Saturday, September 8, 2018


Linda denies attacking HOF'er:

Linda McMahon has firmly denied writing a scathing piece in a US paper, slamming her boss Donald Trump's performance as US President...

''I am not author of the anonymous nytimes op-ed. realDonaldTrump has a clear governing vision for the country and his record of results is remarkable. I am proud to serve as a member of President Trump’s Cabinet to advocate on behalf of America’s 30 million small businesses.''

Cody & Bucks to WWE:

Jim Ross says he believes Cody Rhodes and Young Bucks will not be at the ROH / NJPW MSG co-pro show, because, if they are smart, will have signed for WWE by then...

''Some of these guys can't even tie their shoes nowadays and they need to save their money. So I'm hoping these kids will learn from some of their peers and predecessors. Hey I can have my run and sell a bunch of T-shirts, but the bottom line is I gotta have a bunch of money in the bank."

WWE games:

Lana is not happy with her avatar on the new WWE game...

"Never have I worn that gear or wrestled with short hair so I am very confused who this women is."

The look they used for it was from a faux movie poster WWE did for a feature on their site over the summer, where they photo-shopped talent into real film posters (Photo).

Hawkins advises WWE stars who want to leave:

"I try to give them my perspective. I had a great time on the indies. The experience was cool and I did some cool things, so, I love pro wrestling but it was a lot of hard work and a lot of hustle. A lot of lonely 'Virgil' moments where you have to suck it up. That autograph line is not never ending wherever you go. There are moments where you have to check your ego and I don't think that a lot of guys who have not done it don't understand what the experience is like. If you do a good job and consistently work somewhere, and not work a lazy match and just take someone's money, because I was doing the opposite. I told them that they don't have to pay me this much, but that I would like to be involved with storylines and feuds and earn rapport of the fans where people are coming to see 'The Prince of Queens' Brian Myers and not Curt Hawkins, so that was my business philosophy."

Live botch:

Shield tried to powerbomb Dolph Ziggler through a table at a live last night, but it did not break. No word on any injuries suffered.

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