Thursday, May 31, 2018


The future's bright:

A movie maker that had to fight hard to get Batista's signature for his new project has discussed why the WWE Alum is the new darling of the action movie world...

"Dave has quickly become a very appealing as action star; he's huge, muscled, and can easily sell the action. But he has delivered in comedy with the Marvel films, and showed the emotional range in Blade Runner. He's a well rounded actor and we need that because the heart is key and he has that soulful quality. And the U.S. distributors love him."

Bryan reveals heat with Titus over GRR:

"I was in the ring - and keep in mind I had been in the ring for a long time - I didn't know anything had happened. Titus slides into the ring and punches me in the face, like really hard. He's got these big, huge hands and he's like 'boom!' I'm like, 'Woah! What happened?' I was enraged and I was gonna go kick him in the face. And then I glance up, and you see the tron, and they played it like 12 times in a row of him tripping, falling, and sliding into the ring. I was just like, 'You know what? I understand. I'm gonna go over here. I'm going to leave him be.'"

Hart honoured:

Bret Hart will be honoured with an honourary degree by Calgary University this week.

Dead man joins the modern world:

The Undertaker has launched an Instagram account.

WWE sign indie:

Deonna Purrazzo has reportedly signed on with WWE.

Venue leaks main:

Extreme Rules will be main evented by Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley vs. Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens and Jinder Mahal, according to the host venue.

Alum back:

Adam Rose says he has had to back-track on his retirement...

"Money. I needed a job, that type of thing. I was all like 'I'm going to retire, I'm done' and then when I had no money I realized no, I'm not retiring. I need to wrestle some more."


Vic Joseph will work the NBA final.

Back on:

John Cena and Nikki Bella are back together, so says US magazine.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018



Seth Rollins says it is time for the Undertaker to retire from the ring. He is the first active WWE star to come out and say so in an out of gimmick interview. In his defense, from any possible heat, he was taking part in a 60 second quick fire question style interview, so did not have much time to think out his response.

Rousey on TV:

Ronda Rousey will appear on 'Shark Week' on July 22.


Samoa Joe qualified for MITB last night.

Signing confirmed:

Lo Shirai has confirmed her last booked date in Japan, before moving to WWE.

Impact star available:

Eli Drake is out of contract in a few days.

Punk / Colt vs WWE:

The court were played the podcast that caused the legal dispute between WWE's doctor and their former stars in full during yesterday's trial. Chris Amman also read out a number of Twitter comments he felt defamed him, and threatened his job, both with WWE and in the medical profession.

Punk back in wrestling this year:

Booker T says he believes, should CM Punk lose his next MMA fight, that CM Punk will return to wrestling at Cody Rhodes All In show in September.

Bischoff talks Montreal:

Eric Bischoff says he did not ask Bret Hart to bring the WWF title to WCW with him...

"There were probably two or three different conversations about that. The one conversation that I distinctly remember. I remember that I was in Wyoming. I remember it because my cell phone went off and I was in a cell area that was really sketchy, where I was around a post office in the middle of nowhere. I remember going inside the post office to use a pay phone, and I remember standing there thinking, why am I having this conversation again? It is not that important of a deal. I convinced Bret Hart one last time do not worry about the Championship belt. In my mind, I remember thinking this at the time, what I thought Bret Hart should do is given the fact that he is Bret Hart, and you know, Stu Hart and the Hart family legacy, the tradition of the business, what I wanted Bret to do is just pass the belt on. Do the right thing. Shake Vince McMahon's hand. Leave on good terms. The business; the audience would have had more respect for him than to hold on to the belt because he didn't want to lose in Montreal, Quebec Canada [Survivor Series 1997] because he is a Canadian. That, to me didn't make any sense. Worrying about it didn't make any sense to me because Bret Hart was coming to WCW. The fans were sophisticated enough to know that if he lost a match it wasn't going to diminish who Bret Hart was. That logic from talent never made any sense to me. That is when you get sucked in to the work where you work yourself. I tried to explain that to Bret Hart. It just didn't matter to me".

Trish talks Rumble:

"I got the word on Dec. 26 … I was eating a chocolate peanut butter ball. I was like, 'Oh my God!' I put the peanut butter ball down and said, 'OK, let me talk to my family.' I called a friend of mine in Toronto — whenever there's a TV show or production that needs a ring, he's the guy — and I said, 'Can we get a ring set up? I might have an opportunity, and before I say yes to them, I have to make sure I can still do this.' Wrestling is like riding a bike, it really came quicker than I thought. My body definitely knows what to do. Was I little sore? Yes, absolutely. My body was like, 'Why did you just throw yourself down from five feet up?' My body was reminding me that's not normal."

