Saturday, November 24, 2018


Alum goes global:

Chris Masters has signed for ROP in Pakistan for shows next month.

Cornette gets social:

Jim Cornette has launched a YouTube channel.

Impact dream:

Former impact star, Trevor Lee, has conceded that WWE would be a dream job.

Show stopper:

Big Show has talked about his wrestling future, to TMZ...

"I tweaked a hamstring last week, so I'm a little sore. But other than that, I'm having fun. I signed a new deal last year, (and) I got a couple of years left. I'm having fun. We'll re-evaluate in a couple of years, absolutely.''

Hacksaw health update:

Jim Duggan is out of ICU, but not out of hospital. Still no word on what his illness / injury is.

Injured stars fulfill match:

Cody Rhodes beat Joey Ryan for the IGPW US gold in Australia, despite both men being injured. The match was very unique and innovative. Cody won a staring contest in the middle of the ring.

Big live:

Tonight is Starrcade, a WE live event special, using the iconic WCW PPV name.

Alum calls Cena out:

Alex Riley may finally be ready to talk about the John Cena incident that derailed his WWE career. He said he is going to take everything Cena has.

Marc Mero says he wasted dream WWE job:

"I wasn't able to deal with this adversity because of my mindset and what I was polluting my body with I traveled the world, made a lot of money and met a lot of people, and lived a life that most people think would be the most incredible life to live – of dreaming big since I was a little boy, of making it in life. And then getting there and realizing it was never what I expected because of the bad choices I was making. I had it all, and now I have nothing. 'I'm all alone.'"


Triple H has announced NXT UK's first WWE Network special, Takeover Blackpool.

Old boy promoted:

Matt Morgan has been installed as deputy mayor of his home town.

Indie injury:

2018 is over for Ray Fenix, He strained his groin this week.

Sonya Deville recalls coming out on WWE TV:

"During the preliminary taping of the first premiere episode, they asked me if I was in a relationship. I had a girlfriend at the time. Not only was I not expecting that question, I was in a bikini in high heels in front of Triple H and other WWE executives inside the ring! The other girls had spray tans and their extensions in, and they looked beautiful— and I was just like this MMA fighter chick. I felt so out of my comfort zone when they asked me that question. I thought 'What do I do... well, tell the truth, right?' So I said, 'Yeah, I have a girlfriend, but she's not my wife yet.' I got nervous, and they all started smiling. I said, 'Oh my god, I just came out on national television'. And Triple H replied, 'Yeah you did!' I just came back with, 'Oh well, that's that!'"

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