Friday, November 30, 2018


NXT promotion:

Dave Meltzer claims Aleister Black will step up to the full roster after he concludes his feud with Johnny Gargano.

Ton up:

Ronda Rousey has hit 100 days with the red Women's gold.


Jesse, son of Leon 'Vader', White has visited his father's old school to see the tribute mural that has been installed in memory of the WWE Alum. (Picture).

Evolve ban Impact:

Santana of LAX has expressed disappointment in Impact pulling them from a match vs NXT stars...

"In a perfect world. It would've definitely been cool, especially for the fans. But wrestling has proven to us once again that there's still much more work that needs to be done, in order for all of us us to truly enjoy the endless possibilities."

As a result of Impact pulling the team, for what they claim were ''Political reasons'' the promotion have banned Impact contracted talent from being booked for future events.

Heat on Kane:

Jerry Jarrett says he feels Kane has heat with him, even though he made him...

"Kane has been a little bit of a disappointment. Because I saw him when I was up for the Hall of Fame. And maybe he didn't see me, but I thought he did because I waved at him and said, 'Hello Glenn!' Then when he was running for the mayor of Knoxville, I sent him a little tweet and said, 'Glenn, it's your old buddy', and he didn't answer back. So I don't know what that situation was, but I would think he wouldn't forget that his mother used to call me twice a week and say, 'Do you think Glenn's wasting his time? Will he ever make any money in this business?' I said, 'Yes ma'am, I think he will. Just got to wait for your opportunity.' I don't think he has forgotten that I'm the one that flew him to New York and introduced him to Vince McMahon. Maybe… I just, I don't know. All I can go by is the way he has acted, and if I see Sting or Scott Hall, they will run through the crowd to hug my neck. So there's some big difference."

New movie:

R-Truth stars in 'Blood Brothers' which is out today.

Right to buy:

WWE have reportedly gotten the rights to buy UK promotions Progress and ICW and German league WXW. The right to buy was a proviso of the working arrangements they agreed with the American giant.


Hurricane is currently having a coaching stint at the PC.

**George Bush Snr**

Thursday, November 29, 2018


NXT completes year:

NXT taped enough episodes to carry them into the new year, last night.

Edge suggests Reigns career may be over:

"I had to retire due to injury, but in this case, we're talking life or death. This is leukemia, a thing you don't expect to hear from a guy who is in the prime of his career and looks like a superhero. The first thing I felt when I heard the news was sad, but I don't think Roman wants people to feel that way. I feel for him, but the best thing he can do is surround himself with his family, and that's what he's doing. As long as he gets healthy, who cares if he ever wrestles again? I watched him on Raw and thought that moment had to be really, really difficult, but he handled it with poise and class."

Jake recalls Piper pulling gun on him:

"Piper's terrified of snakes!, Piper pulled a gun on me one time over a snake, man. Yeah, yeah, I snuck up behind him with the snake and he f--king heard me. He goes, 'Jake,' I go, 'yeah.' He goes, 'I know what you're f--king doing!' He dove and grabbed his pistol and he goes, 'motherf--ker, I'll kill you!' I go, 'okay, Roddy, I get it! I get it!' The guy was shaking, man."

He also says he finds one of his iconic spots sexually arousing. Talking about the Macho Man snake bite...

"When I'm having a little problem in the woodski department, which happens at 63, I put the video on, and instantly, I'm kicking her ass!, oh, brother. Damn straight. Holy s--t!"

Ellsworth proves innocence:

James Ellsworth claims his legal team have proven he is not guilty of sending explicit images to a teenage girl...

"Recently, allegations of misconduct have been lodged against me which I categorically deny. I never have, nor will I ever engage in any activity that could be deemed as inappropriate or disrespectful. My delay in publicly commenting on this situation was based on the advice of my legal team, which has just completed a thorough investigation. My attorneys have pinpointed a trusted witness who is willing to testify on my behalf. In addition, they have uncovered concrete evidence that supports my innocence and proves that without a shadow of a doubt the social media accounts alleged to be mine are fake and the messages from the account were fraudulently created without my knowledge or consent. My only hope is to restore my reputation as I, along with my family, friends and supporters have suffered because of a social media stunt devised to end my professional wrestling career. My team and I are prepared to pursue legal action against any party that persists with the promotion of these lies."

