Friday, September 14, 2018


Dwarves banned:

An indie show in Leicester, UK, was cancelled this week after locals slammed the mini wrestlers booked to appear as nothing more than ''A Victorian circus show.'' A charity for peoples of restricted growth said the ''Freak show'' was aimed solely to mock the disabled performers and had no place in the modern world. One of the performers has angrily hit back, however...

"We are proving that anybody can get in that ring and can do what any big guy does. There is nothing wrong with a little guy doing pro wrestling. It doesn't matter if you have dwarfism. They want to be equal. They are getting out there, they're wrestling and doing what they love."

It hasn't stopped the contagion spreading though, a show in Dorset has followed Leicester in axing a show by the promotion involved.

Fox praise WWE:

"It's a 50 to 52-week-a-year sport with no repeats. It's a new novella every week. For us to have that kind of appointment programming, that audience, every week of the year, is a really unique opportunity for us."

Foley talks HIAC:

Mick Foley says he agreed to be at HIAC way back in January...

"This was well in the works before WWE came to see my special. I had the chance to participate in the 25th anniversary of Raw and I texted Mr. McMahon. I said: 'I appreciate it, but I just feel like I have something to offer if you are willing to wait until September. I feel like I can do something more impactful for the 20th anniversary of Hell in a Cell.' So this is a case where I have definite role, it's not just a matter of throwing guys out there."

WWE want Impact star:

WWE are hoping to sign Killer Kross.

WWE lose out:

The Lucha bros are not joining WWE yet. They have MLW deals through to the end of 2019. Brian Pillman Jr. has also signed with them, for 3 years.

HOF'er wants match:

Alundra Blayze says she is hoping for a call from WWE, for Evolution.

Ric Flair talks health:

"I'm doing great! It was a year anniversary last Tuesday. I've healed, and I had the second operation to repair the stoma. I feel great. And I'm blessed, man, no kidding. It's been phenomenal. Someone gave me another chance. Not someone, but you know, The Man gave me the opportunity. I feel very special and I feel very happy to be in the position I'm in."

Mickie nominated:

Mickie James has been nominated for 3 native American music awards.

Near death Dean:

Dean Ambrose has revealed he almost died after contracting a hospital infection during surgery on his recent arm injury. He then had to have a second operation to tidy up the mistakes made during the first op, making a 3 month lay off, much, much longer...

"It was just one nightmare after another. It was a pretty challenging period of time to go through. I ended up having two different surgeries. I had this MRSA, Staph infection. I nearly died. I was in the hospital for a week plugged up to this antibiotic drip thing, and I was on all these antibiotics for months that make you puke and crap your pants. So it was a pretty rough time. My arm wasn't healing correctly, and my triceps. It's kind of an indeterminate period where I initially hurt it. I thought it was, we call it Dusty elbows. It's a pretty typical wrestler thing. You just get this bursa sac of fluid on your elbow from banging it on the mat or whatever. I've had that dozens of times on both elbows. It usually just goes away. It was kind of disguised. By the time I finally went and got the first surgery, my triceps was already starting to atrophy and look weird. I wasn't able to flex my triceps for a really long time. And then the first surgery didn't really, something went wrong in the process. Probably due to that infection. It's kind of hard to say when that really even got in my body. This is a long answer to your question. But for a minute there, it was getting scary. By the time I got that second surgery, it was March, I think. My arm was so shrunken and skeletal that it was weird. I hadn't been able to move it or flex it in so long that I was starting to get scared I wasn't ever going to get it back. To go from not being able to eat my Froot Loops, to being able to get back in the ring and throw people around and throw punches and do everything back to normal, it was a very gratifying feeling. It looked good. Before I went in for the first one, they were like, 'OK, yeah, this is going to be a three- or four-month thing. You'll jump right back.' Once I woke up, they were like, 'Oh man, this is going to be six months minimum. Because we went in there, and that thing was messed up. You beat it to death. It's going to be a lot harder than you initially thought. But still, not so bad.' They said they found traces of an infection during the first surgery, but they cleaned it out. I don't know if it was in there previously, or if it came after. It could've been with me for years. I don't know. But it was about six weeks or so after that I was like, this is not healing correctly. I didn't have anything to compare it to, because I had never been hurt before. So I ended up going back for just a checkup. I thought I was just going to turn right back around and get on a plane and go home, and they were like, 'No, you have to go in again for surgery like right now.' I was like, 'Oh, no.' I had just kind of got through all of the stitches and all of that stuff. It was a giant mess. I just kept having to start back from square one. I ended up just moving to Birmingham just to play it safe and be with the doctor and best rehab guys. As soon as I got out of the second one, I was flying home, grabbing my dog, turned right back around, got in the truck and drove to Birmingham. I just stayed there for two and a half or three months until they felt like I was pretty good. Once the MRSA really got out of my system, I was working out twice a day. Rehabbing twice a day on top of that in Birmingham. Doing everything possible to try to get my arm working again, and once I started to come back, I started to make a lot of progress over the summer. So I'm feeling good now. The tendon was attached when I went in there the second time. But there was all this goo. The environment wasn't letting it heal correctly, I guess. I'm not a doctor. I don't know. But they just had to scoop out all this gooey stuff. I didn't realize how bad it was. If I hadn't gone in for that checkup, I could've gotten seriously sick. It could've been even more dangerous. But it all worked out."

Relationship on:

Bray Wyatt and JoJo have gone public with their not so secret relationship.

Paul Heyman:

Paul Heyman is working backstage waiting for WWE to decide what to do with him.


New Day vs Rusev Day has been dropped to the pre show.

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