suffered a concussion at SummerSlam when The Miz dropped him with a sit down powerbomb. He appeared groggy at Raw and the WWE doctors checked him over and have decided he needed to be pulled from the active list.

Sexy Dolph:

Prince Harry is not the only one being exposed (See what I did there ;) on the internet. Dolph Ziggler's former Girlfriend has revealed she ended their relationship because their sex was “Too athletic” and that he was tossing her around like they were wrestling.

Linda McMahon:

Has scored a goal vs her political rivals, WWE have mocked her opponent for advertising his campaign during this weeks Raw, saying how can he be critical of the product, yet use it to get his message to people who watch the product he declares himself to be offended by.

The Miz:

Is coming to the UK for a week, and then moving on to other countries on a multi week promotional tour, and he wants to meet people to show him around, he says he will record his trip around the world on his tout.


4 new stars have started with WWE this week...

Danny Burch, a British wrestler who has had to wait over a year to start due to a knee injury.

Memo Montenegro, Alberto Del Rio's younger Brother.

Oliver Grey, a British former tree Surgeon, who will portray a lumberjack character.

Chase Donovan, a former body builder.

Antonio Cesaro:

Who says kayfabe is dead, Cesaro's US title win made mainstream news in his native Switzerland.

Charlie Sheen:

Said to friends WWE would have to pay a whole lot of money to get him to do anything in the ring.

The Natural Butch Reed:

Is in jail in Missouri for a probation violation.

WWE try outs:

Scorpio Sky and Shaun Ricker who are interesting TNA did not take their spots at the post SummerSlam training camp.


This makes me mad, WWE cut 2 matches, and 7 minutes was taken off the WWE title match so they could have that awful musical interlude during the show, they also had ''Fans'' planted in the crowd dancing.

Ric Flair snubs Great Muta:

Muta wanted to work with Flair for AJPW, but they could only offer $15,000 and that wasn't enough.

Night Of Champions:

Matches have leaked online for the next WWE event...

WWE Title...
CM Punk vs. John Cena

World Title...
Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio (Randy Orton Guest Ref)

US Title...
Antonio Cesaro vs Santino Marella

Diva's Title...
Layla vs Kaitlyn

Tag Team Title...
Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. The Usos vs. Primo & Epico vs. Titus O’Neil & Darren Young.

No IC Title match is yet booked it seems, Probably would have been a Miz vs Rey rematch, but as I said above, Rey is hurt.

Alberto Del Rio:

Has flip turned, he has said in interviews in Mexico he wants to retire in 3- 5 years, he has told a US magazine he wants to stay with WWE for 10 -15 more years, if they will have him.

Olympic star to WWE:

Diana Lopez a Tae Kwon Do Bronze Medalist from Sugarland, Texas is working on a deal to join WWE, she has decided to quit her sport after failing to medal at this years games.

Christian to TNA:

Christian will be at the next TNA PPV and will induct Sting into the TNA Hall Of Fame according to insiders. They also revealed Ric Flair who was to induct Sting, has been under a 120 day no compete clause, which does not end until September 6.

Tyler Reks:

WWE confirmed on Twitter that he had left, (Not important enough to mention on their site!!!), and some of Reks former colleagues have tweeted him, wishing him well...

Curt Hawkins...

“Lucky for all of you I’m not a Dad (yet), I’m just a determined kid who loves the wrestling business. I’m here to stay. See you at the show.

William Regal...

“I was told that Tyler Reks has finished with WWE.Talented lad who was a gentleman.I admire his unselfish gesture for his family.Good man.”


“The locker room will miss you bro.”

Mark Henry:

Has given his strongest hint yet, that he will return to WWE, as his shoulder is healing well. He should be back late in the Fall.

Alex Shelley:

Despite denying it, Alex Shelley has been in talks with WWE, he has not signed yet because he wants to fulfil his Japanese tour next month, but will sign when he returns.

Creative plans for Cody Rhodes:

Ric Flair's daughter is to be Cody Rhodes Manager when she has done her basic training. This will lead to a tension between them and their famous Father's who have had a legendary rivalry. Also a huge hint that WWE do intend to bring Ric back.