The girl in question is adamant she is telling the truth, and further accused Ellsworth of using hardcore drugs, but says she does regret taking her accusations to social media, due to the negative backlash she has received from fans.

Cody / Bucks promise big start to new year:

Cody Rhodes says he and Young Bucks will make an announcement in January that will be ''Bigger than anyone expects.''

Alum attacks old boy:

Hurricane is less than impressed with Enzo Amore after his PR stunt at Survivor Series...

"I think it was disrespectful because there were guys in the ring working. He tried to take away from them so that's disrespectful to the guys in the ring. And honestly my gut reaction was, 'Is this a work? Are these guys in on it?' I think that comes from just being in the business for so long, you sometimes think everything is a work but if it's not it's just disrespectful to the guys in the ring. If I am in the ring busting my a-- and I find out one of the boys is out in the crowd trying to take away from it, we're gonna have a conversation in the back. And that has happened at shows... I don't know where he's at in his life, if it's just a publicity stunt and I don't know the guy at all so I don't know where his head is at. Hopefully he can find some kind of success that brings him happiness in his life."

Cena awarded:

John Cena will receive the Muhammad Ali legacy award for 2018.


Cuervo, who was assaulted with a concrete block during a match this month, has been released from hospital after emergency brain surgery. Angel O Demonio, who threw the brick, has been banned from competing in Mexico as a result of the shocking incident.

ROH retain WWE target:

ROH are said to be close to landing a three year deal with WWE target Silas Young.

Title run dropped:

WWE planned to put the IC gold on Elias last month, but the change was dropped.

Hogan on WWE duty:

Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart attended a business lunch on behalf of WWE this week.

NXT debut:

Punishment Martinez wrestled his first NXT match last night.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Farewell Anvil:

Jim Neidhart's funeral will be featured on this weeks 'Total Diva's'.

David Arquette reveals why he left ring during Nick Gage incident:

"I'm thinking, 'I just got cut in my neck, and if that's my jugular, I'm going to die.' Pretty quickly after that I exited the ring and had someone look at it. Luke is a dear friend of mine, and his son, who is a fantastic wrestler named Jungle Boy, was wrestling on the same show. We've been friends for over 30 years, so Luke is the one I went to see to look inside the wound. He looked and said no, so I knew I didn't cut a main artery or vein. I could feel something was wrong with my neck, but I wanted to finish the match and tell a complete story."

He also said he needed surgery to repair the muscle damage done to his neck.


St. Louis are the first city to announce they will enter a team into the reformed XFL.


Becky Lynch vs Charlotte vs Auska is booked for the blue Women's gold.

Controversial angle:

WWE are using Jeff Hardy's past addictions as the fuel for a new angle with Samoa Joe.

Heat on Pete:

Pete Dunne has been getting heat from UK fans for defending WWE's new hard line on UK talent availability. He says fans should be proud to see their favourite wrestlers achieve their dreams and that British wresting will be fine without the talent that are now off limits. Many UK fans disagreed, pointing out the higher ticket prices to see the WWE UK shows are not as easily affordable as local shows, and accused him and his colleagues of selling out to the American giant.


Edge has lost his mother, Judy.

Mercury cleared:

Earlier this year Joey Mercury was arrested in Chicago, where he was set to produce All-In and transported to Florida to answer a number  of charges, including theft, fraud and identity theft. He was cleared of all charges today after proving he was with WWE on a European tour at the time of the crimes, and therefore could not have committed them.


Indie legend Excalibur has joined the NJPW English language broadcast team.

KO Mania:

Kevin Owens has challenged Elton John to a match at WrestleMania after then iconic musician cancelled a gig 30 minutes after it was due to start, He said it ruined his wife's night, and he wanted revenge.

Jesse vs Trump:

Jesse Ventura says he is weighing up a Presidential run, and that Donald Trump would have no hope in beating him...

