Friday, November 23, 2018


HOF'er pops for Rousey:

Mark Henry says Ronda Rousey is as tough as they come...

"They drilled into her hips and extracted the stem cells while she was awake. It hurt her but she was able to do it. And I'm going to tell you guys right now. I could not have done that. I woke up in so much pain that I was begging for medicine to put me back asleep. I said, 'give me medicine. I don't want to feel this, it hurts.' And she did that awake? Golly that's got to count for being one of the toughest humans alive – not in wrestling, period."

Heat on Vince:

Staff in NXT and at the WWE PC are not happy that Lars Sullivan is getting called up, because he is still too green, in their view. Vince however is already high on him and plans to push him to the stars.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan:

Hacksaw Jim Duggan is in an ICU of a hospital. No word on why, but he hopes to be released this weekend.

Bischoff rejects offer:

Eric Bischoff talks refusing WWE deal...

"I am sure he wanted to kayfabe me and I don't blame him for that at all. I respect it, but he kind of led me to believe that nothing was quite figured out; they were bouncing some ideas around and wanted to see if I could make it in for Monday. I just said, 'Look Jim, I really appreciate the opportunity and thank you so much for calling, but I can't do it on this short of notice,' and that was it. He said, 'Okay, great. I will pass on the information.' He hung up the phone. When I hung up, I thought, well, that is the last time I will hear from them. Not too many people turn down the WWE and get a call back, so that was the first contact that I had with them and I had to turn them down."

Braun goes for op:

Braun Strowman will have his elbow surgery on Monday. He should be back in time for Royal Rumble.

WWE vs Adidas:

Sports giant Adidas have filed an opposition to Vince McMahon's Alpha entertainment's (Parent company of XFL) logo.

Grave company:

Corey Graves says a marine bought his lunch for him today.

Death killed angle:

WWE planned to have Natalya turn heel on Ronda Rousey about this point in the year, but the angle was dropped when her dad died.

MMA legend questions why UFC are bringing Lesnar back:

Randy Couture is no fan of the Universal champion...

"Well, you know, they want to tout their USADA and all their strict rules for drug testing, but somehow this guy managed to get through and still managed to fail a test but still compete. Which begs the question: what's going on? "Obviously, the rankings and all of that stuff, they manipulate that however they want anyway. Whatever makes business sense to them is all that really matters. They don't care about the fighters. They don't care about those rankings. You know, lots of guys have jumped queue. It's certainly not based on merit. So, that's nothing new. I'm not surprised. Lesnar's a huge draw. I mean, at the end of the day that's the business of it. It's about selling pay-per-views. Certainly, Cormier is the champ and rightly so, they're gonna put him in there with a guy like DC and that's gonna draw huge pay-per-view numbers. So, that's what it boils down to for them."

WWE black Friday:

WWE are having issues with international orders today, which is particularly bad because it is a busy retail day.

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