Indie star ready for WWE:

Keith Lee has worked out his indie dates and will soon move to the WWE PC.

WWE an embarrassment:

Media empresario Rupert Murdoch told Vince McMahon that USA is ashamed to showcase their product, during the bidding for new TV deals.

Fake HOF:

Scott Steiner says there is no such thing as the WWE HOF...

"Can you go someplace and say that it is legit when it doesn't exist? How can you say it is legit? It defies all odds. You cannot have a Hall of Fame if you cannot visit. It is the creation of someone's mind. It boggles my mind that people care about being in the Hall of Fame when it doesn't even exist. Would you go to a grocery store but there is no food? It is such a freaking joke it drives me crazy. I don't give a f**k. The Hall of Fame doesn't exist. You can't visit it. I get so sick of talking about it because it is so stupid. People take it so seriously. Some guys really just mark out for themselves and think of how great it is. It is freaking fake. It doesn't exist. It's crazy. People ask me that question all the time but I give the same answer all of the time. It doesn't exist. You might as well put the Hall of Fame on the moon. It's the same s**t. You are never going to go to the moon to visit the Hall of Fame. I don't care if it was on earth; you wouldn't visit it either."

He did though add he would consider induction, for the right price.


(Photo) WWE have released the bracket for the Network special.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Rousey praises hero teacher:

Ronda Rousey has praised her former school teacher for dis-arming a gunman at an Indiana school last week. She also says she plans to ask him to accompany her to the ring.

Jericho to make Impact?:

Chris Jericho's friend the Jackyl has openly expressed an interest in Chris Jericho joining Impact. The speculation only grew when Y2J re-tweeted the comments.


Sasha Banks is in MITB after winning a qualifier last night. Bobby Lashley vs Sami Zayn is also booked.

Enzo speaks out:

Enzo Amore turned his meet and greet last night in New York into a release party for his debut single 'Phoenix.' The song addresses the rape accusation and his WWE release. During the video he mocks wrestling fans for convicting him on social media, threatened to launch a civil case against the lady that accused him, legal action vs TMZ, and jabbed at WWE for releasing him. He also told his side of the story through his lyrics, claiming repeatedly that he had a ''Consensual penis''. In the video he wore the shirt he turned up for work in the day after the news of the accusation broke, the day he was fired by WWE and held a funeral for his WWE gimmick. He also took aim at the Me Too movement calling it ''Gender persecution''...

He is now calling himself Real1

Cody vs Bucks:

Cody Rhodes has revealed he had to convince Young Bucks that his idea to host a stadium indie show was not his way to get WWE to take him back...

"The Bucks had the idea of doing this and I think that I came in with a little bit of motivation to do so, and also, I let them know right away, 'I'm not going anywhere. I'm not looking for this to be my springboard back to WWE. I love WWE, but I want to try this. I want to try what we're doing.' And I think that they needed to hear that they had a real partner. And, man, since then, it been fun."

He also shared that Triple H contacted him after he won the ROH gold...

"The coolest feeling in the world is to have text messages from people in our industry who don't have to text you. They don't. And somebody like Triple H telling me, 'congrats for winning the Ring Of Honor title.' it makes what we do real. My dad told me, 'the only real thing that we do is the world title.' And there lots of world titles, but that one validated it for me and I was really happy."

SD teaser:

  • Daniel Bryan and Samoa Joe to clash for final spot in Money in the Bank Ladder Match
  • The New Day battle The Miz & The Bar in Six-Man Tag Team action
  • Is Carmella ready for Asuka?
  • Will AJ Styles figure into the outcome of Shinsuke Nakamura's match against Tye Dillinger?

Punk in court:

CM Punk and Colt Cabana vs WWE's doctor has started today. The doc was a million $ for defamation and libel from the two former WWE stars.

Wrestler in game:

Kenny Omega has a role in a new 'Street Fighter' video game.

RIP... what he's alive?:

Hulk Hogan has been getting roasted for an RIP tribute to a guy that is not dead. He said he mixed him up with someone else.

