Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Roman Reigns:

Roman Reigns is expected back on TV on November 13. He is currently still ill.

Survivor Series SPOILERS!!!:

The men's elimination match at Survivor Series has leaked, and will be, Kurt Angle, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns (Team Raw) vs Shane McMahon, AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura (Team SmackDown).

Nia Jax has joined the red team for women.


Stephanie McMahon, Samoa Joe, Nia Jax, Bo Dallas and Braun Strowman all returned to TV last night, after injury, illness and personal issues.

Bella booted:

Nikki Bella was eliminated from 'Dancing With The Stars' in a shock Halloween double eviction last night. This despite being told she was safe from the vote by one of the three judges. She managed 24 points for her jive but still found herself axed alongside Vanessa Lachey. The decision has left fans of wrestling and the dancing show furious, as she was highly tipped to be a potential winner, with some going as far as accusing the show of rigging the vote, at WWE's request, so she was off their show before next weeks return of 'Total Diva's' so she wasn't on two rival shows at the same time. Her dance partner called the result ''Bullshit'' during a farewell interview, and implied that he too was suspicious of the result. Here is her last solo dance, danced to 'I Put A Spell On You' by Bette Middler...

And a group freestyle to 'Monster Mash' by Boris Pickett...

Shane should stop:

Mick Foley says he wishes Shane McMahon would stop jumping off HIAC...

"He didn't seek my counsel. I give him all the credit in the world, he's probably the bravest guy I know, he's absolutely fearless. I wish he wouldn't do it, I hope he doesn't do it again, I really do... A lot of impact, on landing. He's got children, I just hope he doesn't do it again."

Edge pisses on new star:

Edge says he doesn't buy into the hype around Asuka...

"I'm sure I'll get lambasted for this, but I don't get the Asuka thing. Like, I really don't. She's fine and she's solid, but I don't know, even going back to the NXT stuff, I've watched it. I don't know. I just never really bought in. And it's not that I don't want to or anything like that. I don't know. Even the entrance and everything, it's very Nakamura-esque and he was doing it first, so I don't know. I've never really understood the hype."

SmackDown tease:

  • Shinsuke Nakamura battles Kevin Owens for the right to join Team SmackDown
  • AJ Styles takes on Samir Singh
  • Bobby Roode squares off with Dolph Ziggler in a 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
  • Breezango enter The Upside Down in "Strangerer Things"
  • Sin Cara demands a rematch with Baron Corbin

Impact release:

Rockstar Spud is gone from Impact.

Raw 25:

More legends have confirmed themselves for the Raw 25th birthday show. This time Ric Flair, Bret Hart and Mick Foley.

205 Live:

Hideo Itami is coming to the main roster after Survivor Series, with 205. WWE are also planning to make an approach to Rockstar Spud to join the same show.

Multi-year man:

The reason Sin Cara is getting a big push is now known. He has signed a new multi year deal with WWE.

Kelly getting itchy:

Kelly Kelly says she feels she has more matches in her, and may return to the ring.

Club leaving?:

Take this is rumour for now. Karl Anderson has removed WWE from his social media profiles, and Finn Balor posted a goodbye tweet last night. The team were said to have been angry with their loss on Raw, but are booked for the Euro tour.

Why old boy hates the 'Walking Dead' TV show:

Matt Morgan says he had a part on the popular zombie TV drama, and was learning his lines when they re-cast without telling him...

"I auditioned for that part and I was all-but-told that it was mine, so I got b****y about it and refused to watch because I didn't get it. I was at my brother's house in Boston, supposed to be there for the holidays, and I didn't pay attention to anybody because I was supposed to be memorizing my scripts, and then at the last second they pulled the carpet out from underneath me."

No deal:

Talks between Ricochet and Impact have ended with no agreement.

Monday, October 30, 2017


Lashley calls out Lesnar:

Bobby Lashley says enough talk, it is time he and Brock Lesnar got in the ring or the cage and determined who is the better man.

Nothing to achieve:

AJ Lee says she has met all of her wrestling goals, and has no reason to come back...

"For me, there were so many moments in my life where it was just about getting signed, just about getting a job that I could help support my family, and then it happened. Then, I was like, 'oh, then I have to make new goals.' And I literally wrote a list and I was like, 'okay, here are all the things I need to accomplish in wrestling. This'll take me a decade, but this needs to happen or I'll never leave.' And then, I did them all in three years, a lot of them within the first year, and you're kind of left in this place where I think people like struggling in a weird way, people are a little masochistic, and they want something to be angry about or fighting for. When you're content, that's a strange feeling and so you have to say, 'what is the next goal? What is the next big thing that I need to accomplish while I'm still healthy, and young, and still have opportunities?'"

Raw tease:

  • How will Raw respond to #UnderSiege?
  • Who will join the Raw Men and Women's Traditional Survivor Series Teams?
  • Will the current Raw titleholders still be in place for their Champion vs. Champion Matches at Survivor Series?
  • Will Elias still be singing a new tune?
  • Who will be next to dare to step up to Kane?