"I'm being pressured right now from the Green Party. I'm big into cannabis legalization, also into alternative energy. We need to get away from fossil fuels, we got to go to the sun. It's time. I haven't made a decision yet because it's a long time off. But if I do do it, Trump will not have a chance. For one, Trump knows wrestling, he participated in two WrestleMania's. He knows he can never outtalk a wrestler and he knows I'm the greatest talker wrestling's ever had. So if I go for it he's history and he knows it."

WWE robbed:

Cedric Alexander and Lucha House Party had their car broken into last night.

Tyson Kidd talks career ending injury:

"The night of injury, it was just one of those days where the show was being changed -- up to the last minute -- but the show was being changed and the next thing I know it's me against Joe in a dark match," Kidd said. "I'd never worked Joe before. I'd of course seen him. I'm a student of the game, I've seen everybody. But I'd never physically worked him. When we landed on the Muscle Buster, I saw the whitest light I've ever seen. I thought it was a concussion for a second. I remember thinking, 'Man, I did this whole match, completely on the fly, I pulled it off and then I get rocked at the end.' I have a picture and I think my hands are in the wrong position compared to other ones I've seen. I wasn't able to run through it with him (before the match)," Kidd explained. "I drop, bang, and at first I saw this light and I was like, 'Ah, man.' And then my whole body went limp. It felt like it weighed a million pounds. I was completely paralyzed. I was paralyzed from the neck down. We hit, however long it takes him to pin me 1, 2, 3, give it a beat and then I could move my fingers and toes," Kidd said. "It was probably five or six seconds. But time stands still. I knew because I was being pinned, but in terms of sense of time, it was out the window. If it had just happened and I'm just laying there, I would have had no clue, but since I was being pinned, I know it was only a matter of several seconds."

Bliss back:

Alexa Bliss has started training for her return.

Fox want top star to switch shows:

Fox officials want Ronda Rousey on the blue show when they take over next year.


Rhea Ripley is officially the first female UK WWE champion.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


WWE clamp down on UK:

WWE have gone back on promises made to UK talent about them working freely for other promotions. With the exceptions of Progress, ICW and WXW in Germany, all of whim hold agreements with WWE, the UK roster will no longer be able to wrestle for any promotions externally of their WWE deals.

Dolph on TV:

Dolph Ziggler will host a game show on MTV.

Big Show recalls advising Strowman to no-sell for Zayn:

"You had to be conscious of all of that, but nowadays I saw Braun Strowman, what was it - a year and a half ago and was all over him because he was taking a clothesline from Sami Zayn, and he was all, 'Well, it was just one bump before I would kill him.' I was like, I don't care. Sami Zaynshould not bump you ever. Sami Zayn does not look like a guy - I asked him if Sami Zayn can kick his a** in real life, he said, 'Well, no.' I said, alright then. Why are you taking a bump for him? You know what I mean? This is coming from a guy with personal experience who had bumped for the wrong people my entire career because I didn't want to do the no-fall down stuff. I wanted to be respected as a worker so I can thank my knees, shoulders and back because I wanted to be a worker."

Illness stalls promotion:

Kairi Sane has developed hand, foot and mouth disease. This is why her post WarGames promotion to the main roster has not yet happened.


Silas Young of ROH was spotted in the crowd at Raw this week.


WWE have signed Walter for their German brand. He made it clear to the company that he he would work in the US, but would not live or tour in the country. WWE were said to have offered him main roster money for an NXT deal, and a main roster spot without going to NXT first, but he was adamant. WWE went forward with his signing anyway, and will make him the poster boy of their German show when it launches, sometime in the next two years. He will probably work on the UK show in the mean time.

Punk may return of rumour is true:

CM Punk has expressed his first interest in a wrestling return since leaving WWE, but only if the rumour that Cody Rhodes and Young Bucks are to launch a new promotion in 2019 is true...