Old boy's last days:

Matt Cappotelli's wife says the former Tough Enough winner's health is deteriorating rapidly. He is in his second battle with brain cancer, and doctors are ready to give up on him. They have advised the couple to end his treatment and prepare for the end.

Monday, May 28, 2018


Bullet Club bust-up:

Marty Scurll has cashed in his number one contendership to the ROH gold to get a shot at their next special, despite his BC leader Cody already having the match. It will now be a triple threat.

Fan incident:

Roman Reigns has reacted to a twit-storm of abuse for refusing a picture with a young girl...

''First of all, it was a grown man that approached me while I was feeding my sons breakfast and talking to my daughter.  B4 I could finish saying “I’m sorry but I don’t get much time with my family”, he stormed off calling me a “sell out”. That’s the truth. Get your gossip right.''

Heat on Japanese stars:

Tetsuya Naito was being interviewed over lunch, with a couple of his stable mates, by Tokyo Sports, at his request. At the end of the meal he got up to pay but instead left the building. His two buds then both followed to look for him but got into a cab and also left, leaving the media firm with the unpaid cheque.

Raw tease:

  • The Kingslayer defends his title against The Modern Day Maharaja
  • Seven Superstars get a Last Chance to be "Money"
  • How will Nia Jax respond to Ronda Rousey's threat?
  • Is Braun Strowman destined to become Mr. Money in the Bank?
  • What payback does Bobby Lashley have in store for Sami Zayn?

Legal battle coming?:

MLW are threatening to take action against WWE for their ''Aggressive'' chasing of indie talent contracted to them.

WWE sign Japanese star:

Lo Shirai is finally on her way to WWE after a year of back and forth from the company.

WWE go home:

WWE have given AJ Styles and Roman Reigns this weekend off.

KO fronts campaign:

Kevin Owens has fronted a road safety campaign.

Book spoils return?:

TMZ asked Booker T for a comment on Hulk Hogan, he replied ''Welcome back.''

Sunday, May 27, 2018


Alum having a baby:

Stacy Keibler is pregnant with her second child.


WWE are planning to showcase Britain's females on their Network special. A multi woman match is penciled in.

Alum in most anticipated movie of year:

Kurrgan has a bit part in 'Deadpool 2.'

New comic:

Here is the latest art in the WWE comic line. (Photo).

Saturday, May 26, 2018


Alum interested:

John Morrison has declared an interest in moving to NJPW.

WWE on TV:

Curt Hawkins wants to be on 'Sesame Street'.

Mauro thanks WWE:

"I do want to say this: my relationship with WWE has never been better. There were many little things but it was my mental health that was deteriorating at a rapid pace. I needed to get off the road. The other issues have been dealt with, and it's not my intention with this documentary to go into my relationship with the WWE. They have indeed been incredible in allowing not only Paul Levesque to be involved directly, but allowing the use of footage. It's mind-blowing to me, just bringing me back to NXT, knowing about my issues. That could be the headline of the Showtime story. You hear about mentally ill people being dangerous to society or dangerous to themselves, unstable and unreliable. That's the biggest reason I'm making this doc: I'm a high-functioning individual working my dream job."

NWA champ makes ROH debut:

Magnus worked the ROH UK tour last night.

UK takeover:

Impact are joining in the UK invasion, they have signed Joe Hendry.

Alexa assists fan:

Alexa Bliss took time to console an upset fan at a fan convention this weekend. She had asked the WWE star about her eating disorder problem and Bliss shared her own experience with the problem with her.

Friday, May 25, 2018


GFW deal:

GFW have agreed a TV deal with Fite.

Punk vs Colt:

CM Punk's legal team are adamant he wants to go to trial vs WWE. The case had been delayed from starting after Colt Cabana's team entered into settlement talks after he provided new evidence. Punk had ''Zero'' involvement in the talks. The WWE doctor is seeking damages for accusations made during a podcast in 2014.


ROH have started a UK tour.


HHH and HBK will be at the WWE UK Network special. It is expected that they will announce the debut of UK indie promotions on their Network.

Sam Gradwell worked a WWE show on the last tour 15 years after being taken to his first wrestling event, in the same Sheffield building, by his grand-parents, who were in the crowd watching him live out a dream moment. He won his match.

Alum to Japan:

NJPW are chasing the signature of John Morrison.


WWE have started casting this years MYC special.

NXT star's new job:

Lio Rush has released his first music single.

