Monday, September 3, 2018



WWE have named the 10 greatest factions in history...

10. Undisputed Era
9. Fabulous Freebirds
8. Nexus
7. Hart Foundation
6. New Day
5. Evolution
4. NWO
3. DX
2. Four Horsemen
1. The Shield

Del Rio addresses Paige retirement:

"Well to be honest, I closed that book a long time ago. I wish nothing but the best to Paige. It's too bad she cannot wrestle anymore. Cause like you just said it, she has a lot of talent. I remember saying this once, she could have been the most successful Diva of all-time, but things happen."

UK tour:

WOS have announced their first live tour of the UK.

Alum arrested:

Joey Mercury was scheduled to produce at All-In this past weekend, however, for some reason he chose to sleep in his car outside of a hotel, rather that a room inside. Police were called by a concerned passer-by and when they arrived they found him to have an outstanding warrant, for an un-disclosed indiscretion. He was arrested and could not work the indie spectacular. He is being held awaiting transfer from Chicago to Florida to answer for his warrant.

Raw tease:

  • The Bella Twins return to clash with The Riott Squad
  • Braun Strowman forges imposing alliance
  • Shawn Michaels weighs in on Triple H and The Undertaker's WWE Super Show-Down match
  • The Revival challenge The B-Team for the Raw Tag Team Titles
  • What's Alexa Bliss' plan to conquer Ronda Rousey at WWE Hell in a Cell?

Rock warning:

The Rock has urged fans to be dilligent after scammers used his likeness to target people asking for money in his name via social media.

Magnus will not join WWE if...:

"Hey, no one was talking when I was the TNA World Heavyweight Champion and Mickie was sitting at home or when she was pregnant with our son, that wasn't an issue, but now and then I will get the Twitter troll who will say something like, 'Oh. Mr. Mickie James gets another chance?' Another chance at what? Believe me, it doesn't help. If anything, it is the opposite. It is not a help. That is not the way that I would want to go to WWE for example if that ever happens, but that is not the way I would want to go in."

Take it to church:

A pastor in Texas is using wrestling to preach his sermon's, going so far as to set up a ring in his church. He has earned the backing of legends, such as Undertaker, Sting, Ric Flair Million Dollar Man, who will all make appearances during the four week long event starting next week.

Batista spits the dummy:

Batista admits a petulant spat led to him leaving the WWE in 2010...

"It came about out of spite. First it came from me discovering I was a horrible actor. I wanted to become a better actor and I wanted to do it while I was still with WWE. They would not give me the opportunity within the company. I said that I should be given the opportunity to do it outside of the company, and they said 'absolutely not.' I said, 'Well, I'm going to let my contract run out, and I'm gonna leave.' So that's exactly what I did and I set out to be an actor."

Diva's coming home?:

Naomi has been inviting former stars, such as Summer Rae and Cameron, back to WWE to join her feud vs Ilconics.

Hey now, WWE, you're an...:

WWE have posted 66 episodes of the UK promotion All Star to their Network.

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