"I think at this point that whatever those guys decide to do will be great for them and their families. If I was asked what I would do or what I would say to them — because they could obviously go to WWE whenever they want — it's just a matter of is this what's best for your family? And I think we live in a time now where WWE is not the end-all, be-all. I don't think it has been for quite some time. I think the stigma that it is is still there and probably will persist for many, many years. But enough people have been there and left that can, I guess, extoll the knowledge of, 'Hey, you know what, the place ain't all that.' And I'm in a spot now where I've been gone what, five years? Maybe the place has changed. I've got people who text me and say otherwise, but there's ways to make money and support your family outside of that. With also being able to satisfy the side of your brain that's creative, the side of your brain that loves professional wrestling, the reason you bought a pair of boots in the first place. And I think those guys can definitely do that. I think they can command their price if they want there. But if they did go there, then they'd just be another guy — just like everybody else on that show. It's amazing, the more time the show gets, the less time it really seems they develop new characters.""I think at this point that whatever those guys decide to do will be great for them and their families. If I was asked what I would do or what I would say to them — because they could obviously go to WWE whenever they want — it's just a matter of is this what's best for your family? And I think we live in a time now where WWE is not the end-all, be-all. I don't think it has been for quite some time. I think the stigma that it is is still there and probably will persist for many, many years. But enough people have been there and left that can, I guess, extoll the knowledge of, 'Hey, you know what, the place ain't all that.' And I'm in a spot now where I've been gone what, five years? Maybe the place has changed. I've got people who text me and say otherwise, but there's ways to make money and support your family outside of that. With also being able to satisfy the side of your brain that's creative, the side of your brain that loves professional wrestling, the reason you bought a pair of boots in the first place. And I think those guys can definitely do that. I think they can command their price if they want there. But if they did go there, then they'd just be another guy — just like everybody else on that show. It's amazing, the more time the show gets, the less time it really seems they develop new characters. I would always listen. I would listen to them, because just like Dave, I like the Young Bucks. I text with Matt on and off. But business is business. I know Cody was out there in the media saying that an offer was made. An offer was not made. Calling me up or texting me saying, 'Hey, if you want to come to the show and do something, we would love that' is not an offer. That's not an offer. There's other things. There's a couple more loose ends that I'm still trying to tie up to fully absolve me from the world of pro wrestling. I feel like I've still been attached to it since the day that I left it and that's mostly because of fugazi lawyers and such. But we're wrapping all that up and that'll come to an end. And once I'm truly free, we can explore the world and just float and hang out. And I can walk my dog and drink coffee and do commentary for Dave Sholler and continue to train at Roufusport. And do all kinds of stuff. I've earned it, I've paid my dues."

Impact talking:

Impact are said to be talking to three TV companies as a potential new home for 2019.

WWE vs Impact match off:

Impact have pulled LAX from a tag match vs NXT stars set fro an upcoming Evolve show.

Monday, November 26, 2018


Wrestling sabotaged:

WWE Alum, Kevin Sullivan, says modern wrestling is being sabotaged by social media...

"I think they sabotaged themselves with social media. ... The only one that doesn't seem to do that is Brock and there's a mystique about Brock. I think there should be somebody there looking at what they are sending out, they should have to get an 'okay' before sending it out. ... Guys that are on the independents and in Impact, Sami Callihan when he hit Eddie Edwards with the baseball bat, everybody thought he was gonna apologize instead he said 'You guys should be talking about me' and people were hot at him. ... That's how you could bring it back, it's never gonna bring it all the way back but fans will still believe in something."

Indie injury:

Max Friedman has fractured his elbow.

British Bulldog:

Eric Bischoff says he considered putting the World title on Davey Boy Smith in 1993...

"I remember a conversation about it only when it relates to Europe. In 1993 there was a lot of focus on Europe, especially the UK. There was a lot of things being done to try and lay the ground work on making WCW more of an established brand, especially in the UK. Germany as well, but Germany was almost secondary to the UK. There was a lot of conversation about it. People were really high on Davey Boy Smith."


Shawn Michaels has revealed he helps write NXT episodes.

1,2,3,4 Cody & Ryan declare thumb war:

Cody Rhodes and Joey Ryan wrestled a thumb war in the ring last night.