Raw party:

Details of the 25th anniversary episode of Raw are starting to emerge. The show will be held in two venues, Barclays Center and the Manhattan Center, which was the home venue for the show in it's early days. The guest list has also started to take shape. The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash have been confirmed so far, more legends will follow.

WWE illness:

Bray Wyatt is backstage at Raw after being cleared from his viral illness, Roman Reigns is not, He has been pulled from this week and the Euro tour as he is still poorly.


Braun Strowman and Samoa Joe are backstage at Raw, as is Nia Jax. WWE are saying she has been dealing with a niggle in her back, to cover her time away.

Warrior attacked:

A media outlet have done a expose of the late Ultimate Warrior. They accuse him of being racist, homophobic and mocking cancer victims, which they say flies in the face of how WWE represent him on TV with the ''Unleash Your Warrior'' campaign and the annual Warrior Award. They were particularly angered by his comments on the recently deceased Bobby Heenan when he first became ill...

"As for you, Booby Heenan, it's just too difficult to keep a straight face talking about the pure two-faced bag of sh– you are and have always been, what, with you also actually wearing one as a piece of body jewelry. You are dying, dis-eased on the inside, and no more time is left to get back any of the integrity that matters the most on death's bed. Imagine what it will be like, lying there taking in your last breaths, knowing you whored yourself out your whole life, and had to, in your final years, be faced with emptying your own personal sh–– bag affirming to you the true value of what you achieved in your life. Not even Vince could come up with a better finish than this. Karma is just a beautiful thing to behold."

Both WWE and his wife Dana have defended him against the report...


"WWE's 'Unleash Your Warrior' breast cancer awareness campaign and annual 'Warrior Award' recognize individuals that exhibit the strength and courage of WWE's legendary character The Ultimate Warrior. Any attempt to distract from the mission of these initiatives and take the spotlight away from the honorees is unfortunately misguided."

His wife added that the birth of his daughters allowed him to let go all of the anger he held toward the business, which he proved when he accepted HOF induction, and he was not that person when she knew him...

"I will not be disloyal to my husband's memory or speak ill of a man who is not here to defend himself. I can, however, tell you his heart was changed by conversations with his two daughters. The true testament of the man behind the character is his ability to evolve. My husband did just that."

Austin talks Neville walk out:

"Well, my situation when I walked out, I wasn't on board with the direction creative wanted to go. I was working my ass off and I just was not happy with that decision. So, I could have made a better decision with how I handled it. Just walking away like I did was a bad idea. I don't know specifically what Neville's business deal is or what his contract is or the circumstances under which he left. I know that any time you walk away from something and you don't have that meeting or that one-on-one time with Vince or Paul or whoever it may be, but that's the most prudent decision to make. By the same token, I can respect the guy that has enough balls to walk away just because he had a gut feeling like I did. I just wish him all the best in the world. In my opinion, he is an outstanding talent, he was really coming around with his gimmick and character, and he was a guy that I really liked watching. I'm sure a lot of people in the WWE Universe fell the same way. Hopefully he gets past this and whether he goes back to WWE or goes somewhere else, I hope he continues to have a successful career and have fun. At the end of the day, pro-wrestling, to be able to get paid to do that, it's a fun job but it is a business and you need to get paid accordingly. I want the kid to have a great career, make his money and go on to the next phase of his life when it's time to do that."

Mania on sale:

WWE have released travel packages for next years WrestleMania for sale today.

Impact movie:

Jesse Godderz has landed a role in a new movie.

WWE cowards:

Eric Bischoff says WWE are being cowardly in their handling of Roman Reigns...

"You have to make a choice and you have to commit to a character. You're either a babyface or a character that the fans relate to, support, love and aspire to be, or you're not. And if you're not, you're heel, you're despicable and they need to learn to love to hate you. And I think when you take that safe road in-between and let the fans decide…to me, it's a cop-out. To me, that's kind of like raising your hands and saying, 'look, I've got ideas. I really don't have a plan, so let's just put him out there and let the fans choose.' I think that's just the most cowardly creative cop-out that I've ever heard."

Sunday, October 29, 2017


Seth pops for Sasha:

"My relationship with Sasha Banks is that she's a good friend. Hell of an athlete, and one of the best women's wrestlers of all-time. Best wrestlers of all-time, really. Don't even have to put 'woman' in front of it."

WWE on tour:

William Regal is in Brazil scouting for WWE.

Kurt Angle:

Kurt Angle has commissioned new wrestling gear.

Ric Flair talks fight for life:

"I had ten days of life support, brother, that would wake anybody up. I'm just lucky I'm here, I just kind of take each day, I don't take anything for granted anymore. They gave me a 20 percent chance of living and somehow I made it through it. When I got out I only weighed 206 pounds, I lost 43 pounds. I couldn't walk, I couldn't even twist the top off a Gatorade bottle. I could stand on my legs, but I couldn't walk, so I had to go to a rehab place for 20 days of physical rehab where they make you walk with a walker and then a cane and then you learn to walk by yourself," he said. "That took a while, and then I couldn't drive a car. I ate anything in the world, but couldn't gain any weight because all the food I was consuming was going towards repairing internal tissue that was ruined because when I went into the hospital my kidneys failed, I had respiratory heart failure and I had pneumonia all at the same time. Brother, I don't drink anymore... The doctor told me if I ever had a drink again, I wouldn't make it through another operation like that."