WWE on TV:

Nikki Bella has appeared on 'Ninja Warrior.'

Thursday, May 24, 2018


PPV changes confirmed:

WWE have confirmed the new timings of PPV events. The big 4 will have a 5 hour window with up to a two hour kick-off, the so called 'B' shows will have a three hour window with a one hour kick-off.

Young Bucks:

If WWE want Young Bucks they may get a play at the end of this year. The indie greats ROH and NJPW deals run out in 6 months.

Show fat feud:

Big Show has revealed Vince McMahon was hot with him for being heavier than Akebono at WrestleMania 21...

"I think my heaviest I was 537 lbs, when I did that match with Akebono, I think Akebono, for a shoot, weighed 488 and I weighed 509 because I remember Vince being pissed at me because Akebono was supposed to weigh more than me. And McMahon looks at me and goes, '509 lbs.?' He shook his head and walked off. I was like, 'I'm a quarter-ton of fun! What do you want me to say?'"

WWE on TV:

John Morrison will appear as a contestant on 'Survivor.' Zack Ryder will host a show about Funko toys on Netflix.


Demolition say they would want $100,000 to get them into the WWE HOF...

"If they asked us, what would we really do now?. It's been 20 years since we've been around the business and the guys make supposedly $5,000-$6,000 when they go to the Hall of Fame? You know it would take probably $100,000, at least, to bring us in for the Hall of Fame. I thought 'What a good number' because I'd give ten thousand to church, and I'd take another $10,000 of that $100,000 and give it to my son, he's a Deputy in the Sheriff's Department in the K-9 unit, and I'm thinking of all these charities I'd give to."

E! talk Cena / Nikki:

E! have confirmed John Cena and Nikki Bella are back together.


Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch will challenge Undisputed Era in Chicago, for their Tag gold.

Rousey on tour:

Ronda Rousey will be going on the post SummerSlam tour of Japan.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


I love KO:

Kevin Owens live streamed his match on social media last night, and it has to be seen...


Big E, Lana, Naomi and Daniel Bryan are in MITB. The Club have earned a shot at the Tag straps and AJ vs Nakamura will be last man standing.

Sasha signs:

Sasha Banks has signed a new multi year WWE deal with WWE. There are concerns about her proneness to injury, but her merch sales won the office over, earning her a nice new deal.

New show:

Miz & Mrs will debut on July 24.

Cody jealous of partner:

Cody Rhodes has admitted to being jealous of Ted DiBiase Jr...

"With The Legacy particularly, I was the ugly duckling. I had a great spot, but I was the fall guy. Teddy was positioned to be the next Randy. Randy was the man. I knew I had to supersede Teddy in terms of they put me on SmackDown, they we're expecting much, but they definitely didn't set me up to fail. I started the 'Dashing' Cody Rhodes stuff and during that period, I learned that I had to work a-whole-nother degree harder to compete. There was this pivotal moment where I had to stop competing with my peers like Dolph Ziggler, and The Miz, and DiBiase, and Swagger, all those guys there came a moment when I stopped competing with them. We did a South America tour and after a show, Teddy got real drunk on the bus. Many guys get real drunk on the bus. I loved Teddy, but I was really jealous of him, just incredibly jealous of him. And he came into catering and he was so drunk only one eye was open, and he's kind of just like slurring his words, and he approached the piano. It was a really nice piano in the middle of South America, like this balcony overlooking the water, and all this. And he flipped the piano lid up real hard and I was like, 'oh no, this is going to be a mess.' And he sat down and with one eye, he starts playing, and he starts playing some of the most beautiful music I've ever heard from a piano and he's just smashed, just destroyed. And I actually remember I told someone at the table, 'do you know what? I'm done. I'm done competing with him. He's just… I'm just going to compete with myself because when you're a Hall Of Famer's son and you don't have to work very hard to get the gig, it becomes a matter of once you get the gig, you have to work incredibly hard to even get in your own discussion."

Daniel Bryan confesses he has had to change:

"The idea would be that I do things differently and people aren't able to perceive it. Specifically with the Wrestlemania match, we wanted to show people that the old Daniel Bryan was back - I want to change my style but I'm doing it gradually. This last week I attacked Cass and ended it with a heel hook - in my mind this is a new direction in how I'm wrestling and then focussing more on the 'Yes!' Lock than on knee and that sets up different things. This is probably in more detail than fans would probably want to know but I'm setting up those things so the matches are still entertaining and interesting - if you're watching it for a story front to back, it's more interesting with less risk. That's kind of where I'm going with it, while still making it exciting."

