Sunday, September 16, 2018


Rock wraps:

The Rock has completed filming 'Jungle Cruise.'


Matt Hardy says he has worked his last WWE match. He thanked the company for allowing him to fulfill his last dates, despite his injury, but added it is now time for him to go home...

"There's been a lot of speculation for quite awhile online if I'm going to be wrestling any longer or not. WWE fortunately let me fulfill all my advertised commitments, but tonight here in Corpus Christi this was the last advertised commitment I had. I never say never - or as 'Woken' Matt Hardy would say 'Neva say neva!' - but tonight is most likely the last time you'll ever see 'Woken' Matt Hardy in a WWE ring."

TLC leak:

The host venue of TLC has leaked the main will be Shield vs Braun, Dolph and Drew.

Shawn Stasiak reveals why he was fired from WWE:

"I had a tape recorder in my bag because it was encouraged when I was training by Dory Funk Jr. and Tom Prichard to say that when you are on the road for hours to get a tape recorder and record yourself doing promos and work on your craft. I just played a rib on a couple of guys that I was going to play back for them and that backfired. Simple as that and it made me look real bad and I ended up getting fired. I think even though I came back to WWE a year or so later that the stigma was always stuck with me. Mike Enos said that professional wrestlers are like junior high school kids with money. I kind of understand that now and everyone jumps on the bandwagon and they just took this little incident and I'll say maybe it wasn't little and if I was there and that happened now and I'm in the locker room and I hear of this young 'rook' coming in and tape recording me that it would upset me but it was the furthest thing from what their paranoid thoughts were. I wasn't working for Hard Copy and I wasn't trying to blackmail anybody it was simply a rib that went bad and I got fired. It is that simple and it just never helped my career."


Tonight is WWE Hell In A Cell, live on the WWE Network. A red cell will be debuted. Nia Jax is backstage, and may return.


Snitsky says he is thinking about trying out for XFL.

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