Raw tease:

  • Rollins to issue an Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge on Raw
  • Braun Strowman out of action; Corbin to battle Bálor on Raw
  • "The Facebreaker" awaits The Baddest Woman on the Planet
  • Roode & Gable get their Raw Tag Team Title opportunity vs. AOP
  • Elias walks into a showdown with "The All Mighty"

Director spoils film:

James Nunn has revealed Miz will be killed off in the upcoming Marine film, as he suggests the franchise is coming to and end...

"It's going to be two marines in the tenement flats. They're going to fight their way out and, spoiler alert guys, I'm going to say it... We're going to retire Mike. We're going to…oh, I don't want to say it! Oh, I'm going to say it – we're going to kill Mike, guys. We're going to kill Mike. I said it! Oh my God!.''

UK sell-out:

Blackpool has sold it's tickets for the first UK NXT special.

WWE sign indie star:

WWE have reportedly signed Walter.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


Cena leaves China:

John Cena has ended 160 days living in China, but will only have 1 day in the States before going on a World promotional trip for his film 'Bumblebee'.

AJ considering future:

AJ Styles has left the wrestling world questioning his ring future after giving the following answer to a question about his goals for 2019...

"What's left for me? I don't really know. I always will find something new and I'm not sure what that new is quite yet, but at the same time, I've been doing this for 19 years and at what point do I go and call it quits? I don't know what that is, but I can tell you I'm very proud of the year that I had."


Bray Wyatt made a surprise return, stepping in for Braun Strowman at last nights Starrcade.


Hacksaw Jim Duggan has been released from the hospital. He promises to reveal why he was there in the coming days.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Alum goes global:

Chris Masters has signed for ROP in Pakistan for shows next month.

Cornette gets social:

Jim Cornette has launched a YouTube channel.

Impact dream:

Former impact star, Trevor Lee, has conceded that WWE would be a dream job.

Show stopper:

Big Show has talked about his wrestling future, to TMZ...

"I tweaked a hamstring last week, so I'm a little sore. But other than that, I'm having fun. I signed a new deal last year, (and) I got a couple of years left. I'm having fun. We'll re-evaluate in a couple of years, absolutely.''

Hacksaw health update:

Jim Duggan is out of ICU, but not out of hospital. Still no word on what his illness / injury is.

Injured stars fulfill match:

Cody Rhodes beat Joey Ryan for the IGPW US gold in Australia, despite both men being injured. The match was very unique and innovative. Cody won a staring contest in the middle of the ring.

Big live:

Tonight is Starrcade, a WE live event special, using the iconic WCW PPV name.

Alum calls Cena out:

Alex Riley may finally be ready to talk about the John Cena incident that derailed his WWE career. He said he is going to take everything Cena has.

Marc Mero says he wasted dream WWE job:

"I wasn't able to deal with this adversity because of my mindset and what I was polluting my body with I traveled the world, made a lot of money and met a lot of people, and lived a life that most people think would be the most incredible life to live – of dreaming big since I was a little boy, of making it in life. And then getting there and realizing it was never what I expected because of the bad choices I was making. I had it all, and now I have nothing. 'I'm all alone.'"


Triple H has announced NXT UK's first WWE Network special, Takeover Blackpool.

Old boy promoted:

Matt Morgan has been installed as deputy mayor of his home town.

Indie injury:

2018 is over for Ray Fenix, He strained his groin this week.

Sonya Deville recalls coming out on WWE TV:

"During the preliminary taping of the first premiere episode, they asked me if I was in a relationship. I had a girlfriend at the time. Not only was I not expecting that question, I was in a bikini in high heels in front of Triple H and other WWE executives inside the ring! The other girls had spray tans and their extensions in, and they looked beautiful— and I was just like this MMA fighter chick. I felt so out of my comfort zone when they asked me that question. I thought 'What do I do... well, tell the truth, right?' So I said, 'Yeah, I have a girlfriend, but she's not my wife yet.' I got nervous, and they all started smiling. I said, 'Oh my god, I just came out on national television'. And Triple H replied, 'Yeah you did!' I just came back with, 'Oh well, that's that!'"

Friday, November 23, 2018


HOF'er pops for Rousey:

Mark Henry says Ronda Rousey is as tough as they come...