Miss USA:

Rima Fakih says WWE do not want her.


Was given a crash course in refereeing by Earl Hebner just hours before she went onto TV, speaking of which TNA were said to be shocked at the lack of a response to her debut, by fans in attendance.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today's News


The unauthorised documentary on the lives of the stars of the now defunct promotion, following them since the end of their ECW careers is set to be released this December.

WWE on Brock Lesnar:

Triple H says Brock came to them to ask for a job after he left WWE, but didn't want the travel regime, so they came up with the contract he currently has. He also talked of the animosity between the two sides from Brock breaking his no compete clause when he left WWE in 2004...

“There had been some animosity a little bit in some ways between Brock and the WWE at various points. Some of that was real, some of that was media.”

Rey Mysterio talked about the lack of animosity from the locker room...

“When something happens and when it’s unexpected, it shocks the world and it shocks the backstage locker room. Overall, you tend to forget about things and move on with your life. I don’t think anybody has anything to say about Brock. He did what he had to do and accomplished what few will ever do.”

WWE criticised:

Irv Muchnick, who wrote the book Chris and Nancy (based on the Benoit tragedy) has hit out at local Politician in California who tweeted her support of the WWE's Be-A-Star event pre SummerSlam, he said WWE are...

''The biggest bully on the block''

He then wrote an E-Mail listing examples of the WWE's hypocrisy including Vince McMahon's JR impression.

Stone Cold Steve Austin:

Has shot down rumours of a ring return, it was reported yesterday he had told high level WWE officials that he planned on working towards a Mania 30 main event match, he and his friend JR have been in deny, deny, deny mode via Twitter ever since.

Shaq vs Brock:

Shaquille O'Neill has light heartedly challenged Brock Lesnar to a match, via his Tout.

PWI 500:

CM Punk is the number 1 wrestler on the annual list. #BestInTheWorld.

Diva denies release:

Skyler Moon's profile has been taken down from the NXT site, prompting speculation she has been dropped by WWE, she says her profile is under construction.

Armando Alejandro Estrada vs Fred Durst:

The former WWE manager has attacked Fred Durst for his middle finger salute to the camera at SummerSlam...

“It’s 2012. Giving the camera a middle finger is not cool or cutting-edge. It’s trashy and says you don’t belong on camera! #jagoff.”

Beth Phoenix:

Was pulled from Raw this week, and has been from next weeks show and an upcoming WWE Australia tour. she says she and her family are grieving the loss of a loved one.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Teddy Long sits in for Josh Matthews on comms.
  • Randy Orton asks for a title shot.
  • Alberto Del Rio says he should have a rematch.
  • Booker makes Randy vs ADR for No.1 contendership to the World title.
  • Ryback vs Jinder Mahal.
  • Layla vs Alicia Fox (Kaitlyn on Comms).
  • Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero argue backstage.
  • Sheamus dares Dolph to cash in his briefcase.
  • Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler.
  • Santino talks about losing his US title.
  • ADR yells at Ricardo Rodriguez.
  • Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs Primo & Epico.
  • Backstage brawl involving tag teams.
  • Wade Barrett promo.
  • Main event followed by a huge brawl.

The Bella's:

Have landed a movie role, the movie is called Confessions Of A Womanizer.

Want to be a WWE star?:

WWE have launched a new website for budding future stars.

Charlie Sheen:

Pulled out of SummerSlam due to a family birthday.

Tag Title change pulled:

The tag titles were to change hands at SummerSlam but WWE changed the end on the night, possibly as punishment for AW.

Released diva:

Christina Crawford (Caylee) was released because she was constantly complaining she was hurt and had a poor work ethic.


Will return to the TV show Haven, reprising his role from past episodes.

Hall Of Fame:

A new name has been added to the list of Hall Of Fame inductees for 2013, JBL.

Also an insider has teased an announcement of an induction will be at the Royal Rumble, the home town of the star they will announce, only...

The Ultimate Warrior!!!

The Pope:

D'Angelo Dinero has officially been pulled from Bound For Glory, Sting is considering taking over his remaining matches.

Kurt Angle:

Has become Father to a new baby girl. He has also opened a health food cafe.

