Saturday, April 6, 2013

Today's News

It's WrestleMania Tomorrow... 

To mark the run in to the big show in I am going to reveal my top 10 Mania matches, and why I enjoyed them, see if you agree.

2 - Macho King Randy Savage vs The Ultimate Warrior (WrestleMania 7)...

When this match happened, Kayfabe was still real for me, and the idea that one of WWE's top stars was going to have to stop wrestling after this match was mind blowing, I didn't know who to support, I loved the Warrior, but Macho was the most charismatic guy in wrestling, I couldn't imagine a future WWF show without one of them on it.

Therefore this match, which was buried on the mid card for some reason, had an intensity that no match before had achieved.

It was an incredible bout, that should have main evented IMO, the only issue I had with it is the foot on the chest pin, after the battle they had just come through and the passion shown to save their career, the pin didn't work for me.

Of course things changed, and it was Warrior that disappeared just a few months later, with Savage returning to the ring to feud with Jake The Snake, but that all came after, and this match is only bettered by one for me... (See Tomorrow).

CM Punk hits out at WWE:

Punk has criticized WWE twice in one interview, first for not having Antonio Cesaro on the Mania match card...

"It was a clean shirt that grabbed and I wore that day. It's not some sort of silent protest because he's not on Mania, although I will go on record right now that it's absolutely ridiculous that he doesn't have a match at Wrestlemania. I will pimp that guy until the cows come home. He's awesome. He's everything that the WWE should want in their superstars. He's tremendous. He can wrestle, he's a brick house, he's looks the part, he acts the part, he walks and talks that part. He can speak seven different languages! You're missing the boat on this guy."

Then for the decision to give the new belt to The Rock, breaking repeated promises that he would be the first man to hold the new WWE Title...

"That was actually one of the goals. I never would have spoken about it on TV if there wasn't a new title belt ready to go. So, I did that and I just got the run-around forever about it. It was talked about, it just never happened."

Vince's big announcement:

He has unveiled the WrestleMania 29 set...

Paul Heyman talks Paul Bearer:

"I mean leave it to a Jew to portray a resurrection the day after Easter Sunday. That was part of how offensive it was supposed to be! Of course, it was designed to offend! It was designed to be controversial! It was designed to p*ss people off and I wish it went even further than it did."

Undertaker UK:

WWE have announced The Undertaker's role on the UK tour, he will compete in the post SmackDown dark match in a 6 man tag, teaming with Randy Orton and Sheamus vs The Shield.

Hornswoggle wins:

The annual post WrestleMania video game tournament took place earlier today, Hornswoggle took AJ Lee's Title, beating Big E. Langston in the finals.

Axxess issues:

Fans are complaining about the autograph set up, saying they are forced to queue in extremely long lines and by the time they get to the front the person they wanted to see has left, and replaced by the next group of stars.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair is at the WWE hotel today, he is one of many former WWE stars attending tonight's Hall Of Fame ceremony, Tommy Dreamer, Snitsky and Sylvain Grenier are also there.

Bruno Sammartino responds to attacks by fellow HOF'er:

In response to Superstar Billy Graham calling him a hypocrite for accepting HOF induction...

"I think I feel sorry for him. I think he's done so much drugs throughout his career that his brains been burned out because he speaks of things he knows nothing about. For example in my own situation, he knows very well that when I spoke about WWE and was very critical about them, that he had heard me say if they changed everything that I would change my mind. He heard me from years ago saying yes I would. He's been critical of the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame in Amsterdam, New York and he wanted out of that because he got mad at somebody, I don't know who. He recently was appalled at CM Punk because he said something about me wrestling in the Garden once a month. The things that Billy Graham says, I really have no idea why he says them. He talks about things without really knowing all the facts. I just think there's something wrong with the man."

WWE 14:

Stephanie McMahon has revealed The Rock will be the cover star of this years WWE video game.

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