"They drilled into her hips and extracted the stem cells while she was awake. It hurt her but she was able to do it. And I'm going to tell you guys right now. I could not have done that. I woke up in so much pain that I was begging for medicine to put me back asleep. I said, 'give me medicine. I don't want to feel this, it hurts.' And she did that awake? Golly that's got to count for being one of the toughest humans alive – not in wrestling, period."

Heat on Vince:

Staff in NXT and at the WWE PC are not happy that Lars Sullivan is getting called up, because he is still too green, in their view. Vince however is already high on him and plans to push him to the stars.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan:

Hacksaw Jim Duggan is in an ICU of a hospital. No word on why, but he hopes to be released this weekend.

Bischoff rejects offer:

Eric Bischoff talks refusing WWE deal...

"I am sure he wanted to kayfabe me and I don't blame him for that at all. I respect it, but he kind of led me to believe that nothing was quite figured out; they were bouncing some ideas around and wanted to see if I could make it in for Monday. I just said, 'Look Jim, I really appreciate the opportunity and thank you so much for calling, but I can't do it on this short of notice,' and that was it. He said, 'Okay, great. I will pass on the information.' He hung up the phone. When I hung up, I thought, well, that is the last time I will hear from them. Not too many people turn down the WWE and get a call back, so that was the first contact that I had with them and I had to turn them down."

Braun goes for op:

Braun Strowman will have his elbow surgery on Monday. He should be back in time for Royal Rumble.

WWE vs Adidas:

Sports giant Adidas have filed an opposition to Vince McMahon's Alpha entertainment's (Parent company of XFL) logo.

Grave company:

Corey Graves says a marine bought his lunch for him today.

Death killed angle:

WWE planned to have Natalya turn heel on Ronda Rousey about this point in the year, but the angle was dropped when her dad died.

MMA legend questions why UFC are bringing Lesnar back:

Randy Couture is no fan of the Universal champion...

"Well, you know, they want to tout their USADA and all their strict rules for drug testing, but somehow this guy managed to get through and still managed to fail a test but still compete. Which begs the question: what's going on? "Obviously, the rankings and all of that stuff, they manipulate that however they want anyway. Whatever makes business sense to them is all that really matters. They don't care about the fighters. They don't care about those rankings. You know, lots of guys have jumped queue. It's certainly not based on merit. So, that's nothing new. I'm not surprised. Lesnar's a huge draw. I mean, at the end of the day that's the business of it. It's about selling pay-per-views. Certainly, Cormier is the champ and rightly so, they're gonna put him in there with a guy like DC and that's gonna draw huge pay-per-view numbers. So, that's what it boils down to for them."

WWE black Friday:

WWE are having issues with international orders today, which is particularly bad because it is a busy retail day.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Alum's backstage:

Cryme Time were at Survivor Series and SmackDown in the past week.

LU star hits out at PWI:

Melissa Santos says Ronda Rousey should not have been named female wrestler of the year...

"Not hating at all. I just think it's just ... I think that so many people that could be number one. But I don't think that really matters to most of the talent. Like, girls they're just like, 'whatever, it's fine.' This is a big deal to be on there. However, I just think, again, there's so much wrestling, it's cool. If I'm not number one, that's cool. But I just think, Ronda just started, and she's not a wrestler."


Dolph Ziggler is said to be working through a foot injury.

Canadian city considering dropping wrestling:

Edmonton in Calgary are thinking about banning pro wrestling as a combat sport. However, one of the cities top promoters says it could be better, because there would be less regulation on his group after he changed it to an amateur one, but he also worried that un-professional and un-trained wrestlers would flood the area and kill the sport off, due to the poor experiences he believes will come with it.

John Cena:

John Cena has gotten his first tattoo. A fan spotted it poking out the bottom of his rolled up sleeve on a recent Instagram post.

Heat on Jake:

Jake The Snake suggested Vince McMahon takes certain substances to maintain his physique...

"There's something about growth hormone that continues to work."

He then launched into a promo that has drawn heat from LGBTQ listeners to a podcast he appeared on...

"That's when Vince hit me with the, 'You're going to be wearing purple or lime green spandex.' Which I said, 'I ain't no f--king f-ggot, I ain't wearing that s--t.'"

