Sunday, September 9, 2018


Heath considering future?:

Heath Slater has taken to social media to bemoan his WWE status...

"I got signed with WWE when I was 22 years old. I've been through Deep South, Florida Championship Wrestling and The Foundation of WWE NXT I've been in faction after faction and tag team after tag team, none of them actually went the way I hoped. I just hope that one day before this is all over that I can do things my way. And as a grizzled young vet in the business, I hope that time comes sooner than later. #deepsouthwrestling #floridachampionshipwrestling #nxt #nexus #corre #3mb #socialoutcast #slatergator #13yearcareer #wantapieceofthepie #dangerously #underrated"

David Arquette talks why he agreed to win WCW title:

"I actually recently talked to Vince Russo on his podcast, and then, he explained it to me. He said that part of the reason he thought it would be alright because when I first got there, I was running around. I did something with, Jarrett, Jeff Jarrett, and I had his guitar and I went around all the wrestlers and had them sign it. I was just a fan. And he was like, and that was part of the reason I was different. I wasn't just an actor. I was truly a fan of wrestling, so that's kind of the idea behind it. Yeah, I said I didn't think it was a good idea!, but, then, after a few minutes, I thought it would be fun just to travel and get a little taste of the business. So yeah."

Concert dedicated to wrestler:

Smashing Pumpkins dedicated their last gig to Jim The Anvil Neidhart.

Ryback talks women's PPV:

"I don't know all the details about it or anything of that nature but the only thing that came to my mind is that there has never been an all men's pay per view, maybe Saudi Arabia by default, right? This could be a way of giving the women an opportunity because they couldn't be part of that. Everything is business with them and they make money off of it so it is a good deal for the women."

Actor retires:

Stephen Amell has teased that his All-In match might have been his last.


WCW star Frank Andersson has died aged 62 after heart surgery.

Old boy freed:

Justin Credible has been freed from prison.

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