Saturday, November 3, 2018


Brock staying with WWE:

Brock Lesnar's win in KSA has surprised many, as his focus has switched to his MMA return, but he has, since the Roman Reigns news, signed a new two appearance deal (It was actually three, but KSA was one of them, so two left) the next will be at Survivor Series, his last will either be at Royal Rumble or WrestleMania 35.

Scott Hall wants KSA match:

"Staying away is not the answer. Plus we're not a bunch of politicians. We're entertainers, we're 'rasslers', we're not involved in all that global stuff. That's the way I look at it. I'd be happy to go Vince. If you want to bring the nWo over there the next time, let me know."


Vanessa Kraven, of the recent MYC, has had surgery after this gruesome accident on the indie circuit.

World Cup:

Shane McMahon winning the WWE World Cup is the start of a heel switch, to counter falling ratings for SmackDown.

Impact star refused WWE deal?:

Madison Rayne says she made her position very clear to WWE...

"There was never that definitive conversation, but just given the fact that I knew and I never wanted there to be any gray area in my communication with WWE, and I made it clear that I could and would not be willing to relocate, I think that probably kind of settled the question there as far as whether or not a contract with WWE was going to be in my future."


HHH is benched for 5 months with his chest injury.

KSA controversy:

Some fans are complaining that WWE edited out a crucifix from Rey Mysterio's mask on the Crown Jewel event promotional material and on his mask at the show, where the crucifix was replaced from the letter 'R'.

Bryan joins tour:

Daniel Bryan has joined the rest of the WWE crew in Europe for the current tour.

Hangman says no:

Adam Page has followed Cody and the Young Bucks in refusing a new ROH deal.

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