Mania leak:

WWE currently plan to have Brock Lesnar vs Seth Rollins at WrestleMania 35. Roman Reigns cancer battle will be used in the build up to the angles, which will start early in the new year.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Charlotte fined:

Charlotte Flair has been fined $100,000 for attacking referee's at Survivor Series.


Daniel Bryan vs AJ Styles is booked to main event TLC next month.

Where is Lars going?:

Both Raw and SmackDown are airing vignettes plugging the impending debut of NXT's Lars Sullivan.

Rey unmasked:

Rey Mysterio had his mask ripped off by Randy Orton on SmackDown last night.

Assaulted wrestler in emergency surgery:

The wrestler assaulted with a brick in Puerto Rico this week has had to undergo surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain. His management team are asking for prayers for a recovery. The surgery went well and he is currently stable in hospital.

Many top names have taken to social media to call for his attacker to be black-balled from the sport.

Mick Foley talks difficulties of Raw GM job:

"It was a tough job, and the strange thing about it was the unparalleled negativity from the fan base on social media, who apparently thought WWE really allowed a 53-year-old with a fanny pack to run a billion-dollar corporation. Most of the comments will be negative, and I did have some say in certain instances, and part of that job was to see which battles to fight and why. There would be times when I would talk to Mr. McMahon and say that I would like to handle this on my own. I had some words, and how I say something is more important than what I say. If I had left six or seven lasting impressions in the eight-month span then that is a pretty good track record."



Braun Strowman vs Baron Corbin for a title shot at Royal Rumble is booked for TLC. Ronda Rousey vs Nia Jax for the red Women's is also on.


Braun Strowman was written out on Raw last night. He needs surgery to remove bone spurs from his elbow.

Enzo no-mor-a:

WWE had pictures of Enzo Amore at every entrance last night, to try to prevent him pulling a stunt like the one at Survivor Series.

Roman donation:

Staples Center donated $10,000 to a children's charity in Roman Reigns name this week.

Hollywood beg actor to stop:

Actors Luke Perry, who escorted him to the hospital after his shoot beat down over the weekend, and his sister, Particia, have begged David Arquette to give up his wrestling career after the Nick Gage incident.

The man himself has released a statement on the situation... 

''As some of you might have seen, last week I was injured in a wrestling death match. I wanted to make sure to address the photos and videos that have surfaced from the event, as this is not the type of wrestling you watch on TV. I knew it was violent and potentially bloody, but I truly did not know the extent of what I was participating in. However, I take responsibility for putting myself in that situation. For the last six months, I have been training and competing in indie matches around the country, as wrestling is a passion of mine. I want to state again that this is not traditional sport, and I have the utmost respect for that sport. I also want to apologize to the professional wr stling world for any negative attention this might have brought forth over the weekend, and I have zero plans to be involved in a match like this again. I want to thank all of my fans, friends, and family for their love and support over the last few days. I am looking forward to getting back into the ring, under much different circumstances - in the near future. However my priority and full-time dedication will always be to acting and producing, and I look forward to sharing some of my exciting new projects in 2019. With Love, David Arquette.''

Attempted murder in wrestling ring:

A video from Puerto Rico has shocked the wrestling world. Angel O Demonio threw a cinder block brick at the back of the head of an unsuspecting Cuervo, who was outside of the ring and looking away from him, knocking him unconscious. The wrestler said he did it as receipt for a hard chair shot earlier in the same match. Cuervo was led to the back after coming too, and Demonio finished the match alone by putting himself in a casket in the middle of the ring. Here is  a video of the incident, but be aware, it is brutal. The incident happens at the 4.35 mark...

John Cena:

John Cena is returning to the road for WWE next month.

SD tease:

  • Daniel Bryan to explain his controversial actions
  • How will Team Blue respond to being swept?
  • What's gotten into Charlotte Flair?
  • The New Day to clash with The Bar & Big Show in first ever Thanksgiving Feast Fight
  • Can Shinsuke Nakamura bounce back from his loss to Seth Rollins?

Enzo battled bully:

Enzo Amore says he was kicked out of the WWE locker for punching a backstage bully...

