Thursday, November 29, 2018


NXT completes year:

NXT taped enough episodes to carry them into the new year, last night.

Edge suggests Reigns career may be over:

"I had to retire due to injury, but in this case, we're talking life or death. This is leukemia, a thing you don't expect to hear from a guy who is in the prime of his career and looks like a superhero. The first thing I felt when I heard the news was sad, but I don't think Roman wants people to feel that way. I feel for him, but the best thing he can do is surround himself with his family, and that's what he's doing. As long as he gets healthy, who cares if he ever wrestles again? I watched him on Raw and thought that moment had to be really, really difficult, but he handled it with poise and class."

Jake recalls Piper pulling gun on him:

"Piper's terrified of snakes!, Piper pulled a gun on me one time over a snake, man. Yeah, yeah, I snuck up behind him with the snake and he f--king heard me. He goes, 'Jake,' I go, 'yeah.' He goes, 'I know what you're f--king doing!' He dove and grabbed his pistol and he goes, 'motherf--ker, I'll kill you!' I go, 'okay, Roddy, I get it! I get it!' The guy was shaking, man."

He also says he finds one of his iconic spots sexually arousing. Talking about the Macho Man snake bite...

"When I'm having a little problem in the woodski department, which happens at 63, I put the video on, and instantly, I'm kicking her ass!, oh, brother. Damn straight. Holy s--t!"

Ellsworth proves innocence:

James Ellsworth claims his legal team have proven he is not guilty of sending explicit images to a teenage girl...

"Recently, allegations of misconduct have been lodged against me which I categorically deny. I never have, nor will I ever engage in any activity that could be deemed as inappropriate or disrespectful. My delay in publicly commenting on this situation was based on the advice of my legal team, which has just completed a thorough investigation. My attorneys have pinpointed a trusted witness who is willing to testify on my behalf. In addition, they have uncovered concrete evidence that supports my innocence and proves that without a shadow of a doubt the social media accounts alleged to be mine are fake and the messages from the account were fraudulently created without my knowledge or consent. My only hope is to restore my reputation as I, along with my family, friends and supporters have suffered because of a social media stunt devised to end my professional wrestling career. My team and I are prepared to pursue legal action against any party that persists with the promotion of these lies."

The girl in question is adamant she is telling the truth, and further accused Ellsworth of using hardcore drugs, but says she does regret taking her accusations to social media, due to the negative backlash she has received from fans.

Cody / Bucks promise big start to new year:

Cody Rhodes says he and Young Bucks will make an announcement in January that will be ''Bigger than anyone expects.''

Alum attacks old boy:

Hurricane is less than impressed with Enzo Amore after his PR stunt at Survivor Series...

"I think it was disrespectful because there were guys in the ring working. He tried to take away from them so that's disrespectful to the guys in the ring. And honestly my gut reaction was, 'Is this a work? Are these guys in on it?' I think that comes from just being in the business for so long, you sometimes think everything is a work but if it's not it's just disrespectful to the guys in the ring. If I am in the ring busting my a-- and I find out one of the boys is out in the crowd trying to take away from it, we're gonna have a conversation in the back. And that has happened at shows... I don't know where he's at in his life, if it's just a publicity stunt and I don't know the guy at all so I don't know where his head is at. Hopefully he can find some kind of success that brings him happiness in his life."

Cena awarded:

John Cena will receive the Muhammad Ali legacy award for 2018.


Cuervo, who was assaulted with a concrete block during a match this month, has been released from hospital after emergency brain surgery. Angel O Demonio, who threw the brick, has been banned from competing in Mexico as a result of the shocking incident.

ROH retain WWE target:

ROH are said to be close to landing a three year deal with WWE target Silas Young.

Title run dropped:

WWE planned to put the IC gold on Elias last month, but the change was dropped.

Hogan on WWE duty:

Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart attended a business lunch on behalf of WWE this week.

NXT debut:

Punishment Martinez wrestled his first NXT match last night.

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