Dalton Castle has won the soaring eagle cup.

Talent clearout:

WWE have cut some talent today. Summer Rae, who has been injured for over a year, and even after being cleared in May has shown no signs of being brought back in, the injury prone Darren Young, who was at the PC recovering from his latest period on the bench, and most surprisingly Emma. Just last week the Australian worked a PPV match against the debuting Asuka, which led into a TV rematch on Raw this week. No word on why WWE suddenly cut her loose, but she says she is heartbroken.

Heat on NXT new boy:

Lio Rush has pissed off the entire WWE locker room with a tweet seemingly mocking the release of Emma from her WWE deal. He has since apologised and claims his tweet was take out of context and blown out of proportion, but not before taking a very public schooling on social media from his colleagues, including Bray Wyatt, who told him he won't last long in WWE

Saturday, October 28, 2017

28/10/2017 **

Tag team departs:

Reno Scum have left Impact.

Family feud:

Jeff Jarrett's daughter has blamed his wife Karen for driving her father to abusing alcohol. Jeff is currently in a rehab facility after officially splitting wit Impact this week. She admitted to having a difficult relationship with her father in recent years, but declared her pride at his seeking help. Karen's daughter with Kurt Angle was angered at the slur on her mother and a Twitter feud has started between the two.

Goldust recalls career highlight:

Goldust has told the story of Mania 12's backlot brawl...

"I was really wanting to get some juice back then, really badly. Vince did not want it, so I asked Roddy to open me up the hard way. And that was my way of, 'okay, Goddang it! I'm going to do bleed whether you like it or not because I want to blade. It gets you into it more. And so Piper slammed me up on the hood. That's the only thing I told Roddy about this whole thing: 'please, hit me. Bust me open.' And you'd think that Roddy being in the business for has long as he had, he would know how to do that, right? So he put me on the hood, and he mounts me, and I'm ready for it, man. He's looking straight at me and he throws his fist straight down, but he hits me square in the forehead and I mean hard. It's like a brick hitting cement. And I'm just like, 'what the hell?' And still in my head, 'ah, nothing, man.' He's still beating me up. 'Do it again!' He reaches up and he drills me again and you hear a crack and it's his hand that breaks on my head. I started revving up the car and I'm looking at Roddy and he's probably a good 20 feet away, so I put it in park and I start to drive. I speed up just a little bit and I'm looking dead at him and I'm thinking, 'please, dear God, move.' He doesn't move. He doesn't move and his knees hit and it just buckled the whole car. It was gross sounding, his knees too, man. I mean, when I watch it back, his fist on my head, you can see it and hear it. You're not really seeing it or hearing it while it's happening, but I remember his knees specifically hitting the front of that hood of the car, man, buckling. And I was like, 'ooh, man. That sounded terrible. I just killed Roddy Piper!' Vince took us both to the hospital. He had his hand fixed. I had a concussion. One take. One take, I went into that dumpster hard too, but I was fine. It was more Roddy's hand than anything. And Roddy's tough, man. They didn't have a cast on his hand. I don't think. I can't recall that. He just tapes. That's the way they did it back then. Those old school guys, they just tape up and go, man."

ROH / WWE wedding:

Ray Rowe has proposed to his WWE PC girlfriend Sarah. She said ''Yes''.

Wrestler discusses sexual abuse from fans:

Laurel Van Ness has recalled an incident of sexual bullying by male fans...

"One that sticks out to me was when I was wrestling Nicole Matthews in Vancouver. I was very new and there was some very sexual comments made by a couple of drunk fans. As we were wrestling, Nicole stopped and said something to them. It did the trick, they stopped what they were saying. There's such a fine line between letting it affect you, but staying silent about it. I don't think it's right to yell at a female like that, it is our place of work and we're trying to entertain you. Freedom of speech, sure, but to an extent – you have to be respectful, we are humans and we're working essentially for you. I do have a time when I hear things in the ring, but me personally I try to ignore it because I find a lot of people are trying to get your attention by screaming profanities or saying sexual things towards women. But I have a limit as much as anyone else, and if someone did cross that line, I think I would have to say something at the time."

NXT spook show:

The stars of NXT had a dress up Halloween battle royal at a live last night.

Joey Ryan reveals why he won't go to WWE:

''Imagine me telling my wife I’m going to cut my income by 2/3rds AND move us to Florida just to be with WWE. On the indies, you bet on yourself. In WWE, you’re betting on a person in a position of power liking you. ''

Impact chase top star:

Impact have had recent talks with indie superstar Ricochet.