Nikki nukes report:

Nikki Bella has rubbished reports of her reunion with John Cena, calling the story ''All lies''.

UK title:

Cathy Kelly has unveiled the bracket for this years UK tourney. The winner gets a shot at Pete Dunne's gold...

Mauro talks WWE status:

"I don't need to address whatever rumors or rumblings there may have been. At the end of the day, the reason I'm no longer on SmackDown Live is because it was taking too much of a toll on my mental health. People can say what they want about WWE. Paul Levesque, Vince McMahon, Michael Cole, they all gave me another life by bringing me back to call NXT. That's where I should have been in the beginning. I've never been happier as a professional wrestling announcer than I am right now calling what has been the best brand in sports entertainment in NXT. So, all of that has turned out for the best. The fact WWE has allowed footage to be used in the doc and has openly supported me with this is another sign that we are going in the right direction. All of us are coming together to raise awareness and eliminating the stigma of mental health issues."

Tuesday, May 22, 2018



Natalya is in MITB, she qualified last night. Roman Reigns and Jinder Mahal is also confirmed.

Old boy announces event:

Enzo Amore is having a fan meet and greet in Times Square, New York next Monday.

Legendary NXT:

Booker T and Brother Love hosted an NXT live in Houston last night.

PPV changes:

WWE have informed their TV partners to expect PPV events to run for 4 hours+ with the big 4 going longer than that, between 5 and 7 hours with the kick-off included.

Retirement delayed:

Big Show has extended his WWE carrer by 3 years.

SmackDown teaser:

  • Daniel Bryan and Jeff Hardy to battle in a match with WWE Money in the Bank implications tonight on SmackDown LIVE
  • The New Day to join The Miz on "Miz TV" during SmackDown LIVE
  • Lana and Billie Kay to clash in Women's Money in the Bank Qualifying Match tonight on SmackDown LIVE
  • Naomi to face Sonya Deville in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match tonight on SmackDown LIVE

Bella backlash:

John Cena and Nikki Bella are ''Basicaly back together'' after a heart to heart meeting between the two. He apparently told Nikki everything she wanted to hear regarding their futures. This news has further enforced some fans beliefs that the split was faked to get footage for their reality show, which has hemorrhaged viewers, scoring a near lowest ever figure for the last episode.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair is over his recent illness.

WWE off season:

Edge and Christian say WWE can't have a close season like other sports...

"I feel like you can't do that. I mean, you can't just stop WWE. It is an entertainment company. It puts on a live show every week and prides itself for being out there and working. Yes, I believe the wrestlers could benefit from the time off, but it is something that has to be--and it's hard to when you have top guys that are in big angles where you rely on them to draw houses and be the main events of shows and pay-per-views and doing press, with all the job entails, but with the body, yeah, it would be a great idea to go through the cycle to give them a certain amount of time off and then to have another group of guys getting time off after them. I don't know that is the way, but to me, you can't just stop the show for a certain amount of time."

Punk vs WWE delayed:

WWE's doctor and CM Punk & Colt Cabana were due to start their legal dispute today but the case was delayed. It is reported that the two sides are working on a settlement out of court.

Heat on Cass:

Cass did the midget Daniel Bryan spot without office approval, which has de-railed a big push. He has jobbed his feud with Daniel Bryan, which he was set to go over in, for maximum heel heat and lost the MITB match vs Samoa Joe with a kayfabe injury.

X-Pac claims he asked permission but was knocked back, he did it anyway, which in his day would have been expected, but it is not the attitude era anymore.


It seems WWE have decided not to release the Greatest Royal Rumble on DVD.

Cena stepping away:

John Cena says now is the best time to step away from WWE...

"There are a lot of opportunities outside of the WWE when it comes time to choose what I want to do. This is a very fortunate time for me because there are so many opportunities for me, which is fantastic, but on the other side of the coin there are so many gifted superstars in the WWE and it's the best it has ever been. I don't feel at all as if I'm short-changing the WWE Universe. I don't feel like they're dependent on me in any way. I think the program is riveting as it stands and there are so many gifted young performers that deserve a chance and have earned a chance so there couldn't be a better time for me to take a break. I'm far from done with the WWE. The WWE will always be my home, but in this current state of affairs right now with all this extra cool stuff that's going on, it's fun to try. It's a great time to be able to take a chance and I'm so eternally grateful to the WWE and its audience for bringing me to this point. I realize I'd be nowhere without them and I never forget them. I promise as soon as I have any sort of downtime, like I had when I was at the Greatest Royal Rumble and the string of shows I did before WrestleMania, anytime free time I get will not be free, it will be spent at my home in the WWE."

