Friday, September 7, 2018


WrestleMania celeb dies:

WWE have paid tribute to actor Burt Reynolds on their site today. He has died aged 82. He appeared at Mania 10 and also inspired this famous image of Shawn Michaels (Photo).

Indie spoil WWE signings:

MLW have teased Fenix and Pentagon have signed for NXT on social media.

Ryder angry with WWE:

Zack Ryder has admitted he was angry about WWE making him kill his YouTube show...

"I was doing the YouTube show and it was at the peak of its popularity before it went to sh-. That whole process where I basically had to hand over my YouTube show I saw my hard work literally go down the drain, and everything I did to earn my spot on television only to see it bump down lower and lower. I will admit, I was bitter. I was asking myself why all of this was happening. I had proven myself and I felt like i was being punished. I was definitely bitter for that."

New movie:

A movie biopic on WWE HOF'er Rocky Johnson is in the works.

Bryan wished he could have left:

Bubba Ray says D-Bry wanted to be at All-In...

"Deep down in his heart of hearts, Daniel Bryan wishes he could have been on that show. Those are the type of shows that wrestlers like Daniel Bryan pray that they can be a part of because that's what they came up on. All In is basically a ROH-esque show. So a guy like Daniel Bryan who started in ROH, that's the type of show he wants to be on. Guys like AJ and Joe, anybody who came from that type of atmosphere would have loved to be there."

WCW champ invades WWE HQ:

David Arquette posted an image of himself outside WWE HQ this week.

WWE on TV:

Jimmy Uso & Naomi will be on MTV next week.

Cody Rhodes:

Cody Rhodes  is writing a children's book.

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