Thursday, November 15, 2018


Party stormed off:

WWE cancelled the WrestleMania tickets on sale party due to a storm. There are no plans to re-schedule.


The WWE Performance Center has launched a YouTube channel @WWEPC.

Alum out:

John Morrison has been eliminated from TV show 'Survivor' apparently in a controversial fashion.

Paige film:

The Rock has brought the release date for his film on Paige's family forward from September 2019 to February 8 of next year.

WWE toy drive:

Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins have launched a toy drive, in partnership with a US charity, to help get less privileged children a better experience of this holiday season. They are asking for donations to be made to Curt's wrestling school, and a hand out party hosted by the two men will be held at the school on December 11. As well as that the two WWE stars will match the value of all the donations in a cash donation to the charity, to get even more toys for people that can't get to the hand out party. 

Women to main event Mania:

The Meltzer claims to have received conformation that the cancelled Ronda vs Becky match will happen at WrestleMania and will be the headline (Last) match. WWE have been so impressed with the recent performances of Becky and the heat the two stars managed in a quickly built up feud that they feel the two women can do what has never been done before, and can carry a main event at the biggest show of them all, without it costing them any revenue in PPV and ticket sales.

HHH reveals what will take NXT to the next level:

"I think you can be at a place where you can see main level talent stay in NXT. We are also at the point where you can see some talent that have been on Raw and SmackDown for periods of time, who have had some success or haven't for whatever reason, who aren't being utilized, go back to NXT. A talent who doesn't get a lot of exposure on SmackDown and moves to Raw, it could be a game-changer for them, and all of a sudden they can do something different. I do think it is a third brand."

WCW star visits:

Alex Wright was a backstage guest of WWE at the live event in Germany this week.

World Cup angle dropped already:

Shane McMahon winning the World Cup was to lead to a heel turn and ultimately a match at Mania 35 vs Daniel Bryan. Bryan's heel turn this week has signaled a change in that route to Mania, and Shane's turn has reportedly been dropped, as has that match.

WWE hire indie producer:

WWE have signed a producer from Combat Zone Wresting.

Nia cleared:

Nia Jax says she has had her hand checked out by doctors, and is OK to compete this weekend. She injured it when she broke Becky Lynch's face on Raw.

Enzo ejected:

Enzo Amore was kicked off a plane for using a vape, despite being asked not to be the cabin crew, this week.

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