New fan:

During an interview to promote his new film 'Thor' Jeff Goldblum asked the interviewer about the tee he was wearing. The shirt was a WWE Breezango fashion files tee. The interviewer then went on to discuss the team, the company and wrestling in general, giving him a clip note history of the sport, which he seemed genuinely interested in. Although he is a pretty good actor, so he could have been taking the piss?

Gail Kim:

Gail Kim has started working as an advisor on 'Glow'.

Celeb joins campaign:

Young Bucks have shared a picture of Eminem, apparently unwittingly making himself the poster boy for their ''F!ck the Revival'' campaign.

Friday, October 27, 2017


Party planners:

WWE have started planning the 25th anniversary episode of Raw. Brooklyn's Barclay's Center will host the party in January, and a DVD of the event will be released.

Lana reveals who talked her out of quitting WWE:

"Nikki has helped me so, so, so much. There have been times in my wrestling journey—and you're going to see this on the show—when I've gotten discouraged because the success doesn't come overnight. It's a lot of getting in there and failing. She was really the person that kept on encouraging me not to give up, to be resilient, to be brave and to have courage. At times, I would think maybe I shouldn't continue to pursue my dream of competing in that ring, but she kept on telling me not to give up and keep on training. I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for Nikki Bella."

Angry WWE:

Corey Graves has blasted Hyatt for an error in booking which cost him $1200 for a new room. Meanwhile, Dana Brooke is angry for being charged twice for her luggage on a United flight.

X-Pac addresses colleagues controversies:

On Jeff Jarrett entering rehab...

"A lot of the stuff is allegedly but it doesn't take away from the fact that it seems that Jarrett is going through some s--t right now. You hear different stories, although some parts of the story may not be true or maybe exaggerated. When you hear several stories like this, there's something to it and Jeff has gone through a ton of heartache over the years. The lost of his children's mother and other things that we probably don't even know. I've known Jeff for a long time and Jeff has never been afraid to party but he's always held it together and when I hear things like this it makes me worry and I love Jeff very much. "

On Rock allegedly telling Nia to quit...

"Rumor is that she called The Rock and that the Rock advised her to walk out. I cannot buy that, I absolutely don't buy that Dwayne Johnson gave his cousin advice to walk out of the company. I don't believe that for one second."

McMahon says wrestling is not a sport:

Linda McMahon says...

''Well, professional wrestling is an entertainment product. For pure sport as a spectator, I like the pace of basketball.''

AJ talks Punk's MMA loss:

"Oh my gosh, it was a mix… so many emotions all at once, such a cornucopia of emotions. I am someone who believes in going for what your dream is. I was a homeless kid in New Jersey and I was a multiple-time champion on TV. And people would have laughed at me when I was a kid if I said that was my dream, so for [Punk] to want to do something, so bold, I supported him 100%. But I really like his face, so yes. But I was just so proud of him for doing it. Even the months leading up [to the fight], knowing that there's this person out there in the world and only thought is hurting your husband. That is what their game plan is for months and that's their job and I respect the sport so much, and I think they do a wonderful job, but it's a little weird."

Cena goes solo:

John Cena has announced a one man speaking show.


R-Truth has had surgry on an arm injury.

WrestleMania 34:

WWE have released the price points for next years Mania...

  • Golden Ringside - $2,000
  • Ringside - $1,000
  • Floor seating near entrance aisle - $850
  • Floor seating, some bleacher seating on the floor level - $450
  • 100 level, central sections - $350
  • Remainder of the 100 level sections - $250 and $200
  • 200 level sections - $175
  • 300 level sections - $150
  • Several 500 level sections located directly across from the entrance ramp - $100
  • Remainder of the 500 level sections - $75
  • 600 level, centered sections - $50
  • 600 level, corner sections - $35

Tommy Dreamer talks retiring fellow Alum:

"Another big thing for me is what I'm doing in December. We are sending off Candice Michelle. When you leave WWE, people think that you just disappear. I was blessed to have a nice farewell from WWE even though they brought me back. I'm giving Candice Michelle her last ever match. It really is her last ever match. She couldn't believe I wanted to do that for her. I was like, 'Hey! You were a person who came in as a Go Daddy girl. You knew nothing about wrestling and just fell into it. Then, you became a great in-ring talent and champion.' I feel wrestling fans need closure for the character as well as the person herself who needs her own, personal closure."

Y2J says no:

Chris Jericho was asked to replace Bray Wyatt against Finn Balor at TLC, but he is on tour with his band, and had to refuse.

Brie Bella:

Brie Bella wants a return to WWE next year, and to have her second child after the ring run.


Hunter has announced he will be wrestling on the next UK Live tour.

HHH opens door to Alum:

"Great Khali is a legend in the industry and he is always welcome to the WWE and we look forward to appearances by him in the future if that is something he wants to do. I know right now he is here in India and he is enjoying and kind of helping to train the next generation of superstars as well and being very successful at that. But you know, Great Khali is always going to be a legendary figure to the WWE and that means he is welcome at any time he wants to."