"I'm up against a giant right now, but I'm the only motherf--ker with the balls to go up against that giant and that is a fact. If you ever heard a story about me getting kicked out of a locker room, that sh-t leaks, that's because I was the only motherf--ker who would stand up to bullies and punch somebody in the f--king mouth, but you guys didn't hear about that! You heard what they leaked, but Enzo is a real one, dawg!"

WWE to use illness in angle:

WWE are going to go hard in using Roman Reigns cancer battle in the angles between his Shield brothers Ambrose & Rollins.

Beer tribute:

A Minnesota beer company have named their new brew after Larry The Axe Hennig.

Linda implicated in political controversy:

Linda McMahon has received e-mails from US President Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka, via a personal account, which has broken governmental rules in the country.

Cena on UK TV:

John Cena will be on the Graham Norton Show on December 7.

Monday, November 19, 2018


Survivor Series:


  1. (Pre) SmackDown bt Raw in the Tag elimination match.
  2. Raw bt SmackDOwn in the women's elimination
  3. Seth Rollins bt Shinsuke Nakamura
  4.  Authors Of Pain bt the Bar
  5. Buddy Murphy bt Mustafa Ali
  6. Raw bt SmackDown in the men's elimination
  7. Ronda Rousey bt Charlotte Flair
  8. Brock Lesnar bt Daniel Bryan


  • The pre show result was botched. WWE booked a clean sweep win for Raw, but a mis-communication led to an unwanted result change during the match.
  • Kalisto's injury was kayfabe.
  • A number of past stars were backstage, including Rikishi, Mark Henry, Ric Flair, X-Pac, Lilian Garcia, Candice Michelle, Darren Young and Rosa Mendes

NXT promotion:

Lars Sullivan is on his way to the main roster.

Old boy crashes the show:

Enzo Amore was sat in the front row of Survivor Series last night. He was pulling a stunt to promote his debut album, which includes songs taking shots at WWE and Liv Morgaan. He was dressed up in a disguise for a while, but eventually revealed himself and WWE had him thrown out. The roster were said to be furious at the stunt. Most worryingly a fan was hurt in the melee caused by his eviction and had to be stretchered to the back to be checked by medics. She later returned to her seat clutching an arm injury.


Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose for the IC gold is booked for the last PPV event of the year.

Survivor Series 2019:

Chicago will host next years annual event.

Raw tease:

  • Raw wins the night at Survivor Series
  • Braun Strowman gets his Universal Title Match … and Baron Corbin
  • Seth Rollins to face Dean Ambrose at WWE TLC
  • Nia Jax steals Sasha Banks' spotlight en route to title opportunity
  • Ronda Rousey viciously assaulted by Charlotte Flair

Prince Mysterio:

Rey Mysterio has trade marked a new ring name, believed to be for his son, Principe (or Prince) Mysterio.

Old boy coming out of retirement:

Konnan will work for MLW next month.

Becky Lynch defends ''The Man'' monicker:

Becky Lynch has been getting a ton of heat for calling herself the man, she defended the term in an interview today...

"The man isn't about gender. it's a state of mind. It's about being at the top… It's walking into the male locker room [saying], 'Sorry lads, none of you are cutting the mustard. I'm the man now. I'm taking over this ship.' I'm the most victorious of all Superstars on both Raw and SmackDown of 2018. I've won the most matches; therefore, I am the man of not just the women's locker room, but the men's locker room. I am the man. It doesn't matter your gender, your race, your sexuality, whatever it is… we're all equal. I think that's what I want to get over more than anything. We are all 100 percent equal, and it's what you do with that that counts."

Jericho rips on WWE team:

"This is nothing against Rockstar Spud. Here's my problem: why would these two behemoths (AOP) listen to this little… he looks like he's model from a teen magazine. They would listen to the grizzled old vet of Paul Ellering, but why would they listen to Drake Maverick Rockstar Spud?"

He also had a spat with Becky Lynch on social media today.

WWE community:

A number of WWE talent have met with California firefighters to thank them for their work in battling wildfires in the US State.

WWE baby:

Pete Dunne has become a first time father, to a baby girl.