Thursday, April 4, 2013

Today's News

It's WrestleMania Week... 

To mark the run in to the big show in I am going to reveal my top 10 Mania matches, and why I enjoyed them, see if you agree.

4 - The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania 26), Well you can't ignore the two greatest PPV wrestlers in history meeting at the biggest show of them all, in the last match of one of those great men's careers, but this match is so worth a spot on this (Or anyone's) list, It was full of great action, great back and forth spots, epic false finishes, and great story telling, a fitting way for Shawn Michaels to bow out of WWE and Wrestling.

An awesome Match, and IMO the best of both men's long and distinguished career's.

Vince McMahon:

Rumour is his announcement due on Friday will be the singer of America The Beautiful on Sunday. (Alicia Keys is favourite).

Taker vs Punk:

The Undertaker vs CM Punk will be in the middle of the WrestleMania card.

Reid Flair:

A local news station in Charlotte NC are reporting that Police are are working on the theory that Reid ''may have died from a drug overdose''.

Ric Flair has thanked fans at his funeral...

"I loved my son very much. Thanks to my fans for the support"

He was said to be visually shaken by the loss of his Son during his funeral service yesterday.

WWE / Martha Hart settle:

WWE have settled Martha (Owen's Wife) Hart's latest lawsuit against them, for unpaid royalties and Owens likeness rights, no further details were given.

CM Punk talks Paul Bearer story:

"My job is to get people to be mad at me and I think I do that very well; I think I blur the lines," Punk said. "Everything is designed to push people's buttons – so it's unfortunate that Percy had to die for him to be a part of this story – but trust me, he would have loved it, he really would have loved it."

Hall Of Famer to miss Mania:

Edge says he that not only will he not be attending this years event, he will not even be watching, because he will be on a 12 hour flight during the broadcast.

DDP provides Scott Hall update:

"But with Scott, right now, he can't do too much physical stuff. He can do some limited stretching and he can start eating right. When you get sober and you start eating really good food, your body starts healing itself, and it hurts a lot in the beginning. As you go through, you get better and your body starts healing. I think Scott is going to be in pretty good shape by the time he does his surgery."

Mick Foley dig at WWE:

A fan tweeted that he was looking forward to seeing Mick's induction into the WWE Hall Of Fame, but he has obviously heard the rumours I reported the other day, as he replied...

''Um.. guess you didn't hear the rumor @SantaClausWay..If you want to see my #WWEHOFspeech, come see it live @TheGarden - might not be on TV.''

He has since tweeted more on this and is clearly upset by the snub...

"Thanks for all the messages of support concerning #WWEHOF. I'll give the best speech I can, and let the decision makers make the decisions."

He was more positive later...

"I'm in a much better frame of mind after watching my new DVD with my kids. I have SO much to be proud of. No way I'll give fans anything less than the best possible speech I can. And if the powers-that-be decide not to air my speech on television, I'll accept that it was a simply a decision that was beyond my control, and do everything I can - through the passion for my profession - to make that decision look as glaringly stupid as possible."

But did try to organize a little civil rebellion, saying if fans chanted "WE WANT FOLEY" during Trump's speech he would find it to be a "Perfectly acceptable reaction."

Ex WWE creative head reveals plans to end Taker's streak:

Cort Bauer says Mark Henry was booked to end The Undertaker's streak, but plans changed and Taker went over maintaining his undefeated Mania career.

Diva's reality show:

WWE plan on launching a show that follows the Women of the WWE in and out of the ring...

"WWE is contemplating a potential Divas reality show: It's a new reality series following the life and times of eight WWE Divas that lets viewers into the Divas locker room, behind the scenes on the road, and inside the personal lives of some of the most glitzy, gritty and glamorous celebrities in all of entertainment. So, WWE Universe, what would you name this show?"

Rock no shows TV appearance:

He was due to appear on the Today Show yesterday morning to promote WrestleMania, but didn't, no reason was provided.