Enzo talks WWE punishment:

Enzo has talked about being banned from the WWE locker room...

"Bro, I got my own locker room -- literally. That is a fact. I don't talk to nobody. You know why? 'Cause if you ain't talkin' money, what the hell you talkin' bout?!"

Swagger offers advice to WWE stars who want to leave:

"You just have to remember that when you are with the WWE, it is a corporate job so you have certain benefits you need to get in line before you lose them. It's real important to get stuff like your mortgage and insurance in check before you decide to leave. Stuff like that becomes very difficult when you become an independent star."

Thursday, October 26, 2017


Wrestling personality accused:

WCPW's old GM, Adam Blampied, has removed himself from public projects after being accused of soliciting women into sending him nude and sexually explicit photographs. The British YouTube celeb has admitted to his poor behaviour and issued an apology to the women he took advantage of.


Paige has reunited with WWE Alum Rosa Mendes for Rosa's birthday. They also shared lunch with the lady that released nude images online of Seth Rollins after they broke up.

KO reveals best Dusty impersonator in WWE:

"You know who got a great Dusty impersonation, by the way, is Dean Ambrose. It's unbelievable. Like, obviously now he's on RAW and I'm on SmackDown, so I'm not around him that much and before that, he was on SmackDown and I was on RAW, so I haven't been around him for a year-and-a-half, almost two years, maybe, but anytime he would bust it out when we were on the same brand, it would actually, no joke, make me feel, like if you close your eyes, you feel like you're in the room with Dusty, the way he talked. I swear. I never told Dean this because he probably would have thought it was really weird, but when he would do the Dusty impersonation, it made me feel great because it felt like a little bit of Dusty. It's weird, but he's so good!, it's really good. And it's not just his voice. It's the way he speaks, even the stories he tells because, obviously, he was around Dusty a lot, so he got the stories down and everything! It's absolutely fantastic. I like Dean a lot, but it's definitely my favorite thing about him, his Dusty impersonation."

NJPW star takes drastic treatment option:

Katsuyori Shibata is having electrotherapy to try to help his slow recovery from a brain injury suffered in the ring earlier this year.

Referee choice:

Vince McMahon is torn between three options for the guest ref at Survivor Series.

  1. John Cena, to set up a match vs Jinder Mahal for Mania 34.
  2. The Rock, to set up a match vs Brock Lesnar for Mania. This, however, would depend on Rock's schedule.
  3. Stone Cold Steve Austin. Highly unlikely that anything more would come out of this in the long run, but it is felt he would provide an extra edge to the bout.

Neville removed:

Neville has been pulled from the opening VT of 205 Live. This is the first sign of movement in the stand off since he walked out. WWE may finally be ready to allow him to go.

Match on:

WWE are planning on the battle of the 4 horsewomen of WWE and MMA, but, the match will not now be at Survivor Series. WrestleMania 34 is penciled in for the match, to give the MMA ladies more time to prepare and train for the ring.

Jericho reveals backstage heat with top star:

"Triple H. In 2002, we didn't like each other. I think we were almost pitted against each other in a lot of ways. We had great chemistry, great matches…I just didn't like him, he didn't like me, and there was no falseness. Now I love him. Great guy."

Double J seeks help:

Jeff Jarrett has entered a rehab facility.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Nattie reveals epic travel day:

Natalya has revealed the SmackDown crew had to travel for 36 hours to get from South America to Raw in time for the big Survivor Series angle this week.

Alum reveals what forced him to quit WWE:

Justin Gabriel has blamed Total Diva's for him walking away from WWE. He said he was in the early days of a relationship with JoJo when the show started, and was asked to be a part of the show, to follow what happened. He then found out that JoJo was just 18, he was the wrong side of 30, and decided not to go ahead with the dating. TD weren't happy. They had the pair tape a number of staged dates together, before a break up episode, which, he said, was scripted to make him look like an a$$hole who had taken advantage of an immature girl. He said he gritted his teeth, growing angrier with every thing the show asked him to do, and once the break up was taped he took the chance to get out of his WWE career.

Survivor Series:

Randy Orton and Becky Lynch have won the captaincies of the blue teams for Survivor Series. Charlotte Flair and Naomi have taken the last spots of team blue for women.


Shawn Michaels will be at War Games. He has challenged Johnny Gargano to a battle of the bodies.

Goldust reveals HOF'er tried to kill his gimmick:

Goldust says Razor Ramon tried to kill the character in it's early days...

''Razor wasn't keen on it, man, and he fought it. I'm just trying to get a character over and do what's best for the company, best for business, best for me, and I'm young, so I'm not in other people's point of view sometimes. And even though this business is a work, people take it too seriously. For me, it's probably when I had the most passion for the business and where I did not let the little things get to me, and not care so much about what they're thinking of me, man, just go out there and do what I can do to perform and put on a great performance, whatever. And to have him kind of, to have Razor be kind of a speed bump, it was frustrating, but we got through it and it ended with a Roddy Piper special because Razor left."

