Tuesday, November 27, 2018


WWE clamp down on UK:

WWE have gone back on promises made to UK talent about them working freely for other promotions. With the exceptions of Progress, ICW and WXW in Germany, all of whim hold agreements with WWE, the UK roster will no longer be able to wrestle for any promotions externally of their WWE deals.

Dolph on TV:

Dolph Ziggler will host a game show on MTV.

Big Show recalls advising Strowman to no-sell for Zayn:

"You had to be conscious of all of that, but nowadays I saw Braun Strowman, what was it - a year and a half ago and was all over him because he was taking a clothesline from Sami Zayn, and he was all, 'Well, it was just one bump before I would kill him.' I was like, I don't care. Sami Zaynshould not bump you ever. Sami Zayn does not look like a guy - I asked him if Sami Zayn can kick his a** in real life, he said, 'Well, no.' I said, alright then. Why are you taking a bump for him? You know what I mean? This is coming from a guy with personal experience who had bumped for the wrong people my entire career because I didn't want to do the no-fall down stuff. I wanted to be respected as a worker so I can thank my knees, shoulders and back because I wanted to be a worker."

Illness stalls promotion:

Kairi Sane has developed hand, foot and mouth disease. This is why her post WarGames promotion to the main roster has not yet happened.


Silas Young of ROH was spotted in the crowd at Raw this week.


WWE have signed Walter for their German brand. He made it clear to the company that he he would work in the US, but would not live or tour in the country. WWE were said to have offered him main roster money for an NXT deal, and a main roster spot without going to NXT first, but he was adamant. WWE went forward with his signing anyway, and will make him the poster boy of their German show when it launches, sometime in the next two years. He will probably work on the UK show in the mean time.

Punk may return of rumour is true:

CM Punk has expressed his first interest in a wrestling return since leaving WWE, but only if the rumour that Cody Rhodes and Young Bucks are to launch a new promotion in 2019 is true...

"I think at this point that whatever those guys decide to do will be great for them and their families. If I was asked what I would do or what I would say to them — because they could obviously go to WWE whenever they want — it's just a matter of is this what's best for your family? And I think we live in a time now where WWE is not the end-all, be-all. I don't think it has been for quite some time. I think the stigma that it is is still there and probably will persist for many, many years. But enough people have been there and left that can, I guess, extoll the knowledge of, 'Hey, you know what, the place ain't all that.' And I'm in a spot now where I've been gone what, five years? Maybe the place has changed. I've got people who text me and say otherwise, but there's ways to make money and support your family outside of that. With also being able to satisfy the side of your brain that's creative, the side of your brain that loves professional wrestling, the reason you bought a pair of boots in the first place. And I think those guys can definitely do that. I think they can command their price if they want there. But if they did go there, then they'd just be another guy — just like everybody else on that show. It's amazing, the more time the show gets, the less time it really seems they develop new characters.""I think at this point that whatever those guys decide to do will be great for them and their families. If I was asked what I would do or what I would say to them — because they could obviously go to WWE whenever they want — it's just a matter of is this what's best for your family? And I think we live in a time now where WWE is not the end-all, be-all. I don't think it has been for quite some time. I think the stigma that it is is still there and probably will persist for many, many years. But enough people have been there and left that can, I guess, extoll the knowledge of, 'Hey, you know what, the place ain't all that.' And I'm in a spot now where I've been gone what, five years? Maybe the place has changed. I've got people who text me and say otherwise, but there's ways to make money and support your family outside of that. With also being able to satisfy the side of your brain that's creative, the side of your brain that loves professional wrestling, the reason you bought a pair of boots in the first place. And I think those guys can definitely do that. I think they can command their price if they want there. But if they did go there, then they'd just be another guy — just like everybody else on that show. It's amazing, the more time the show gets, the less time it really seems they develop new characters. I would always listen. I would listen to them, because just like Dave, I like the Young Bucks. I text with Matt on and off. But business is business. I know Cody was out there in the media saying that an offer was made. An offer was not made. Calling me up or texting me saying, 'Hey, if you want to come to the show and do something, we would love that' is not an offer. That's not an offer. There's other things. There's a couple more loose ends that I'm still trying to tie up to fully absolve me from the world of pro wrestling. I feel like I've still been attached to it since the day that I left it and that's mostly because of fugazi lawyers and such. But we're wrapping all that up and that'll come to an end. And once I'm truly free, we can explore the world and just float and hang out. And I can walk my dog and drink coffee and do commentary for Dave Sholler and continue to train at Roufusport. And do all kinds of stuff. I've earned it, I've paid my dues."

Impact talking:

Impact are said to be talking to three TV companies as a potential new home for 2019.

WWE vs Impact match off:

Impact have pulled LAX from a tag match vs NXT stars set fro an upcoming Evolve show.

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