Monday, April 8, 2013

Today's News

WrestleMania 29 report:

In the Pre Show Match The Miz beat Wade Barrett with the Figure Four Leg Lock to become the new Intercontinental Champion.

The PPV Show started with the 6 Man Tag, The Shield picking up a huge PPV Supercard debut win, beating Sheamus, Randy Orton and Big Show.

Next up was Mark Henry vs Ryback.

Fans in attendance didn't seem to enjoy this one. ''This is Boring'' chants rang out as the two behemoths battled, The match went in favour of Mark Henry after what looked like an injury to Ryback. Ryback picked Henry up for Shell Shocked but couldn't complete the move, Henry crashed down onto the back and neck of Ryback. Mark was selling the move, it seemed to allow Ryback time to recover, but he then quite suddenly covered him for the pin. With plans for a major push for Ryback a clean defeat at Mania seemed to be a strange piece of booking so, I thought an injury must be at the core of the result, however he did get up shortly after the pin, and did deliver Shell Shocked to Mark.

I am not sure if the ref called for the end of the match because of the bad spill, then Ryback decided he could hit the high spot after all or if this was the match script all along, but if it was, it was a very strange one for me, Having an established veteran against the new monster in WWE was set up perfectly for a huge impact victory for the newer guy, to have him lose clean, and then hit the big move seems wrong to me.

If I was Ryback I would be wondering where this leaves my future career push, they keep having him lose on the big shows.

Ryback was seen to be limping around following the match.

Match 3 was for the Tag Team Titles, Kane and Daniel Bryan retained their gold beating Dolph Ziggler and and a debuting Big E. Langston in a solid bout, that started with a tease of a repeat of the 18 second match from last years Mania.

Next Up Chris Jericho vs Fandango.

As you would expect from Jericho it was a decent match, Jericho dominated for the most part, it had a disappointing finish for me, a small package victory for Fandango. I know Vince is a big fan of the former Johnny Curtis but it would have meant more if he could have scored a clean finish vs Y2J then by getting a short cut win, but he is the heel I guess so a win is a win, and it is better than jobbing on NXT.

The World Championship was on the line next, The Real American Jack Swagger challenging The Mexican Immigrant Alberto Del Rio.

It was a strong and extremely competitive match, that ended with a retention for ADR. Swagger punished for his drugs fail after all it seems, after He tapped out.

Next up was the match of 2013 for me The Undertaker vs CM Punk.

An Incredible match, easily the best of the night, was won by The Undertaker after a second Tombstone piledriver on Punk, but there was so much action and drama in this one, including one of the closest false finishes I have ever seen.

Taker ended the match with a tribute to Paul Bearer, he put the urn in the centre of the ring and bowed down to it.

CM Punk was hurt when he hit an elbow from the ring onto the Spanish announce table, but it did not break (Knee).

Triple H managed to retain his wrestling career in the SummerSlam rematch between himself and Brock Lesnar next, an incredibly physical and hard fought contest in which Paul Heyman and Shawn Michaels involved themselves repeatedly was won when Triple H pedigreed Lesnar onto some steel steps which Lesnar had brought into the ring.

HHH was hurt during the match, and has had medical treatment for a damaged arm.

Finally the main event, John Cena challenged for The Rock's WWE Title.

Cena entered to a chorus of Boos for his title shot.

The match was awful, it was finish for finish throughout, both men repeatedly hitting first their own signature moves, then each others, it was lazy unimaginative and was as poor an excuse for a main event I have seen in a long time.

John Cena as expected took the title back from The Rock, before they posed together on the stage as the show ended.

WWE had other issues during the show, A large screen monitor malfunctioned, meaning some fans could not be allowed to enter the Arena until it was repaired.

They also had to install heaters in the set above the ring because of how cold it was inside MetLife.

They had to drop the 8 person Tag Match, meaning Tensai missed his first Mania in 10 years, The Bella's Missed their first for 4 years, and Brodus Clay, Damien Sandow, and Cameron and Naomi missed their WrestleMania, (and for the ladies their PPV) debuts, Cody Rhodes was also bumped.

They also had to cut the special entrances for Jack Swagger and Alberto Del Rio due to time constraints.

WWE are also facing a large group of very crestfallen and angry midcarders after the multi man pre show match did not happen, meaning many had no involvement in the show at all.

In addition the live stream of WrestleMania crashed and was unavailable to fans for a long period during the show on their own website.

Fans also complained about having a restricted view of the event.


Brock Lesnar is not expected to appear tonight, but WWE do plan to have an altercation between Rock and Brock, so they may be playing down his status to gain as much impact as possible.

Y2J fans should enjoy his performances tonight and SmackDown, as he is going back to his Music career after this week. 

Official tease..

* Anything can happen the day after WrestleMania

* Is Fandango a flash in the pan?

* Is The Miz poised to take 2013 by storm?

* Does Triple H have aspirations that go beyond the board room for 2013?

* John Cena returns as WWE Champion

The match that was pulled from last night's Mania will probably happen tonight too.

WWE invade WrestleCon:

WWE sent the full force of their legal team to to the Wrestling Convention happening close to Mania this weekend, they seized any merch, such as T-Shirts and DVD's that were been sold bearing their logo or copyright infringed items, and took the names of those selling the items, supplying them with a court summons.

WWE had signed a deal that no merch could be sold within 5 miles of the venue of WrestleMania, and they struck down on those that did with great anger and furious vengeance it seems.

WrestleCon have confirmed they will still follow Mania to New Orleans for next years show.

Joe Hennig:

Mr. Perfect's son (Michael McGillicutty) has revealed he worked with both The Rock and Brock Lesnar to prepare them for this years Mania.

Maria Menounos responds to HOF ceremony:

She was not treated well by the fans, and has today written an open letter to the fans of WWE.

Dear fellow WWE fans and members of the wrestling press,

As you know, I had the honor of inducting my friend, Bob Backlund, into the WWE Hall of Fame. The fans were a little rough as another inductee and friend, Donald Trump, would likewise experience. It's understandable as we are not pro wrestlers and the honesty of the WWE fans is what makes it fun. However, I did the speech mainly to tell the world all the amazing things about Bob and I fear some of those things were not heard.
Below is my speech. I'm hoping you'll print it for a good friend, a great champion and one of the most incredible human beings I know.

Thanks and God Bless,

Maria Menounos

The speech is long so if you want to read the transcript hit this link.

WWE refunds:

WWE are asking fans who had problems with the live stream on WWE.Com or a bad view at the show to contact them, and they will be refunded the price they paid.

The seating issues seem to have come from the problem with the monitor, fans were held outside so long they had to be re-seated in a different area to get them inside in time for the shows start, Darn tech glitch!!!.

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