Monday, May 21, 2018


Female Demolition:

Paige and the Bella Twins have taken part in demolition therapy today. They went to a junk yard and smashed cars with HHH's favourite toy, a sledge hammer.

Tour wraps:

SmackDown are on the way home after completing their Euro trip.

Fan chants change result:

Crowd chants for Chad Lail on the NXT tour changed the match result mid match. He was booked to job to Kassius Ohno, but won instead.

Raw tease:

  • How will Sami Zayn "expose" Bobby Lashley?
  • Will The Big Dog's rampage continue?
  • Which Raw Superstars will join the Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match?
  • How will Raw's male Superstars gain "Money" momentum?
  • Who will be next to challenge Seth Rollins?
  • Nia Jax prepares to face The Baddest Woman on the Planet

WWE vs Celebs:

Christian and Renee Young have shared their real life celeb feuds...

Christian vs Screech from 'Saved By The Bell'...

"I met Dustin Diamond once from Saved By The Bell and I did call him Screech. I almost got into a big argument with Screech... So, we were at WrestleMania in Anaheim, whatever number (16) that was. We stole the show, that's all that matters and yeah, we got richer. So we were walking backstage earlier in the day. Like, I'm a huge Saved By The Bell fan. I love cheesy, corny, like, TV shows, right? So I was a huge Saved By The Bell fan, still am. So I see Screech there, so I'm like, 'man…' I walk up to him and say, 'excuse me, Screech. Man, I'm such a big fan of you and the show.' And he turns around and goes, 'Yeah, okay,' and he turns back around and was kind of a dick. And he's backstage at our show. So, Edge kind of goes, 'hey,' so Edge, who is a bit of a hothead here, he goes, 'hey, mother effer,' he goes, 'he's not trying to be a dick! He loves Saved By The Bell. He's a huge fan!' And Screech goes, 'oh man, I'm sorry. I thought you were making fun of me.' I was like, 'no, I wasn't.' So then, we started talking to him and we kind of hit it off and had a pretty funny conversation, and that was that. That's my Screech story."

Renee Young vs Jerry O'Connell from 'Stand By Me' and 'Scream'...

"I still have Jerry O'Connell heat, which is super odd, it's so random and so bizarre. I used to have in my Twitter bio, 'Canadian tuxedo aficionado and I'm very afraid of Jerry O'Connell,' which, granted, he does not know the context of this, which I will tell you know. The context of it is the he used to go on, or he still does, he'd go on The Wendy Williams Show and he just acts a fool. He's a wildman. He, like, does these characters, but the show that I was watching, he had, like, a borderline offensive Jheri curl happening, so I had been like, tweeted about it and did an Instagram thing, like, 'what is going on? What is Jerry O'Connell doing?' But I meant this out of love. He was ridiculous, but it was on The Wendy Williams Show, so whatever. I had this on my bio for a long time and then every now and then somebody would be like, 'what's the deal with Jerry O'Connell?' And then, they'd, like, tag him in it. This was not that long ago, actually, only a couple of months ago, and he, like, retweeted something, 'I don't know. I've never met Renee Young. I don't know why she'd say that, especially in a time like this,' meaning the #MeToo Movement. So I'm like, 'oh my God! Dude, no, that's not at all what I meant, so I, like, messaged him, and apologized for having said that because I didn't want that to be misconstrued either. And then, I was like, 'yeah, anyway, hopefully, I get to meet you,' whatever. Then, he was backstage at a show in Anaheim and I missed seeing him, so I messaged him and was like, 'hey dude, I missed seeing you.' He was like, 'yep, too bad. Anyways, real big fan.' And just, that was the end of the message. He 'real big fanned' me, which means he hates my guts. Yeah."

Big changes for SmackDown:

SmackDown is going to three hours and moving to Fox in September. USA did not want to keep both shows so WWE had to shop themselves around, Fox wanted parity with Raw and USA's deal, which they have gotten. WWE will earn a billion dollars from the 5 year contract.