Mark Henry:

Has teased a story line run with Triple H when he returns to WWE.

Tyler Reks:

I have just been on WWE.Com and noticed that Tyler Reks has been moved onto the Alumni page, his Twitter name has also been changed to his real name. He then posted this letter to his fans...

''I just want to say thank you to WWE, Inc. for allowing me to be part of an incredible entertainment experience. On Monday, I asked for my release and the company was gracious enough to grant my request. 

I realized recently that being a Superstar means sacrificing certain things, including time with my family. As a new father, my heart broke every time I had to leave to go on the road. I didn't ever want to miss another moment with my daughter, so I made the decision to be a full time dad and hang up my boots. 

I will miss everyone in the locker room tremendously as they have all become a second family to me. I want to thank my coaches and teachers that really helped me along the way: Fit Finlay, Arn Anderson, Edge, Christian, Kane, Jericho, Dr. Tom, Norman Smiley, and Billy Kidman.

I also want to thank my boys. You know who you are. Especially though, a huge thank you to Hawkins. You were like a brother to me the last year and I'll miss you and will always love you bro. I wish you the best and thanks for understanding that I had to go be a dad. When she's older, and able to realize what happened, I know Mia will thank you as well.

Thanks to all the dedicated fans of #ReksAndHawkins and to The #RekkingCrew. I would never have survived without you.''

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Today's News

Mick Foley:

Raised $3000 during a comedy gig before SummerSlam, the money will go to his rape charity RAINN.

He also has said he will donate his brain to Chris Nowinski, after he dies.

Chris Masters:

Has (Kind of) apologised for the picture he tweeted over the weekend, with the tag line...

“My only fear of death reincarnation!”...

“I apologize to those who took the gun pic serious.Wasnt real!And I am not suicidal at all.But why are we all so uptight nowadays.Just a pic!”

He then was approached by a suicide charity...

“Now I’m getting FBookd by the national suicide prevention lifeline.Lol.For now on,I’ll just take pics of my meals like most people.”

So he released this statement on his Facebook...

“Considering wrestlings history and recent events I do regret that posting.I know the dark history of this Buiz.So to my fans I am sorry. There ya go pic changed.But am I the only one who yearns for a society pre Janet nip slip,and 9-11.Weve become so sensitive and timid. But to play devils advocate there is responsibility that comes with being a wrestler.Kids look at us as heroes.I have made some bad choices!”

Triple H:

The Shawn Michaels obsession continues, his ''Retirement'' at SummerSlam was designed to look just like the Shawn Michaels farewell from WrestleMania 26, right down to how it was shot.


Say Brock Lesnar is leaving for good. (Kayfabe)

Wade Barrett:

Will be competing in World title matches on the house show circuit, in preparation for his future stories.

WWE / Mattel:

The toy makers were backstage during Raw scanning superstars for the next range of toys.

Chris Jericho:

Was written out of WWE last night losing a contract vs contract match vs Dolph Ziggler, he signed off from WWE with a note on his Twitter...

“Thanks to all of my Jerichoholics for an amazing 9 months! I have the BEST fans and I promise u haven’t seen the last of Y2J! See u on tour”

Floyd Mayweather:

The WrestleMania 24 opponent of Big Show, (After recently being released from jail ) went to SummerSlam, he stayed backstage throughout.

WWE Fail:

Before the Battle Royal last night, they showed a graphic including Kelly Kelly and Beth Phoenix, but they were not at the show.

Raw match:

CM Punk will face King Jerry Lawler, next week.

Paul Heyman:

Had been paid per appearance, but he was said to have signed a contract extension with WWE at Raw last night.

Stone Cold Steve Austin:

Has confirmed to WWE that he will wrestle one more WrestleMania match, but it will be most likely Mania 30 not 29, he is not going to be physically ready in time, and he wants to go out in a main event, next years is already set.

WWE criticised:

WWE have been criticised by EMT's in LA after several fans collapsed during the SummerSlam weekend, WWE did not provide water, and it was extremely hot.

Indy wrestler turned reality star dies:

Joey Kovar who appeared on Real World and Celebrity Rehab died of an overdose during the weekend, he was 29. RIP.