Saturday, September 1, 2018



Kane has been sworn in as Knox County mayor, however, his first day has been met with a number of issues, least of which having to put his own office chair together. More concerning is a series of complaints from a man in Pennsylvania, which is not the area Kane has been elected in. He feels Kane is an inappropriate official as he has...

  • Profited from the use of Steroids
  • Been guilty of contact with illicit drug dealers
  • Received funds from a known abuser of steroids (Vince McMahon)
  • Failed to report donations from unfit persons (Vince)

Kane distanced himself from the use of drugs in WWE and said he was proud to have the support of the McMahon's, in response. The local paper also backed him in the complaints to the ethics board, saying Kane is not, as alleged, responsible for making or enforcing laws.

He did get one nice surprise though, Goldust visited him in his new office.

All In:

Tonight is the big stadium indie show hosted by Cody & The Bucks.

Alum wants return:

Ken Shamrock says he has approached WWE, hoping for a comeback, but they are not responding.


Hulk Hogan and Brutus The Barber have reunited after their bitter fall-out of last year.

Another tale of Haku:

Tonga Kid has regaled us of another story from the book of legend that is, Haku...

"I know. I've seen it with my own two eyes in the dressing room. I've seen him take up Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake in the dressing room because of the fact when they had The Dream Team with Beefcake and Greg "The Hammer" and the blonde guy Johnny Valiant that in our matches Haku was chopping him so hard and I had kicked him real hard, which I just liked picking on people because I know they aren't going to mess with me but I didn't know King Tonga was going to chop him that hard. When he chops you, you can feel it in your soul. That is how hard he hits you and how hard King Tonga chops you. So he goes back and tells Vince that he didn't want to wrestle us and he wanted to wrestle another team because the fact is that we are hitting him too hard. I said to him if you can't take a chop than you are in the wrong business. Maybe you should find another job or something and he didn't do it once he did it again and again and he thought it was funny and he kept doing it over. So King Tonga walked over to him and grabbed him by the throat in the shower and yanked him straight up and lifted him right up like three or four inches off the ground. Of course Hogan is going to run in there and help him because that is his boy. That is like his little boy that can go like get him hamburgers and pick up all of his clothes or whatever you want to call him almost like his "butler" I guess so of course Hogan is going to run over there. When the rest of the guys ran over to help Beefcake, I am going to throw this out there that nobody came close. Pat Patterson and Vince McMahon had to come in himself to calm down and tell Haku to take it easy. Even with Hogan as part of that too, but trust me if you saw the look Haku had in his eyes when he had Beefcake lifted up, nobody was going to come near him whatsoever if it wasn't for me and maybe Pat Patterson."

Hogan tells top star he needs WWE to complete his story:

"Would I love to see Kenny Omega go to the WWE? Yes. Would I love to see him be used correctly? Yes. If he ever got lost in the mix, it would be a sad, sad story. But if there is a chance to sign him, Vince McMahon could be the guy to take him to the next level. If you don't touch on the WWE, your story is not complete. But rules are made to be broken, and Kenny is such a big star that he could be the one to change all that. Kenny is such a big star that he doesn't need to sign in New York, but it would complete the story if he went and dominated and had a hell of a run in WWE."


Will Ospreay is injured. He was hurt in a 43 minute extreme rules match vs Jimmy Havoc.

Brutus talks facial injury:

Brutus The Barber's book is out now, and one of the stories he tells is the almost life ending accident that destroyed his face in 1990. He shared an abridged version today...

"It was hard to know. I had my face back together and stuff, and everything was cool, but it is hard to know at that point how you are going to proceed in the future in a business like ours where you have to take kicks and punches to your face, so it's not an easy decision to make right there with how you are going to go about it, but I was lucky. I had the best doctor on the planet, and regardless of what he had said about me never wrestling again. I wrestled and his deal he told me that I was going to end up being stronger than I could be after I heal up. He told me that I was going to heal and be better than before, which I did. I healed even bigger, better and stronger than I ever was when I was younger and I became a superhero. It's funny, but I was just blessed with the strength to being dead, so how do you come back from that? That is what happened to me and that is what I did. I came back from that."

Cass changes again:

Big Cass was Big Cazz, but is now Big C, as he prepares to return to the ring for the first time since losing his WWE job.

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