Saturday, April 13, 2013

Today's News

Jim Ross vs wrestling fans 2:

For the second consecutive day ''Good Ol'' JR has attacked wrestling fans, this time for boos at the HOF ceremony...

"The loud and obnoxious yelling and taunts from some attention starved morons put a damper on the evening especially when Maria Menounos was inducting Bob Backlund. The same stereotypes that many fans detest that are unfairly, at times, hung on them from the main stream media was well deserved by a handful of tools who just had to be heard and noticed. I wish security was stationed in the cheap seats and would quickly escort those obnoxious fans away from the event. One wold think that a 'real fan' would have more respect for the overall event than to cause so many negative disturbances. I'm all for fans cheering and having fun but off color remarks from the peanut gallery isn't warranted at an event such as the WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony."

So if you buy cheap tickets, you should be watched until you do or say something that WWE don't like, so they can get you out of their event at the first opportunity...

If you don't want fans chanting at the HOF, don't sell tickets to the HOF...!!!

I dislike this ''Tool'' more and more...

Eric Bischoff interview:

On WCW (If it were still around today)...

"It's impossible to answer with any credibility because there's just no way of knowing. Had we had the television, had we had the financial backing, the way we did by the way. It wasn't a question as to whether or not we were going to get the financial backing. We had it. That wasn't the reason why we didn't acquire WCW. The reason we didn't acquire WCW is an incoming, rotating door, new head of Turner at that time, took prime time television literally out of the deal that we had already negotiated. Once that happened there was no way to make any sense of it. It was really just a video library and some ring mats. There's no way of knowing. I can tell you what I would have liked to happen, but who knows what would have happened."

On What TNA do better than WWE...

"That being said, when I look at the way we tell our stories, I, along with my partner Jason Hervey, have a very successful television production company, one of the more successful ones in Hollywood and we have since 2003. We produce shows for every major cable network and a few of the bigger networks like NBC. We have a fairly good knowledge of television and how it works and the audience and what the networks are looking for. One of the advantages I think TNA has with BHE [his company], myself and Jason, is that we're able to bring things that work in other formats, particularly in reality, and integrate them into a wrestling format. The wrestling format has pretty much been the same for the last 15 years and prior to that it was the same for 30 years. Now we're changing things. We're adding more reality. If you look at the Aces and Eights story, that story from conception to what you saw last night is over a year old and while along the way we've had to bob an weave a little bit, make some changes due to circumstances, some of them out of our control, whether they be injuries, talent contract issues or whatever, for the most part we've been able to keep that story very on the rails, very episodic.''

On Paul Heyman joining TNA...

"I believe that Dixie and Paul had some conversations. I believe that Paul may have had some conversations at the network level, but it was never serious on anybody's part."

House Of Hardcore 2:

Tommy Dreamer has announced the second episode of his new promotion will be on June 22.

Brodus Clay talks WWE release:

"I got a call after practice, which is rude [laughter]. Call me before practice. I was told that I wasn't developing like they wanted and that they were going to look into future us working together, but for now we needed to part ways. I was like alright. I packed my bags and went back to California and actually put wrestling behind me. I actually thought, well you know what, I thought it was crazy I made it once and to think I'm going to come back or whatever was unrealistic goal. So I went back to bodyguarding and substitute teaching. I was actually doing very well, traveling the world with Snoop. So I was kind of doing that. I would have dreams at night about wrestling and stuff but I kept it very quiet.''

And on being re-signed...

"Snoop, we came off a tour from Australia and he was going to Jacksonville's Monday Night Raw, when he hosted it. I tried to change shifts so I didn't have to go because I didn't want to go. I got fired from there. Would you want to go back to your old job? I was thinking they fired me, they're going to make jokes that I'm there. I'm going to be one of those guys that I've seen that got fired and is hanging up against the wall. I didn't want to be one of those guys. I had some dignity and pride still. I didn't want to see them. They didn't want me, I didn't want them. So that was my attitude. That changed. As soon as I showed up they had open arms. They met me at the door. I remember Cena shook my hand. John Laurinaitis was like you know the door's still open. I was like you guys closed it pretty hard actually. I still have splinters in my face, but that's cool. About two weeks later I was sitting around and I was like I can either do this bodyguarding the rest of my life or I could take a chance and go back and do what I always wanted to do. I called them up and asked if the offer was still on the table and he was like yeah. I came back and I'm glad obviously I did. It's been great ever since."

CM Punk injury update:

It has been determined that He does not need surgery, following an MRI scan.

The Rock has also issued a humble update on his injury...

"Injury update: Dr's & I elected not to reattach tendons to my pelvis. They'll just scar up. Now I prep to shoot HERCULES #TheDemiGOD"

Hornswoggle talks being called a ''Midget'' wrestler:

"That's fully what I am. If you put little person wrestler on a poster, people are going to say oh is that kids? Is that weird, odd people? You put midget wrestling they know what it is. I am technically not a midget. I'm a dwarf, or a little person, but I consider myself a midget. I just don't care enough to, I'm not going to waste anger on the word midget."

To end something I was enjoying last night, I now love Faaaandaaangoooo:

He was having an epic feud with my Football teams local rival Football club on Twitter, some highlights...

They started it...

''To those WWE wrestling fans who've requested Fandango's theme for tomorrow, we won't be playing it at Goodison''


''Who's @everton ever beat? Never even heard of em?? Hockey team?''


''Mr Fandango. We've a rich history. We'd be happy to welcome you to Goodison to tell you more & maybe even play your theme song.''


''@Everton Play my music! Then ill think about.''


''We won't be playing it tomorrow, other than in our FanZone. Our offer to educate you about our great history stands though.''


''@Everton Could you play my music for the entire game?''


''We're sure you know the answer to that question. Nice try though.''

Fandango then posted a picture of the Liverpool FC Logo...

I have always liked that guy... Fandango FTW...


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