WWE support:

Charlotte painted one finger nail purple for last nights TV taping. She is supporting domestic violence awareness.

Alum talks herself out of WWE return?:

Kaitlyn has revealed she has been battling addiction to drink and prescription pain killers. She is now getting help. WWE were interested in bringing her back, no word on how this news may affect that.

Impact on life support:

Jeff Jarrett says he got off the Impact ship before it sinks, because parent company Anthem are out of money. Impact, of course, deny that.

Rock blamed:

An online dirt sheet claim Rock advised Nia Jax to walk out of her WWE career earlier this month. She has though hinted at being on team red for Survivor Series via Twitter today.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Legend dies:

Stan Kowalski died, aged 91, on Friday night.

Survivor Series:

WWE confirmed much of the leaked script for Survivor Series on Raw last night. All of the champ v champs are official, as are the two inter brand matches, although with a slight change. Alicia Fox will captain team red, Sasha Banks and Bayley will be on the team. Becky Lynch, Tamina Snuka and Carmella have been confirmed for team blue. WWE are also playing with the idea of Kane vs Braun Strowman, either in a one on one, or as feuding partners on team red. There is also some speculation that Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon would captain the respective male teams. Qualifying matches for the male team will start tonight.

Dancing With The Stars:

Nikki Bella was told she was masculine and too obsessed with wrestling by judges on her dancing show last night, but scored a PB equaling 27 for movie week, and was declared safe from the public vote off. Singer Nick Lachey was the unfortunate one to lose his spot this week. Nikki had danced the Argentine tango to 'Dernière danse' by Indila and John Cena and Brie were on hand as support...

Enzo ill:

Enzo Amore has lost his voice. He had other people cut his promo's for him this week.

KO thanks fans:

Kevin Owens has thanked WWE, fans and friends for an outpouring of love and support on behalf of himself and his family as he continues to deal with a personal issue. His wife says they have had the hardest week of their lives, but are coming out the other side now.

International heat on Enzo:

Kushida has called Enzo Amore out for using his wind up punch.

SmackDown tease:

  • Will Raw be out for payback after SmackDown's raid?
  • Sunil Singh attempts to defend Jinder Mahal's honor against AJ Styles
  • Baron Corbin demands a rematch with Sin Cara
  • Huge Eight-Man Tag Team showdown set for SmackDown LIVE
  • Breezango continue the search for the missing briefcase in "Fashion Dogs"
  • Shane McMahon returns to deal with Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn


WWE have signed a TV deal in Portugal.

He's back:

Eric Bischoff is filming a WWE project in New York this week.

So funky:

2 Cold Scorpio dusted off his old WWE gimmick on the indie scene this past weekend. He competed as Flash Funk.

WWE back E company:

WWE have invested $25 million into Cloud 9.

Free tix:

Cody Rhodes has offered the McMahon family free tickets to the next ROH show, the night before WarGames. He said, in gimmick, that they might find some more ideas to steal from his family.

**Fats Domino**

Monday, October 23, 2017




  1. Sasha Banks bt Alicia Fox (Pre)
  2. Asuka bt Emma
  3. Cedric Alexander & Rich Swann bt Brian Kendrick & Jack Gallagher
  4. Alexa Bliss bt Mickie James
  5. Enzo Amore bt Kalisto for the Cruiserweight
  6. Finn Balor bt AJ Styles
  7. Jason Jordan bt Elias
  8. Kurt Angle & Shield bt Miz, the BAR, Braun Strowman and Kane.


  • Drew Gulak was pulled from the pre show.
  • Sasha Banks wore Owen Hart inspired ring gear.
  • Austin Aries was not backstage. Many sites jumped on a picture he posted on social media during the show, and presumed he was there.
  • Rock got some abuse from a comedian for tweeting Kurt Angle before the show. He was told wrestling wasn't real, and it was time he grew up. Rock used the other 'F' word in response.

    D-Bry calls out WWE:

    ''There was a time when WWE wouldn't let RealKurtAngle compete. Tonight he won a PPV main event in a TLC match. So your saying theres a chance?''

    Raw tease:

    • Brock Lesnar to respond to Jinder Mahal's WWE Survivor Series challenge on Raw
    • Is anybody ready for Asuka …?
    • What will Kane have to say about his attack on Braun Strowman?
    • That's Amore … but for how long?
    • What will be the Extraordinary next step for Finn Balor?

    Shane McMahon is backstage to start the Survivor Series angles.

    Rushed return:

    Vince McMahon decided he wanted Kurt Angle to take Roman Reigns spot last night on Thursday evening, he was medically tested on Friday afternoon and confirmed as soon as he was cleared by the docs.

    WWE illness:

    The ill stars will not be back for another week, and WWE fear those that were inoculated may have already been exposed to the mumps. They are prepared to lose other talent in the coming weeks.

    Alum to Impact:

    Justin Roberts worked an Impact show over the weekend.

    Split confirmed:

    Impact have severed their working relationship with Jeff Jarrett and GFW.

