Friday, November 16, 2018


Edge talks WWE helping him transition to acting:

"Wrestling is a very demanding thing. But you're also your own manager. You book your own rental cars, you book your own hotels. You carry your own bags. Your day begins as soon as you wake up and it ends when you get to bed. And it could be in a Motel 6 because there are no other hotels open and it's 4 o'clock in the morning. That keeps you humble and it keeps you hungry."

AA coming back:

Austin Aries will wrestle for the first time since dropping the Impact title, in Australia later this month.

Fight on:

Floyd Mayweather says his MMA fight in Japan is back on.

Mania on sale:

WWE have made individual WrestleMania tickets available for next year.

WWE interested in Impact star:

WWE are said to be keen on signing Trevor Lee.

Heat on Brock:

The roster are hot with Brock Lesnar for his reckless suplexes on the Singh Bros. on Raw this week.


Joey Ryan needs surgery on his pectoral tear.

Alum's accused:

A 16 year old girl has accused James Ellsworth of sending her nude images of himself via social media. He denied the accusations via his attorney...

''My client, James Morris, known publicly and professionally as James Ellsworth has become aware of a number of baseless allegations. Mr. Morris has the utmost respect for women and categorically denies these inflammatory and despicable accusations.''

The same girl also accused Sabu of making inappropriate comments in private messages on Twitter.

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