Friday, November 9, 2018


WWE > Disney:

Stephanie McMahon says WWE can be bigger than Disney...

"10-20-30 years from now, there's no reason we can't be as big or bigger than Disney. Now that's a tall order, especially given recent transactions. However, there's no reason why we can't get there. You have to dream big, have big, bold goals, and go after them."

Survivor Series:

Buddy Murphy vs Mustafa Ali for the Cruiserweight has been added to the card.


WWE are not the only company with lofty ambitions. ROH's owners want them to be seen on a level par with WWE...

"So, look I think saying that we've invested a lot of money is maybe a slight mischaracterization," Ripley said. "Beyond Tennis, we really haven't spent significant dollars on content and Ring of Honor, I think, we bought for a couple hundred thousand dollars. And it's— we think that's an unpolished gem that ultimately should be something in the same light as WWE. We actually sold out Madison Square Gardens for an event next year in 11 minutes. So, we know that that that brand has potential. It just— it hasn't, we haven't quite found the right dials to turn yet, but we keep increasing the grass roots support on it and it has just a very, very loyal and avid fan base, which is what you really need to explode a brand."

Co-Pro tour starts:

The ROH / NJPW Global Wars tour has started.

Hardy names inductor:

Matt Hardy has named the man he would like to induct Hardy Boyz into the WWE HOF...

"I would say the person I would want to induct myself and my brother would be the person who took us under his wing and taught us more about the wrestling business than anyone else. That is Michael P.S. Hayes," Hardy continued. "I'm sure his intro would be long but it would be super good, because he is entertaining as hell."

SCSA training?:

Stone Cold says he has quit booze, is shedding weight and using DDP Yoga to improve his flexibility.

Brock to MMA:

Brock Lesnar is going to have his next MMA fight on March 2, according to Wrestling Observer.

Roman starts fight:

Roman Reigns has begun his treatment for cancer.

Sienna talks working MYC2 for WWE:

"It was definitely cool and it was also comforting in a way because the NXT venue honestly looked a lot like Impact. It looked like a sound stage. I didn't feel like I was out of my element. It was nerve wracking at first, of course, but once I looked out at the crowd, it was like this is Impact's set up except backwards. Like, the hard cam is on the opposite side than it was at Impact. But, it actually gave me comfort. It was like, 'Ok, I've done this before. I've been in front of this venue and this crowd. This isn't somewhere that I haven't been.'"

Why Braun isn't champ:

Braun Strowman's knees are said to be ''Shot'' and he has heat backstage due to arriving late and leaving early to events, and bad locker room etiquette. An un-named source says Strowman is his own worst enemy, and has had a number of pushes curtailed due to his backstage behaviour.

CM Punk signs new MMA deal:

CM Punk has joined the announce team for Cage Fighting Fury.

NXT wedding:

Roddy Strong and Marina Shafir were married this week.

Impact want change:

Impact want a new TV home when their deal with Pop ends at the end of the year.


Joey Ryan has suffered a torn pectoral. The same injury HHH has. He poked fun at the coincidence whilst announcing the injury at an indie show last night.

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