    How to save a life:

    Davey Boy Smith Jr saved a suicidal woman from jumping off a bridge in Calgary over the weekend. He says he used his grapping skills to grab her as she prepared to leap, and pulled her back over the side.

    Rikishi reveals how stink face was born:

    "I was wrestling Ray Traylor, The Big Bossman, at a house show in Oakland, Alabama that night and I gave him a clothesline in the corner and I wasn't actually looking at him. I can hear an old lady shout, 'Rikishi! Turn around and stick your butt in his face!' "I'm in the middle of the ring and I see Bossman in the corner. And he said, 'Come on boy, stick your ass in my face,' and I said, 'Really? Well here it comes'. I took my first step and the crowd roared. I took my second step the crowd got louder. The closer I got to him it was probably the loudest pop I have ever heard and when I turned around and his face was just the same level as my butt and I just paused there for a second. I wanted to hear and see how long I could make the fans sing and they sang and they sang and they sang and then all of a sudden, bam! I sat on him and the place just blew up. This was on a Sunday and the next night The Stinkface was introduced on Monday Night Raw."

    Survivor Series SPOILERS!!!:

    A leaked script for Survivor Series has made it's way onto the internet. Planned matches have champion vs champion matches...

    • Brock Lesnar vs Jinder Mahal, with John Cena as referee
    • Natalya vs Alexa Bliss
    • The Miz vs Baron Corbin
    • Shield vs Uso's...

    A traditional elimination match for 205 Live...

    • Enzo Amore, Drew Gulak, Noam Dar, Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari vs Kalisto, Sin Cara, Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali...

    ...And men's and women's inter brand elimination matches. Sasha and Bayley will compete to be Raw captain, and a 5 way will determine the blue captain for the ladies.

    Sea of honor:

    Chris Jericho is teasing a match vs Kenny Omega on his rock 'n' wrestling cruise.

    Sunday, October 22, 2017


    Nash pops for WWE team:

    "It doesn't feel like their skits are written by anybody. To me, WWE's product seems to be overwritten and overproduced, but not Breezango; they seem to have a lot more free reign."

    Heel turn:

    A former WWE writer says Vince McMahon killed a planned heel turn for John Cena because of a marketing deal with K-Mart. Sheamus got the push instead.


    Tonight Raw will host TLC. A much changed line up, due to illness sweeping some top names off the table, shook the plans for the event, but Kurt Angle's return and a first match under the WWE umbrella for Finn Balor and AJ Styles, as well as Asuka's main roster debut, should, WWE hope, save the event.


    Triple H worked face in Chile last night, even dancing with the New Day, until he got bored and pedigreed one of them.

    **Walking Dead**

    Saturday, October 21, 2017


    WWE confirm illness:

    WWE have confirmed Roman Reigns has been swapped out of TLC because of illness. They also confirmed medical tests are ongoing on the rest of the roster...

    "We have confirmed that three of our performers have been diagnosed with a viral infection. As a precautionary measure, we are ensuring in-ring performers and staff are tested and immunized in accordance with recommended medical guidelines."

    WWE Network:

    WWE are working on two new shows for the Network. The first is a revised version of the old Diva Search format, with a number of women going on the road with WWE, and having eliminations once a week, until one lady is left standing, and earns a WWE contract. The other is a reality show for Miz & Maryse.

    HOF feud:

    Scott Hall has recalled a Mania fallout with Macho Man in 1994...

    "I came back through the curtain and Mach was like a leader of the locker room. I came back through, he goes, and all the boys were there, he goes, 'first of all, I want to say congratulations on a great match. Second of all, I want to say you're very, very selfish' because we went longer than was allotted to us, but we have to do what we have to do and it's me and Shawn. I'm thinking, 'what are you going to do, Vince, fire us? No, yell at us. I don't care and it was go, so what the f--k?' He was wrestling Crush and they got cut way down, so he was upset. So he said, 'great match' and 'you're selfish' and I said, 'thank you' and 'you're right.' Yeah, I was worried about me in that moment, so, 'sorry bro. Go get 'em.'"

    Bischoff bites back:

    Eric Bischoff has responded to Bret Hart's recent comments on him...

    "I didn't listen to your show with Bret. I'm generally aware of the kind of things that Bret says because he's been saying them for years, so it's nothing new there. I'm sure he didn't break any news. He's just a miserable guy. He's the type of guy--and I said it in one of my responses on Twitter; he has a giant hole in his soul, and he's going to have to fill it with hate for somebody. When he came to work for me he hated Vince McMahon. He hated everybody in the McMahon family; he hated Shawn Michaels; he didn't want to work with Hulk Hogan. He hated Ric Flair, he hated Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, he hated everybody, and I had to listen to that. It was a major effort to get him and Flair on the same page; which wasn't because of Ric, it was because of Bret; he just hated everybody. If you just watched him or listened to him over the years, he was able to get into the WWE Hall of Fame so he buried the hatchet with Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels, of course he did, but you know, Bret showed up in WCW, it makes me laugh when he says he didn't like how he was treated because we paid him a lot of money and treated him extremely well. Here was a guy that would show up 45 minutes before television started, before a live TV show and he would show up looking like he would sleep in the gutter the last three days; and he had no energy, no real desire to integrate himself and insert himself in the process. He wasn't at all passionate about anything he did from day one."

