Sunday, April 21, 2013

Today's News

Zack Ryder:

WWE star Zack Ryder has relaunched his YouTube show to tease a character change...

Mick Foley:

The WWE Hall Of Famer has reiterated that he is retired, but said that if he could have one more match his opponent would be CM Punk.


Has apologized to fans in Ireland for missing the Dublin show on this tour, but says he will make sure he is on the next one in November.

UFC star vs Punk:

It has been revealed that UFC star Mark Coleman threatened to assault CM Punk at a recent UFC show, because Punk and his Girl Friend Lita were getting more attention from the camera's than he did. He apparently had to be talked down from launching into a confrontation by other UFC stars.

CM Punk:

WWE have confirmed Punk's injury, He has a damaged ACL and torn ligaments and should not be back in the ring for 6 weeks minimum.

The Rock:

Ex WWE Champ The Rock has changed his mind and will now undergo surgery on his damaged abdomen, the surgery will be next week.

ROH star to WWE?:

Davey Richards told fans at an indy show this weekend that he is heading to Connecticut to prove he is the real best in the world.

Bret talks Vince:

The Hitman was asked about his relationship with the WWE boss since his WWE return...

"The last conversations we've had have been good. He seems to always be very warm and friendly with me. I would say he's on the very best of terms with me. I think the last time I really talked to him, my knee was pretty swollen. He wanted me to go out to the ring in Philadelphia — and I did go out — but we were talking about our various injuries, since he had just had hip surgery. We've both sort of realized that we're not getting any younger."

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