NXT star helped by DDP:

Bobby Fish is using DDP yoga to help in his injury recovery.

Young Book:

Nick of the Young Bucks has written a children's book.

WWE inked:

Inked magazine have featured some WWE stars in their latest release.

Sunday, May 20, 2018


James Ellsworth talks his title:

"When I left WWE, the last thing I did was wrestle Becky Lynch on television. I fell a little short, and from that moment I was like, 'You know what? I am going to create an Intergender Title and I am going to defeat women all over the world and get my retribution.' I don't think they would do it on television, but maybe one day. They have been breaking boundaries with women's wrestling, in general. Maybe one day we'll have an intergender title on WWE television."

Cena / Nikki reunion:

John Cena and Nikki Bella have spent the day together as they try to salvage their relationship.

Celeb squashed:

German nude model Micaela Schaeffer was destroyed in her wresting debut by Jazzy Gabert this week.

Young Bucks reveal Impact / ROH plan to invade WrestleMania:

The Young Bucks have revealed a plan between TNA (At the time) and ROH to invade WrestleMania 33, highlighted by the Bucks winning the Tag titles from the Hardyz during the event in the parking lot outside the venue. The Hardyz ended up wrestling inside the building, and the invasion was pushed back and became a Bullet Club invasion of Raw...

"We had that planned, man, for a long time. Maybe even longer than six months. Actually, we were originally going to do it with The Hardy Boyz. We were going to be outside of WrestleMania and we were going to do something with The Hardys, they were going to transport to WrestleMania and we were going to be there and have a little altercation. That's right, we were going to take their titles. They were the TNA champs at the time."

They also noted that they made more money from merch than wrestling last year, that they have the honour of being the first non WWE wrestlers to get Funko action figures and that they tried to buy the rights to the Bullet Club logo.

Royal wedding rib:

Sami Zayn and Kalya Braxton are getting ribbed by the roster and online for their resemblances to the royal couple who were married yesterday.

Champ landmark:

Pete Dunne has been UK champ for a year.

WWE on TV:

WWE will appear on 'Rap Battle'.

HBK not guilty:

Shawn Michaels has responded to a story about a barber throwing one of his clients through the window of his shop after getting a bad review of the haircut, saying it had nothing to do with him, referring, of course, to the iconic Barber Shop split with the Rockers in 1991.

Indie star graduates:

Adam Cole's girlfriend, indie wrestler Britt Baker, has qualified as a dentist.


WWE are offering bidders a 3 hour SmackDown, to rival Raw, as they try to sell it to their domestic TV network's.

Saturday, May 19, 2018


Randy Orton:

Randy Orton is benched until SummerSlam after having knee surgery.

Alum wants WWE return:

Jazz wants to wrestle Charlotte...

"Honestly it started out with just me wanting to hear a fan's point of view about how they would feel about seeing me and Charlotte Flair in the ring. If the opportunity ever comes I would like to see how the fans would adjust to that. Who would get the heel pop? Who would turn babyface? I've watched her and I love her swag. I want to see who would be the most dominant in that match. She's Ric Flair's daughter, but my Dad's name is James Moore. Sometimes people forget who and what you've accomplished in this business, so if someone asks me who I want to face today, I'm saying Charlotte Flair!"

She also recalled her WWE debut...

"I love Ivory to death. Let me tell you something about Ivory. When I did my tryout match with WWE in a dark match, she had no clue who I was. Molly Holly smartened her up to who I was and talked about me. So she goes 'Girl, I heard you're really bad ass. So tonight it's going to be all about you.' She gave me one of the best matches man. Kudos to Ivory. They told me that was one of the best reactions to a female dark match. I'm wrestling a legend, Ivory, who's acknowledging me, little old me who started in ECW."


Goldust is 10 years sober.


ROH are opening a new dojo in Maryland.

Euro tour wrapping:

Raw will sign off their Euro tour tonight in France.


Cass walked out of a match in Amsterdam last night with an apparent leg injury. Mustafa Ali needed 9 staples to close a head wound in Paris.

WWE in video:

Chris Jericho and Aleister Black have cameo's in Ghost's new music video...

Friday, May 18, 2018


Finn happy match was axed:

Finn Balor says he is glad Bray fell ill last year...