    He then revealed a regret from his WCW tenure...

    "I tried really hard to keep Jericho. I offered Chris a lot of money; I did everything I could to keep Chris, but Chris was determined to leave WCW because he really only used WCW as a stepping stone to get to WWE, and once he used it as a stepping stone to come to WWE, there wasn't anything I could have done realistically, I don't think I could have kept Chris Jericho in WCW. I'd' be lying if I said that I recognized that type of talent back then, but I didn't. I knew he was a great talent and I wanted to keep him, but we had Bill Goldberg, we had Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Sting; we had a pretty deep main event level roster, and I didn't see at the time how I could have broken Chris into that category within the time frame that he wanted to be in it; I just couldn't do it. I hated seeing Chris Jericho go, I really did."

    Cornette changes story:

    Jim Cornette has, for the first time, conceded he may have made an abusive phone call to Santino Marella, after being fired by WWE for slapping him...

    "I may have very well called Santino Marella and left him a nasty message. As I said, I have no memory of this and I've never had this guy's phone number, etc., etc. But he gave more details, he said that a friend of his immediately texted him afterwards and said, "Oh my God, dude, I didn't know he was going to do that." ... So apparently by that evidence I'm able to at least entertain that. So I assume now, since I have no memory of this because it was so important to me, that some knucklehead came up and said 'Hey, I've got Santino Marella's phone number. At which point did he ask me to cut a promo on him, or he thought I wouldn't do it, or was I in a grumpy mood, or did I even believe it? I don't f***ing know because I don't remember it. But it is a correction that I will admit that I could've happened."

    New baby:

    Miz & Maryse are having a baby girl.

    HHH fills in:

    Triple H will strap up the boots in Chile this weekend to compensate for KO and AJ Styles going home early.

    TE to Hollywood:

    Mada of the last season of Tough Enough is taping a movie called 'Aquaman.'

    Friday, October 20, 2017


    Cody talks inspiration:

    Cody Rhodes has credited Zack Ryder for inspiring him to be the best he can be. Referring to Zack's self promotion with his YouTube show blowing up for him in 2011...

    ''Every arena was chanting "we want Ryder" for months...even if he wasn't booked. Really inspiring time.''

    Undertaker tribute:

    A US sportsman has had a picture of the Undertaker painted onto his shoes.

    Bound For Glory:

    Taryn has been removed her BFG match. Impact say she is injured, but she has actually left the company.

    Grado vs Abyss has been added to the card. 

    HOF'er worries about top star:

    Edge says he is not sure Shinsuke Nakamura will make it...

    "It's strange with Nakamura, man, because, like you've said, we've seen his matches with AJ in New Japan and everything. With Randy, I've seen it. And with Sami, I've seen it. But that match too, man, I really loved that match and after that, it's like, anything else is going to be tough to live up to. I mean, maybe Nakamura will get there. Maybe. Who knows? It's a different beast entirely. People can blame it on booking, this, that, or the other. I don't know. I think it's weird. It just goes to show how different places to wrestle are completely different environments."

    Live no-shows:

    AJ Styles had to withdraw from a live in Argentina last night, with stomach issues, as did Kevin Owens for a personal issue. Owens has flown home to be with his family.

    Cody's riches:

    Cody Rhodes has revealed he is getting double what he was paid in WWE from his ROH deal, and he gets triple what he used to get per match for his indie career.

    He also revealed he and his wife have been suffering racial abuse for their inter-racial marriage.

    Nia Jax:

    WWE and Nia Jax have denied she is taking a leave of absence from the road, but the Meltzer says she will not be back at work until the post Survivor Series European tour. He did though say that the story of her backstage walkout has been ''Overblown'' on the internet.

    WWE UK:

    WWE have been talking to a number of UK broadcasters about hosting their UK show. ITV are seemingly winning out. The show, which will have it's own UK roster, has also gotten a familiar name. It is scheduled to be called King Of The Ring. They are still talking to UK indies to host the UK live tour.


    Sheamus has launched a fitness channel on YouTube.

    Major TLC changes:

    Kurt Angle will replace Roman Reigns in the 3 on 5 match at TLC. This will be his first match for WWE in over a decade. Also AJ Styles will replace Bray Wyatt, who is still ill, against Finn Balor.

    WWE illness revealed:

    WWE talent are suffering from mumps. They are testing all talent for the viral illness. Any that test positive can be gone for as much as a month as the illness can take 16-18 days to show symptoms and can last for 7-10 days after, and as the illness can be passed from person to person, sick stars will have to be sent home to avoid the infection spreading. They were testing for viral meningitis when they found the real cause of the current problems, so had to start testing again, looking for the correct condition.