Thursday, November 1, 2018


Why Bryan and Cena refused KSA trip:

Daniel Bryan wanted to lose his number one contenders match for KSA to The Miz. He did not want to go to Saudi Arabia because of the ban on Sami Zayn going last time, which he felt was racist, and the the views on homosexuality in the country, which he witnessed during the first trip earlier in the year.

Cena was reportedly advised to distance himself by his Hollywood advisers, who felt going to perform there may be detrimental to his burgeoning acting career.

Matt Hardy recalls losing his mother, aged just 12:

"I remember her being sick, and from the time she was diagnosed with cancer she lived almost a year till the day. She went through a lot of tough treatments after surgeries of chemotherapy and radiation. I just remember her hair falling out and that bothering her so bad, and her wanting to have a wig and feeling uncomfortable going out in public whenever we did, I just remember feeling extremely sad, extremely sad and then when she did eventually get sick and then die, I say this until this day, I never thought she would pass away. I mean, I was like, I am just a kid, my mom can't leave. I couldn't even fathom it happening, and then when she did me, my brother and my dad were all there I remember hearing the lifeline machine go flat. I remember that like it was yesterday."

PWI 100 Women:

Ronda Rousey has been named female wrestler of the year, by PWI.

Nia Jax talks controversial Mania angle:

"I've been bullied because of the way I've looked growing up. So when this storyline came up we were both like, we have to make this as real as possible. When we had to cut segments, there were things that Alexa said she didn't want to say, and I was like you have to say this. I was like if you cannot say this, then I cannot provide my true feelings and the people will not resonate with our story."

WWE paper events:

WWE were giving fans signs calling for the implementation of Women's Tag belts as they entered Evolution last weekend, it has emerged. They have done likewise at TV's and lives this week.

New match:

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Rusev has been added to Crown Jewel.

Renee repressed:

Renee Young is not being allowed to travel with the male roster in Saudi Arabia. She has been given special arrangements for her travel and accommodation, whist in the country and it is still unclear if she will be allowed to appear on camera during the event.

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