Saturday, September 15, 2018


Managers coming back:

You may have noticed the implementation of managers on WWE TV again in recent weeks, you can thank Paul Heyman. He, and his performances with Brock Lesnar, have won Vince McMahon over on the idea. The company are actively scouting the indies for new talent to act as managers on their programming.

WWE debut:

WWE have announced their first trip to Uruguay this December.

Alum up for return:

Justin Gabriel says he is softening on WWE...

"It is funny you say that because it changes all the time. When I left it was been there and done that and I'm good now let me try some other stuff because I still want to go to Japan and a bunch of other companies that I still want to work for on my bucket list. But every once in a while I am like well maybe I should go back just one more run because I want closure and I don't feel like as a singles competitor that I got a good run at all or like a good showing. I feel like when I left too that it was abrupt and I feel like as a performer and a person and a wrestler that I've grown and I feel like my weaknesses back then are now my strong points. While in the WWE you kind of don't evolve you just do what you get told and you kind of just stay the same and that is why they sign a lot of the Indie guys and you see it with Kevin Steen and Finn Balor and AJ and you saw them doing well on the Indies and now they are doing well on TV. So every once in a while I think maybe I will go back and if they come to me with a good storyline I don't even care about money now if they just come with a good story line and I get a good payoff for WrestleMania or maybe it is a Nexus story line I'd consider it and I'm not going to turn anything down but if you spoke to me a year ago I would have said no and never. But one thing I learned from Vince was never say never."

205 Live:

205 Live is moving to Wednesday nights.

HOF'er needs help:

Mr. Wonderful needs $10,000 to keep his house. He has set up a GoFundMe.

Taker talks HIAC 20:

"I mean, we're talking a couple of inches with even the way he landed. That could have been catastrophic. I mean it really could have, but I stepped off the panel and onto the support bars, if I hadn't of done that we would have both gone through that together. So if you can imagine, if I had stayed on that panel, my weight would have probably been on him too. Then what happens? It's a scary thought. Honestly, I did not expect him to get up from that. He hit and finally started moving around, and I was like, 'Man, that's one tough son of a gun right there.' I did happen to have a fracture in my ankle. It was such an important time in the business, you knew you had to do it, so you just grit your teeth, go in there, and do what you do.''

WWE want big indie star:

WWE are looking at signing Walter.

Attitude Era Doink:

Brother Love says WWE planned to make Headbanger Thrasher a new darker version of Doink The Clown during the attitude era. It was to happen at the time Mosh was repackaged as Beaver Cleavage, remember that?, but Thrasher got hurt shortly before they could do a break up angle of the team, so they dropped it.

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