"I don't know. It'll always be that great unknown question. I think that it could have really went either way. What were we going to see with Sister Abigail, I don't even know what we were going to see but I think it worked out well for me in the end. Obviously Bray was struck down with illness, was it fate or not I don't know - maybe it was Sister Abigail that stuck him down. But obviously Bray had to step out, AJ (Styles) stepped in and I believe that was definitely a turning point in the year for me and helped me get a little bit of steam to where I am now. So, thank God we didn't see that Sister Abigail!"

Bryan torn:

Daniel Bryan is obviously thrilled to be back in the ring, but admits he is starting to miss his family life since returning to wrestling.

He has also recalled a meeting with Vince over hating being GM and wanting to get back in the ring...

"Then they brought me back as GM, and I still have to do a bunch of traveling with that. I have to sit around for a bunch of matches It hurt and it also was like, 'What am I doing?' This is the part of me where I'm like, 'What a sissy I am!' Lots of people go to their jobs that they don't like and make way less money than me being the GM of SmackDown, but I could not get out of this mental state where I hate being here," Bryan said. "I really disliked going to work every week, and there would be times where I would fly in and get the script to the show, I would try to get as many people as I could to get in the shoot so I can leave that night and just get out of there. That was when I really started to say that I wouldn't accept this anymore, I'm going to come back. I had a conversation with Vince McMahon. He was pushing the hard questions about what would happen if I would get another concussion? I had answers for him and laid it out. I would have different concussion protocols than everyone else, and one of my pitches to him is that this happens in every sport, when guys get a concussion and a trainer goes over to him and they are asked if they are okay, and the guy would say that he is fine. They would ask if he has a concussion, and the guy would say no, he's fine. Myself included would say that. So, stop that because that has been an issue with me before. In the past, when I would have a concussion I would just walk it off," Bryan said. "My proposal would be that after every match I have to go to the trainer's room and they have to do their checks, and if I don't do it maybe I get a fine, or something like that. After every match now I get checked. Not even thanking my opponents, after WrestleMania, I walked to Gorilla. No thank you's to anybody, just walked straight to the Doctor's and then I get checked. They do basic neurological stuff, and we are revising that as we go because it is new to them too."

Nikki reacts to fake split accusation:

"Sometimes people don't realize how you can affect them. It's kind of like when we try to talk to cyberbullies and tell them that you have no idea how you're affecting people. I'm a human being that literally went through a breakup. Everyone's been through a breakup and think of how we feel. So mine has just been blown up and people all of a sudden are saying that I'm faking it. You're now saying that my heartache is fake, and that makes it even harder. It's just like, what can I do right? That's just really, really tough."

Big day for Rock:

The Rock has signed his biggest movie deal for Disney's 'Jungle Cruise' which is expected to rival 'Pirates Of The Caribbean'. This came on the same day he signed for the 'Fast' spin-off 'Hobbs & Shaw'.


Fox, Facebook and Amazon are bidding for SmackDown, Fox would also want Raw, but a deal is all but done with USA for the red show.

WWE censor Rousey:

WWE had Ronda Rousey delete a video of her getting backstage training from Goldust before wrestling in Switzerland last night.

Indie team not signing for WWE:

Young Bucks have shot down approaches from AJ Styles to join him in WWE, because it would be dumb for them to make the move...

"If we left right now, it would be kind of dumb of us because they couldn't pay us what we're making right now, not with the schedule we're on too. There's no way. Of course they could afford the pay! Do you know what I mean? I just don't think they would! I'm so used to being in charge of everything.Our entire business, we run this thing together. Like, I'm on my phone all day. My wife's helping me do it too, but we do this independently, so it would be so hard for me to just give all that up, to go, 'here you go! Here are the keys to the car.'"


Magnus will be making his ROH debut, it has been confirmed.

RVD loses dogs:

RVD lost his dead dogs ashes to his wife as part of their divorce settlement.

Illness & Injury:

Ric Flair has suffered a ''Sudden illness'' and Randy Orton took the chance to have knee surgery on a muscle tear he suffered last year, whilst staying home from the Euro tour.

Old boy in attempted murder attack:

WWE old boy Tom Magee was beaten within an inch of his life by 6 men during an argument about a car parking spot outside of his home. Neighbours intervened in the sickening attack when they started using weapons and stomping on his head and chased them off, but not before Tom had suffered a broken jaw, broken eye socket and concussion. One neighbour said he had no doubt that they were trying to kill him. Police arrested two of the six, both aged 20, the other 4 remain at large.