Trish Stratus On HOF:

She explains why she picked Stephanie McMahon to induct her...

"It was a difficult [choice]. There's so many people who have had such an influence on my career and shaped my career. Getting a nod to be in the WWE Hall of Fame, it's a look back at your career and at the end of the day, there would have been no career, no opportunity, no revamping of the women's division if Stephanie wasn't behind it all. When we feuded, there's something about when you have an experience with someone that you bond with them. When we had our feud, we bonded then and we remained close ever since. She's just always supportive of showcasing a strong, powerful woman. There would be no division and none of the women would have gotten the push that we needed, or the encouragement we needed. She and I have remained friends. I've watched her evolve into a businesswoman. We were at the same level — green workers having fun wrestling and then she really just got behind the scenes and became a businesswoman. It's very empowering to see the position she has now. I retired and went into the business world and with all my endeavors, it's a tough world for a woman. I admire her greatly and respect her greatly."

Why Steamboat has left NXT:

Ricky Steamboat has moved into the talent relations department, it is said that although he is a very good coach, and is highly respected by the roster, his ideas did not fit in with the direction Triple H is taking NXT.

NXT writer emerges as favourite for creatives top job:

Ryan Ward wrote the last 5 episodes of NXT single handed, and the episodes have been described as the best they have ever had.

Surprise Hall Of Famer leaked?:

WWE have invited Ivan Koloff to WrestleMania, it will be his first time at a WWE event in 30 years, he is now considered a lock for Hall Of Fame induction, although most believe 2014 is more likely at this very late stage for a 2013 induction, the ceremony is on Saturday night.

WWE visit:

WWE visit the children of a local New York / New Jersey hospital as part of their community outreach program...

The Rock calls the shots:

It has emerged that The Rock wanted to face John Cena at this years WrestleMania, WWE apparently wanted to go with Rock vs Punk, and that he has not yet decided if facing Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30 is something he wants to do (He will), hinting he may take a year off (Year Off??? what is he doing now, He won the belt at the Rumble and has had 1 match since, whatever happened to the 30 day rule).

New Mania match:

Time allowing WWE plan on have Antonio Cesaro defend his US Title vs Sin Cara at WrestleMania, it will be the Mania debuts for both men should they get on the card.

Also a multi man match may be added to the preshow, featuring all the talent that are not booked, possibly a battle royal.

Mania turns:

Expect a number of turns, during or soon after WrestleMania, Mostly face to heel Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston and (I will believe it when I see it) finally John Cena.

Cena will become arrogant after finally getting vengeance vs The Rock, and will become a heel Champion, his first feud has already started, when at the Royal Rumble he eliminated Ryback, it was to sew the seeds for his post WrestleMania feud vs the former Skip Sheffield.

El Generico changes name again:

He is now Sami Zayn.

Diva's title match pulled back:

Kaitlyn vs AJ will now happen on the post Mania Raw.

Expect the AJ led group of herself, Dolph and Big E. Langston to dominate the WWE in 2013, big pushes are planned for them.

CM Punk:

Living Colour will perform CM Punk's theme song ''Cult Of Personality'' at WrestleMania.

He has also revealed a potential story line path for him post mania, entering the Tag division with Brock Lesnar as his partner...

"I'd love to. That's actually something we're discussing, yes... If it was up to me, I would do that and take on Kane and Daniel Bryanor Dolph (Ziggler) and Big E., whoever has the straps after WrestleMania."

And the heat he got for using the piledriver on Raw...

"I sure did... It has a bad history of injuries and accidents, so it's better safe than sorry. It's really sort of not worth it, but I wanted to show that I was really trying to win that damn match."

Hogan talks Mania:

"Oh, my God, brother, that whole WWE is a monster," Hogan said. "That's a whole other universe, a whole other entity."

New Alumni:

WWE have ended the run of TNA stars being added to Alumni, this weeks newcomer to their website is The Great Muta.

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