Monday, September 10, 2018


New stars:

Jaxson Ryker and Keith Lee have joined the NXT roster.

Kurt Angles shades ROH / NJPW:

Kurt Angle may have taken a swipe at the upcoming ROH / NJPW MSG show, during an interview today he said...

"Madison Square Garden. It's WWE's official home. Love the atmosphere."

He also said he expects Braun Strowman's Greatest Royal Rumble title will be brought back in time for the next trip to KSA.


Steve Austin says WWE need to face the fact, NXT is better than the main roster product...

"The thing I like about the NXT thing is it's almost like X-Pac said, the main roster is almost trying to cover or cater to everybody. And to me, the NXT thing is more… they are both under the same umbrella, it's WWE, it's sports entertainment. It ain't pro wrestling anymore. Now, it's sports entertainment officially, but in my mind, it's still pro wrestling. And to me, NXT, yeah, it's kind of like a throwback. And it's all modern stuff, great lighting, great production values, everything else, but the storylines are very easy to understand and very simple. And, I mean, the announcers aren't trying to go overboard trying to explain whatever's going on, sometimes when I watch the main roster stuff, it's like they're trying to play to so many people that the storylines get kind of convoluted."

HOF'er over-rated:

Mick Foley says he is better remembered than he deserves to be...

"If you ask me where I stand in wrestling history, I think I'm a bit overrated, to tell you the truth. I do. I just call it as I see it. I don't think some of the matches stand up the way that I would like them to have."

Raw is Renee:

Renee Young has joined the Raw comms team on a permanent basis. She replaces Jonathan Coachman, who will take her job on the pre shows.

TNA Alum says he will never join WWE:

Joey Ryan says he is happy were he is...

"I know the standard NXT rate that they give most newcomers and I make well beyond that. But I know people who have signed on from the indies who were doing well and they get a better rate because they are more valued. It's weird because pretty much in every business, the goal and the dream is to be your own boss, set your own schedule, be successful on your own terms. In wrestling, a lot of wrestling fans want you to give all that up and sign your future to someone else's hands and have a boss and have a schedule that you're required to keep. So it's kind of weird that in just about any other business, the dream is to do what I'm doing now but in wrestling everyone thinks you're not successful until you have a boss which is kind of bizarre. But that's the way it is and I'm pretty confident and really enjoy what I'm doing."

Raw tease:

  • New Orleans gets Rowdy once more
  • Is The Shield shattered?
  • The Game responds to The Deadman
  • Mick Foley relives Hell in a Cell history

DDP talks All-In:

DDP says Cody Rhodes was more upset than anyone about All-In running over time, and that he had asked everyone before the show to stick to timings, he also revealed he worked the show for free...

"When I first heard Cody was doing ALL IN, I told him you know I don't do Diamond Cutters anymore. I mean, if WWE calls me I'll f*cking do a Diamond Cutter, but not for an independent wrestling company. I've been offered $10,000. I'm not hitting that mat anymore. But for Cody, I told him if you need me for anything, I said I'm there and I wouldn't charge him nothing. I'm sure plenty of people got paid a lot of money to be there, I took nothing and I won't take nothing from him."

WWE on tour:

WWE have announced a live show in Finland, for next May.

Jazz vs WWE:

Jazz says she is not a believer in the current women's revival in WWE, because of her bad experience. She says she was fired, because...

"They called us to the back and said, 'we were wrestling too much like men.' I thought, well that's the end of my career."


Edge is going to be at SmackDown's 1000th show.

Matt retiring:

Matt Hardy worked the weekend lives this past week, but has tweeted since that it was his last show at the venue.

Punk retires?:

CM Punk says he does not know if he will get back into the cage for an MMA fight. He says his focus is moving into acting.

Joey Mercury:

Police have shot down internet reports about Joey Mercury's arrest. They say his arrest was not for a violent incident and he committed no crimes in Illinois.

Fast feud:

The Rock has started filming the controversial 'Fast' spin-off film today.

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