Sunday, September 30, 2018



Deonna Purrazzo and Steve Cutler have joined the official NXT roster.

Tazz reveals why he had heat in WWE:

"That's why they hated me for the most part because I acted that character, the Human Suplex Machine, I would show up to the arena three hours before the show and I was the Human Suplex Machine. I couldn't break that in my mind. I wasn't trying to work anyone, but to portray that character, I had to live that gimmick. No one could ever say to me that I was playing wrestler. I believed I was Taz. I believed I was the Human Suplex Machine. I was the Tazmaniac. That's who I was and that's important to succeed as a wrestler even to this day today, in 2018, it don't matter."

Mike Knox talks heat with AA:

Mike Knox has recalled Arn Anderson telling him his work didn't matter during his biggest WWE angle...

"We were was sitting there and I was taking over the match, and Arn came up and was like, 'listen, it doesn't matter what you guys do. Nobody's gonna be watching you. You gotta make sure the girls know what they need to do, and it really doesn't matter what you guys do out there, nobody is even gonna remember it.' So I was like, oh geez, thanks Arn. Like, one of my childhood heroes. So I looked at Kevin Thorn, he's looking at me, and I'm like, dude, let's show these guys. Let's get in there and really beat the crap out of each other. We were like, let's bring it. So, even if nobody else remembers it, we will. So we went out there and we just beat the living crap out of each other."

WWE star in movie:

Braun Strowman is to appear in 'Holmes & Watson' his first movie role. He had to keep it secret until the trailer was released today. The film is in cinema's on Christmas week.

D Bry spoils Rumble spot:

Daniel Bryan says entrants in next years Royal Rumble will enter via the dugout of Chase Field baseball stadium...

"It's an incredible stadium. We were actually just talking about what the metamorphosis would look like. Right now, the thought is that we'd come out of the dugout. We've never had a Royal Rumble in a baseball stadium before. I'm super-psyched. I've never come out of a dugout to go into a wrestling show before."

Impact debut:

Former TNA star Mia Yim wrestled her first NXT match this weekend.

Emma hurt:

Emma has been working with a shoulder injury for 6 months and has now gotten to the point  where only surgery will repair the damage done. Despite this ROH have offered her a contract, which she is expected to sign soon.

Riddle's UK sign off:

Matt Riddle has completed his last indie date, for Progress, in London this weekend.

WWE sign ROH title holder:

ROH have taped a title change to cover the impending departure of Punishment Martinez, who is reportedly WWE bound.

**Geoffrey Hayes**

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